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ТЕСТЫ 2015-го года.

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Не знал куда написать.

Во сколько старт гонки в Австралии по Мск?

В инете по местному времени есть инфа в 16 и в 17...

Лень человеческая не знает границ, на главной есть обратный отсчет

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Мельбурн 2015

Время - (местное), московское

13.03 Пятница

Свободная практика 1 - (12:30) 4:30

Свободная практика 2 - (16:30) 8:30

14.03 Суббота

Свободная практика 3 - (14:00) 6:00

Квалификация - (17:00) 9:00

15.03 Воскресенье

Гонка - (16:00) 8:00

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Стартовое Мельбурна поле по версии «Gazzetta Dello Sport»


Прогноз делался до того как Алонсо объявил о пропуске гонки

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Стартовое Мельбурна поле по версии «Gazzetta Dello Sport»


Прогноз делался до того как Алонсо объявил о пропуске гонки

0,4 от Боттаса до Росберга, чот маловероятно.

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0,4 от Боттаса до Росберга, чот маловероятно.

Это время, показанное на тестах, а не предполагаемое время в квалификации)))

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Это время, показанное на тестах, а не предполагаемое время в квалификации)))

И к тому же рекорд круга 1:24,125

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«На тестах мы можем ехать быстрее, чем во время Гран При, – прокомментировал Валттери. – В дни гоночного уик-энда проходят различные гонки поддержки, поэтому трасса покрывается резиной разного свойства. На тестах же мы накручиваем много кругов, и состояние асфальта очень хорошее. Обычно при этом мы показываем даже более высокие скорости, несмотря на то, что погода прохладнее, чем в дни гонки. Кроме того, когда холодно, в воздухе больше кислорода, поэтому двигатели работают более эффективно; также воздух плотнее, что обеспечивает некоторый прирост прижимной силы, следовательно, машина лучше держит трассу – всё это способствует увеличению скорости».

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Автоспорт расставляет команды по тестам.

We rank the F1 teams after testing

space.gifWith all 12 pre-season test days done, AUTOSPORT's team in the paddock attempts to rank the Formula 1 teams based on their winter achievements




Pre-season testing is notoriously difficult to read, and doesn't hold as much significance in terms of assessing form as Friday practice at a grand prix or a Saturday afternoon qualifying session.

But it's all Formula 1 fans have to go on right now.

Even though every F1 squad will say testing doesn't really matter - because of varying fuel loads, engine settings, car set-ups, even weather conditions from day-to-day - it is still possible to get a reading on form.

AUTOSPORT has attended all 12 days of pre-season testing in Spain, watching events unfold, analysing the laptimes, and speaking to drivers and key team personnel.

As the 2015 pre-season ends, we give our assessment of how the field stacks up heading to the first race in Australia on March 15.



Ben Anderson (@benandersonauto)

There is only one winner here. It has to be Mercedes given the awe-inspiring pace advantage it seems to enjoy over the rest.

The W06 was often as quick or quicker than rivals on a harder compound of tyre (a super-soft shod Williams could only get within three tenths of Nico Rosberg's best effort on softs across all eight days of testing at Barcelona), which is a frightening prospect for the rest of the field if its form carries over to the first race.

We're almost certainly looking at another two-horse race for the drivers' world championship this year, but for all the ominous-looking pace on-track it hasn't been the easiest of pre-seasons for Mercedes.

Things started strongly at Jerez, with the team completing hundreds of laps and practicing pitstops and race procedures almost immediately, but it's been less straightforward since.

A high fever for Lewis Hamilton and a neck injury for Nico Rosberg disrupted the first Barcelona test, while an MGU-K failure cut short Hamilton's first day of the final test in Spain on Thursday.

The drivers have also complained about not being comfortable with the set-up of the car at times.

But it hasn't held them back on the track and Mercedes is so far ahead of the rest that it can afford to have these problems.

The luxury of its competitive advantage is that it hasn't really needed a totally smooth winter test programme.



Ben Anderson

By any measure Ferrari has enjoyed an excellent winter.

Only what Sebastian Vettel described as "teething problems" (with sensors and the like) appeared to get in the way of its test programme, and Vettel dumping it in the gravel on his out-lap in the first Barcelona test is arguably the only real drama Ferrari has suffered so far in 2015.

This led new team principal Maurizio Arrivabene to declare at Barcelona on Sunday that the Scuderia's pre-season targets had been "absolutely achieved".

The drivers seem happy (Arrivabene even joked with reporters that Kimi Raikkonen must be "sick" because he is smiling so much!), and the team is also working well together after its autumn of discontent in 2014.

Arrivabene is determined to restore unity to the various strands of Ferrari's F1 operation and the early signs are that he is succeeding.

While not looking like a potential Mercedes-beater yet, the SF16-T is clearly an improvement on its predecessor, and rivals have been impressed.

Rosberg claimed Ferrari had made the biggest step of all teams over the winter, while Williams and Red Bull both reckon they will be in a close fight with the Scuderia to win the best-of-the-rest battle behind Mercedes.



Lawrence Barretto (@lawrobarretto)

Up until last year, and disregarding Pastor Maldonado's shock win in 2012, Williams was having a pretty torrid time over the past decade, scuffling around in the midfield with hardly a sniff of a podium.

But all that changed last season when it became the team closest to beating world champion Mercedes on merit in 2014.

Boosted by that performance, the Grove-based team has focused on refinement and ironing out the little creases in areas such as pitstops and strategy that occasionally tripped it up last year.

There have been blips, such as a late start on day one at Jerez following a problem installing the new Mercedes engine, while Susie Wolff's collision with Felipe Nasr at Barcelona was unfortunate, but otherwise it's been super-smooth.

The team dedicated a whole day of the second test to pitstop practice and ended its running early on the last three days of testing because it simply had no work left to do - now that's confidence for you.

Performance-wise, the feeling inside the team is that it will be fighting Ferrari early in the season, with Mercedes clear at the front.

But it is apparent Williams has worked hard to be better prepared to do battle with the big teams, and coupled with the look of the car on track, it is hard to bet against it doing just that.



Ben Anderson

Things got off to a bad start for Red Bull, as engine problems stymied its initial running at the first pre-season test at Jerez, while Daniil Kvyat's mistake on his first morning in the camouflage-liveried RB11 meant he had to drive all day without a front wing.

But its prospects improved dramatically at last week's first Barcelona test, where the Renault engine ran reliably (after some initial software glitches) and both drivers were able to comfortably complete race distances.

Red Bull and Renault are undoubtedly a world away from 12 months ago, when Sebastian Vettel and Daniel Ricciardo could barely complete a lap without their car overheating and breaking down, and the team is confident the RB11 is a stronger chassis than its predecessor (reckoned to be one of the best cars in last year's field aerodynamically).

But the question remains: has Renault found enough from its engine over the winter to keep pace with Williams and Ferrari?

The jury is still out on this one. Red Bull and its sister team Toro Rosso ran with different specifications during the final test, to try to solve some new driveability concerns that have emerged as Renault has introduced upgrades.

The French manufacturer is convinced of the ultimate potential of its new engine, but admits it will not be "100 per cent on top everything" heading to Melbourne, which could hold Red Bull back.



Mitchell Adam (@DrMitchellAdam)

Like Red Bull, the team endured a frustrating start to winter testing, thanks to theproblem with a "stupid part" linked to Renault's MGU-K water pump that limited Max Verstappen and Carlos Sainz Jr to short runs at Jerez.

Once that was rectified, the two Barcelona tests were solid, focusing on getting two rookie drivers up to speed and acclimatised with race procedures and the behaviour of Pirelli's tyres.

On that basis, it's been an outstanding success, with both drivers turning lots of laps, despite Sainz blotting his copybook twice in the first week at Circuit de Catalunya,including a big crash at the scene of countryman Fernando Alonso's accident.

The second test featured the debut of a raft of upgrades, with technical director James Key going so far as to call it an "almost completely brand new" car.

That it was introduced so late wasn't ideal, but both drivers confirmed it was a genuine step forward over the launch spec STR10 and got race simulations under their belts.

A lot from here depends on Renault, but Toro Rosso appears in much better shape than it was 12 months ago.



Lawrence Barretto

What a difference a year makes. This time 12 months ago, Lotus was in chaos following the loss of key staff and the emergence of a car it soon realised was ultimately flawed.

Fast-forward to 2015 and the mood is completely different, with the Enstone-based team buoyed by continuity in its staffing, the arrival of Mercedes as its new engine supplier and a better chassis.

The team arrived a day late for the Jerez test, after a decision to build the car up as late as possible. A number of minor glitches, including drivetrain, telemetry and power unit issues, hampered its progress.

But it bounced back at the first Barcelona test, topping the times on three of the four days and ending up with the fastest time of the week, courtesy of Romain Grosjean's lap on the super-softs.

The car looks quick, though a bit of a handful, and the feeling in the camp is good with Pastor Maldonado describing the E23 as a completely different car compared to its troubled predecessor.

The Venezuelan even spoke about challenging the likes of Red Bull and Ferrari. While that may be ambitious, there's no doubting Lotus looks in good shape and more confident with this year's machinery. That's a world away from 2014.



Mitchell Adam

The C34 made a head-turning debut with soft tyre runs at Jerez; Felipe Nasr topped the third day of running and he and Marcus Ericsson finished second on the other days.

But it's been harder work since then. In a clumsy incident, Nasr clashed with the Williams of Susie Wolff on the opening day of the first test at Barcelona, and both drivers lost significant track time over the following days with mechanical problems.

A trouble-free final week featured multiple race simulations to end winter on a reasonable note, and while the car looks a handful to drive, notably on corner entry, its pilots say good progress has been made.

This bodes well for a team that desperately needs to bounce back from the first pointless campaign in its history last term.



Lawrence Barretto

At one stage, it looked like Force India might not have a car at all, let alone have one ready to bring along to pre-season testing.

The team missed the first test at Jerez and brought its 2014 machine to the second at Barcelona, as cashflow issues with suppliers, delays with the manufacture of its chassis, and a hold-up in gaining access to its chosen windtunnel held it up.

But on day two of the final test, the Silverstone-based outfit's 2015 challenger finally broke cover and was impressive straight out of the box.

Over three days, Nico Hulkenberg and Sergio Perez collectively clocked up 365 laps in the VJM08 - just 15 fewer than McLaren did across 12 days.

That's quite something considering its limited winter running and suggests the team has reliability nailed.

But while reliability is one thing, performance is another. Perez admits that the team is "two steps behind" and "on the back foot". Friday practice in Melbourne could be a busy one as it bids to get on top of car set-up and simply understanding its new machine.



Ben Anderson

Amid all the talk of "aggressive" design and "ambitious" plans to beat Mercedes, the renewed McLaren-Honda partnership couldn't really have started off worse than this.

Various technical problems meant the MP4-30 spent most of the first test at Jerez in the garage (and the car was slow when it did emerge), before a faulty seal on the MGU-K component of the Energy Recovery System in the Honda engine ruined last week's Barcelona outing - and then star (re)signing Fernando Alonso compounded the misery by crashing into a walland sidelining himself for the final test this week.

McLaren looked in desperate trouble at this stage, with racing director Eric Boullier admitting the team was fast running out of time to be prepared for the first race.

After another bad start to the final test on Thursday (when the car managed just seven laps before hydraulic fluid was discovered lurking somewhere it shouldn't, necessitating a change of engine), there were signs of improvement, as Jenson Button clocked more than 100 laps on day two.

But, just as McLaren-Honda looked to be turning the corner, the gremlins returned. Reserve driver Kevin Magnussen lost the penultimate afternoon of pre-season to an oil leak, before a sensor problem cost Button the final morning.

The good news is that Alonso is likely to be fit to return for the first race, while the team suspects it has made a breakthrough with its earlier MGU-K problem, but McLaren is still seriously on the back foot heading to Melbourne.

Mercedes won't be breaking out into a nervous sweat just yet...

совсем они ФИ недооценивают по-моему

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Когда вангование результатов сезона не имеет автора верить ему просто нельзя. Значит тот кто писал не уверен.

Аллен уже написал свое мнение. И оно в лоб попало в мнение сложившееся здесь: Мерс в другой лиге, а Вилы, Феррари и РБ будут вести плотную борьбу. Я лично думаю что расклад между последними будет решать тип трассы.

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Когда вангование результатов сезона не имеет автора верить ему просто нельзя. Значит тот кто писал не уверен.

Аллен уже написал свое мнение. И оно в лоб попало в мнение сложившееся здесь: Мерс в другой лиге, а Вилы, Феррари и РБ будут вести плотную борьбу. Я лично думаю что расклад между последними будет решать тип трассы.

так там же вроде Бен Андерсон указан как вангователь

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Мельбурн 2015

Время - (местное), московское

13.03 Пятница

Свободная практика 1 - (12:30) 4:30

Свободная практика 2 - (16:30) 8:30

14.03 Суббота

Свободная практика 3 - (14:00) 6:00

Квалификация - (17:00) 9:00

15.03 Воскресенье

Гонка - (16:00) 8:00

Лень человеческая не знает границ, на главной есть обратный отсчет


По отсчету на главной получается 9 часов, а по инфе от


в 8 часов))

и кто прав?)

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По отсчету на главной получается 9 часов, а по инфе от


в 8 часов))

и кто прав?)


переводишь в мск и будет тебе счастье.

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Интересно апплет ф1 обновится или нужно будет новый покупать?

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«На тестах мы можем ехать быстрее, чем во время Гран При, – прокомментировал Валттери. – В дни гоночного уик-энда проходят различные гонки поддержки, поэтому трасса покрывается резиной разного свойства. На тестах же мы накручиваем много кругов, и состояние асфальта очень хорошее. Обычно при этом мы показываем даже более высокие скорости, несмотря на то, что погода прохладнее, чем в дни гонки. Кроме того, когда холодно, в воздухе больше кислорода, поэтому двигатели работают более эффективно; также воздух плотнее, что обеспечивает некоторый прирост прижимной силы, следовательно, машина лучше держит трассу – всё это способствует увеличению скорости».

А как связаны температура воздуха и содержание в нем кислорода?

Я считал, что холодный воздух более плотный, поэтому его больше помещается в цилиндрах, что позволяет подать больше топлива при сохранении пропорции, что повышает мощность и т.д.

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А как связаны температура воздуха и содержание в нем кислорода?

Я считал, что холодный воздух более плотный, поэтому его больше помещается в цилиндрах, что позволяет подать больше топлива при сохранении пропорции, что повышает мощность и т.д.

Ну так более высокая плотность - это бОльшая масса в единице объема - бОльшее содержание кислорода

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Стартовое Мельбурна поле по версии «Gazzetta Dello Sport»

Вот молодцы! А Тобиас Грюнер мучается, чудак :) :

i8orq5f5w0sur0gtrrvz_normal.jpegTobias Grüner AMuS @tgruener · 21 ч.21 час назад

What will the grid look like in Melbourne? Answers must be hidden in these 78 pages of Barcelona test data.


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Сравнение 2014 и 2015 времен команд по секторам на тестах в Барселоне


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ГП2 проводит тесты в Абу-Даби, а Ф1 не в состоянии, как так?

Я бы и на Бахрейн согласился...

Во прикол будет, если после тестов в холодной Испании на жарких ГП у команд будут проблемы с моторами и охлаждением :D )))))

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Я бы и на Бахрейн согласился...

Во прикол будет, если после тестов в холодной Испании на жарких ГП у команд будут проблемы с моторами и охлаждением :D )))))

с охлаждением вряд ли будет массово, а вот нытья по поводу того, что они до сих пор не понимают резину жду

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Стартовое Мельбурна поле по версии «Gazzetta Dello Sport»


Прогноз делался до того как Алонсо объявил о пропуске гонки

Либо Наср, либо Эрикссон тоже должен объявить о пропуске гонки.

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Пьер Гасли сядет за руль на тестах в Барселоне

По ходу сезона команды обязаны отработать два дня тестов с молодыми пилотами, проехавшими не более двух Гран При за карьеру.

Тесты в этом году пройдут через день после этапов в Испании (12 и 13 мая) и Австрии (23 и 24 июня). Сегодня в Toro Rosso подтвердили, что член молодёжной программы Red Bull, 19-летний француз Пьер Гасли сядет за руль Формулы 1 на тестах в Барселоне.

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cooperman_black_normal.pngAdam Cooper @adamcooperF1 · 2 ч.2 часа назад

They will also share the Sauber at next week's Barcelona test, with Ericsson driving on Tuesday and Marciello on Wednesday

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Сайнс-младший и Гасли выступят за «Торо Россо» на тестах в Барселоне

Команда «Торо Россо» назвала состав пилотов на тесты в Барселоне, которые пройдут на следующей неделе.

Во вторник за руль сядет участник молодежной программы «Ред Булл» Пьер Гасли, в среду на трассе будет работать Карлос Сайнс-младший.

Также «Торо Россо» подтвердила, что в следующих тестах, которые пройдут в июне после Гран-при Австрии, примет участие Макс Ферстаппен. Кто будет работать вместе с голландцем, пока неизвестно.

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Спортивный директор «Манора» Грэм Лоудон заявил, что команда не будет принимать участие во внутрисезонных тестах в Барселоне, которые состоятся на следующей неделе.

«Мы не планируем участвовать в тестах на следующей неделе. Это не соответствует тому, чем мы должны заниматься на данном этапе. Мы знаем эту машину достаточно неплохо», — приводит слова Лоудона F1i.


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