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Scuderia Ferrari (19.09.2017 - 09.07.2018)

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10 минут назад, Xodus сказал:

ты недооцениваешь мощь индийской силы

Возможно, да, по ходу сезона Мощь Индусов дотянется до середняков. А в начале сезона будет, как в прошлом году, собирать больше очков, чем вроде бы позволяет скорость. 

С другой стороны, необходимость сажать Мазепина... 

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8 часов назад, Даниэль сказал:

а где паника конкретно?

паникеров уже истребили:floxy:


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3 часа назад, Fixxxer89 сказал:

Я не Гэри, и ранжировать пока могу только на уровне "распилить на группы". И только на уровне "очевидное". 


Топы: Мерс, Феррари, Ред Булл. Наверное, даже в этом порядке. Но это неточно. 

Недотопы-пересередняки: Рено, МакЛарен. Насчёт МакЛарена непонятно, они могли слишком фастлапить в попытках прикрыть свою оранжевость хоть какими-нибудь логотипами. 

Середняки: ФИ, Вильямс и внезапно Торо Россо. 

Аутсайдеры: Хаас и Заубер. Да, Хаас проехал один очень быстрый круг. Да, может быть, в начале сезона Хаас будет бороться с середняками. Но потом скатится


Торо Россо тоже скатится, даже больше чем Хаас. И без нормального пилота (без Карлоса Сайнса)

им будет тяжко. А у ФИ пилотский состав на голову  сильнее чем у Вильямс, Торо Россо и Хаас.


Топ на начало сезона:

Мерс= Феррари

Ред Булл







Торо Россо



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9 часов назад, Spectore сказал:

У кого есть платный Автоспорт, может узнать, как Андерсон всех сранжировал :) 


This has been the most difficult pre-season Formula 1 test to read anything into that I've ever known, mainly thanks to the usually cold, often wet and sometimes snowy conditions that have hit the resurfaced Barcelona circuit.
But you can always learn something from what happens on track, so despite those problems on top of the usual question marks over fuel loads, run plans, tyre choices and how hard drivers are pushing I've attempted to produce a car ranking that at least will give a pointer to how the season is shaping up.
We'll learn a lot more at next week's second test, so none of this can be taken as gospel. But by looking at the fastest lap times set by each team, adjusting it for what we know about fuel load based on how many laps were completed on the run that they did their fastest lap on and what the teams have tended to run with in recent years, and then putting in an adjustment factor for the tyre compound being used, you can extrapolate what time might have been possible at the start of that run with lower fuel.
We don't have clear data on the delta between the tyre compounds for here, so this is based on taking the known steps between the compounds based on the Abu Dhabi test late last year adjusted for the difference in lap time and track characteristics.
Adjust fastest lap times (normalised for soft compound tyre)
1 Red Bull 1m18.129s
2 Mercedes 1m18.383s
3 Ferrari 1m19.123s
4 Renault 1m19.373s
5 McLaren 1m19.425s
6 Haas 1m20.367s
7 Toro Rosso 1m20.418s
8 Williams 1m20.792s
9 Force India 1m21.341s
10 Sauber 1m21.771s

1 RED BULL - Fast but messy
Red Bull has had, in some ways, a bit of a torrid time in the first test. Apart from day one, which was pretty sweet and rosy with the car looking good, there were too many problems.
Since Monday, Red Bull has been digging holes for itself. It has spent a lot of time playing around with the vertical bargeboards on the front edge of the sidepods. I'm not sure if they were falling off or the team wasn't happy with them, but there's clearly something going on there.
Red Bull has been digging holes for itself. It's been very messy
Also, Max Verstappen never had a great run with fuel leaks on one day and an off on Thursday. So it's been very messy.
But I'm still hopeful that the adjusted pace reflects the fact Red Bull can latch onto the current top two, as if you look at modified lap times it's right up there with Mercedes.
As Red Bull's engine supplier Renault still looks to be a bit behind, it might not be quite enough - but the car does look very good when it's working.

2 MERCEDES - Sticking to its guns
There's no reason to believe Mercedes has lost its way or done anything other than build on its 2017 car. It's an evolution that seems to be working well.
It did have the tendency for the rear to give up when the driver pushed a little bit above the limit of the car, but that is not unusual. What is interesting is to watch the car when the tyres are still warming up as the drivers seems to have more hassle with oversteer in particular.
Looking at the attitude of the car on the straight on the run into the braking zone for Turn 1, the rear ride height is significantly lower than cars such as the Ferrari, Red Bull and McLaren. This is because Mercedes has not gone down the high-rake path, even though it has slightly increased that this year.
Based on the start of the test, you'd say Mercedes had more problems than Ferrari but by Thursday that had changed. By effectively optimising all the little bits from last year, it looks like the team is confident the avenue it has chosen still has potential.

3 FERRARI - Fading over the week
Given that the final day of the test was effectively day three, I was very surprised not to see a better Ferrari on track than we did earlier in the week. On Monday, I felt it had made up ground because the car looked very good, but it looks like the only car not to have significantly improved.
On the first day, the car looked very stable and the drivers were comfortable, but when they tried to go quicker later on the rear end was really giving up on corner entry and I'm surprise Ferrari hasn't managed to get on top of that.
Ferrari is running relatively high rake, and I'm surprised that the rear ride height is still pretty high at the end of the straight under load. For straightline speed, you want the rear as low as possible and the high-rake is there to give a strong front end for corner entry. As the rear was stepping out from time to time on corner entry, Ferrari might just have too strong a front end.
Perhaps Ferrari is focusing too much on this high-rake set-up to get the aerodynamic advantage and has forgotten about the mechanical platform, but I suppose that's what testing is all about.
Overall, the Ferrari still looks strong but not as strong as perhaps it did on day one. And the adjusted time gap to the front is maybe a concern.

4 RENAULT - Topping the midfield
I'd say that the works Renault team is just ahead of McLaren, but it's pretty close. The car looked decent on track and having finished last season with the fourth-fastest car there's nothing to suggest it has lost out from there over the winter.
It certainly looked better at the end of the test than at the start, and seemed to allow the drivers to turn in with confidence and carry speed into the corner.
Based on what we've seen so far, there's nothing to suggest Renault has leaped up to be in the area of Red Bull, but it could easily be at the front of the midfield.

5 McLAREN - Making progress
You would expect McLaren to be close to the Renault team, and visually the car did look very good on track. The only problem is that it was often running on softer tyres than the other cars, and you can't change the visual impression of the car on track to compensate for that.
Over the years, McLaren has probably had a less productive development hit rate than a team like Red Bull and we will be able to see this year what level its chassis is really at.

6 HAAS - Hiding its weaknesses?
You'd have to say that Haas appears to have done a fairly strong job, even though the car does look like one that's lacking in overall downforce because when the driver starts pushing, it moves around at the rear a lot.
The thing confusing the judgement of where Haas stands is that it was also often on softer tyre compounds, and that could be helping camouflage some weaknesses.
I don't think Haas is going to be challenging for fourth in the championship, but it at least looks to have a consistent car to build from and should be able to take chances of points finishes.
It's probably the least sophisticated car on the grid, but that's not necessarily a problem if everything works and the team can understand how to get the best out of it.

7 TORO ROSSO - Way ahead of expectations
I would like to congratulate Toro Rosso for what it has done, along with Honda. The two parties have worked really hard to be able to get the package put together, and after the headbanging Honda has had from McLaren in the past few years it must be refreshing to work with a small team willing to do stuff.
James Key is content with how the relationship is in building up and the engine has, as far as I know, run reliably. So that's very different to what we saw last year.
After the headbanging Honda has had from McLaren, it must be refreshing to work with a small team willing to do stuff
On day one, the front end was washing out very badly but it seems to have solved this. The car didn't set any stunning lap times but it is in the mix and the important thing is to have a solid package that both team and engine supplier can work from.
It's not easy to change engine suppliers with short notice, and it was probably 10 times harder for Toro Rosso to change to Honda than it was for McLaren to adapt to Renault. So this is a good starting point for the season ahead.

8 WILLIAMS - Needs more time
The car does look a little nervous on track, certainly more so than the other midfield cars. It looks very stiff and jumps around a lot whereas some other cars look more docile, when it does step out it goes quickly.
But I am very impressed with the direction Williams has taken and the step in terms of detail and sophistication, which make it a combination of Ferrari and Mercedes philosophy.
The downside is that it could take a while to understand that complexity and get the most out of the package. What is crucial is that all these parts work together properly and there's still some work to be done on that.
So in the second test, Williams needs to dot the i's and cross the t's and get things working. A lot will depend on the design team and the engineers given the inexperienced driver line-up.

9 FORCE INDIA - Too soon to judge
Force India is putting all its eggs in the basket of upgrades to be introduced in the second test and, more significantly, the season-opening Australian Grand Prix. What we saw in the first test was a release car to get all the systems working and the mechanical platform sorted. The aero package will be revised a lot, so let's see what happens next week.
The drivers seemed to have a lot of trouble getting the tyres switched on, but that could just be down to downforce levels and solved with the upgrades.
Force India is a great team but it needs to do a lot of work to develop this package and get the best out of it to have a chance of defending fourth place in the constructors' championship. The team could do a better job than last year and still slip to seventh given the competition. So I want to see more pace in the next test.

10 SAUBER - Propping the field up
Sorry to say it, but Sauber still appears to be where it was last season - at the back. The car just doesn't look like it has got the grip level when the drivers push on.
Sauber has followed the Ferrari-style concept and there's no reason with a technical relationship that Ferrari can't give it some direction here and there. Perhaps Sauber has been a bit stubborn about taking advantage of that.
The car is a lot more complex, so maybe it will take time to understand it. But right now there's no reason to put Sauber anything other than at the back.

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Что за...

Мы по мнению Андерсона проигрываем РБР  секунду? РБР, который постоянно с проблемами боролся на этих тестах?

В первый день мы, значит, были ого-го, а в последний сдулись?

Да ну его...

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2 минуты назад, Spectore сказал:

Что за...

Мы по мнению Андерсона проигрываем РБР  секунду? РБР, который постоянно с проблемами боролся на этих тестах?

В первый день мы, значит, были ого-го, а в последний сдулись?

Да ну его...

И не везёте ничего придушенным Рено на Маке и сосна заводской команде 

плюс сами Быки прибавят 

Скудерия , середняк:D

Я же грил , не надо:trollface:

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1 минуту назад, Барт Венегор сказал:

Скудерия , середняк

Так поэтому Феттель и фыркал, с другой стороны, исторически, если не натягивать, то Феррари там всегда и были.

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3 минуты назад, Барт Венегор сказал:

И не везёте ничего придушенным Рено на Маке и сосна заводской команде 

плюс сами Быки прибавят 

Скудерия , середняк:D

Я же грил , не надо:trollface:

А чего они тогда картинкой с Феттелем на переднем плане заманивали? Рисовали бы своего Риккьярдо первым :( 


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8 минут назад, Hansen сказал:

Так поэтому Феттель и фыркал, с другой стороны, исторически, если не натягивать, то Феррари там всегда и были.

Я щас в тебя брошу белую перчатку :floxy:

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5 часов назад, Барт Венегор сказал:



5 часов назад, Hansen сказал:


смотрю япы соскочили, а комплексы остались:trollface:

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3 минуты назад, Spectore сказал:

Я щас в тебя брошу белую перчатку :floxy:

Я с девочками не дерусь :D

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3 минуты назад, Cavallino сказал:


смотрю япы соскочили, а комплексы остались:trollface:

А с чего они у вас должны были пропасть ?:trollface:

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Для справки: перед началом сезона 2017 по итогам зимних тестов Андерсон расставил приоритеты так: на 1 месте Феррари, далее в полусекунде Мерседес, затем Рено и отстающий от него Ред Булл. Как говорится, без комментариев

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5 минут назад, faster_then_you сказал:

Для справки: перед началом сезона 2017 по итогам зимних тестов Андерсон расставил приоритеты так: на 1 месте Феррари, далее в полусекунде Мерседес, затем Рено и отстающий от него Ред Булл. Как говорится, без комментариев


Ну, с Феррари он угадал, Доктор Марко подтвердит.)

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2 minutes ago, Барон Самеди said:

Ну, с Феррари он угадал, Доктор Марко подтвердит

на полсекунды, Карл!

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Только что, faster_then_you сказал:

на полсекунды, Карл!

Ну он же чисто о машинах 

То что пилоты так влетят, кто же знал :trollface:

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Только что, Барт Венегор сказал:

Ну он же чисто о машинах 

То что пилоты так влетят, кто же знал :trollface:

Я знала, что разговор будет переведен на пилотов. Только не угадала того, кто первый это сделает :crazy:

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2 минуты назад, faster_then_you сказал:

на полсекунды, Карл!


1 минуту назад, Барт Венегор сказал:

Ну он же чисто о машинах 

То что пилоты так влетят, кто же знал :trollface:



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3 минуты назад, Spectore сказал:

Я знала, что разговор будет переведен на пилотов.

То есть а то что у красных в прошлом сезоне был самовоз,ты Татьян не против?:smile7:

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5 часов назад, Барт Венегор сказал:

А с чего они у вас должны были пропасть ?:trollface:



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5 часов назад, faster_then_you сказал:

Для справки: перед началом сезона 2017 по итогам зимних тестов Андерсон расставил приоритеты так: на 1 месте Феррари, далее в полусекунде Мерседес, затем Рено и отстающий от него Ред Булл. Как говорится, без комментариев

по итогам тестов, сейчас только первые прошли. Спишем на старость))

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9 минут назад, faster_then_you сказал:

на полсекунды, Карл!

Он любит хрень предсказывать с точностью до тысячных.

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3 минуты назад, Midnight madness сказал:

То есть а то что у красных в прошлом сезоне был самовоз,ты Татьян не против?:smile7:


Она говорила, что уважает Доктора Марко и верит ему, типа честнейший человек.)

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6 минут назад, Midnight madness сказал:

То есть а то что у красных в прошлом сезоне был самовоз,ты Татьян не против?:smile7:

У нас была машина, способная бороться за чемпионство.

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