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ДЕЛО СЕННЫ / Расследование причин аварии

Думаю скоро потрут.

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Rugge Drive, Eaton, Norwich

Это дом в Норвиче, где Аиртон жил со своей женой Лилиан в 1981 году, когда гонялся в Формуле Ford. Дом находится на улице Rugge Drive в пригороде Норвича (Итоне). Был построен в 1960-е годы. В доме две спальных комнаты. 

В 2015 году дом очередной раз был продан агентом по имени Mark Bird. Этот агент сказал, что дом купили очень быстро, т.к. он удачно расположен, и он даже понятия не имел, что ранее этот дом арендовал Аиртон Сенна. Цена дома составила от 210 до 215 тыс. фунтов стерлингов.

В то время на доме не было таблички с указанием того, кто в нем проживает. И Аиртон тогда не был суперзвездой :)

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Шлем Аиртона, был в использовании в сезоне 1993 года. Продан на аукционе за  £74 750 в 2012 году.




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Тем временем наш сабж внезапно появился в музее Феррари... Что он тут делает?


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2 минуты назад, Stereoflora сказал:

Тем временем наш сабж внезапно появился в музее Феррари... Что он тут делает?


Спроси у автора поста.

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1 минуту назад, Rbluecat сказал:

Спроси у автора поста.

Ну Попов пока в комментах ещё ни одного ответа не дал.

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Довольно интересная статья. Раньше в полном объеме не попадалась мне, по-моему.

Про личного пилота Аиртона.

На английском.

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Owen O'Mahany: Ayrton: Client, legend, friend

Tragedy was nothing new to Senna's personal pilot. But somehow this was different. By Andrew Longmore
CAPTAIN OWEN O'Mahony watched the grand prix on the little television in the office at Forli airport, a few miles from the circuit at Imola. Outside, his boss's jet, a British Aerospace 125, lay on the tarmac, fuelled and ready for take-off. O'Mahony always stayed with the plane on the day of a race and this had been a horrible weekend. A quick getaway would be important. That morning, the phone had rung at 7am. "Baggage service," he had answered, knowing exactly who it was. The bags were picked up and stowed. "Good luck with the race, Ayrton," he had said.

For all his varied experience, O'Mahony had not been prepared for the moment the blue and white Williams plunged off the track at the Tamburello curve and ricocheted off the concrete wall. He is tall and elegant, even a little rakish, with deep blue eyes and silvery hair.

He speaks in a mellifluous baritone, the voice of middle England, each word perfectly enunciated. His years in the RAF had taught him to suppress emotion. Of his class of 14 at training school, only three were still alive. Tragedy was nothing new. But somehow this was different. For once in his life, O'Mahony didn't know what to do.

The reports said Senna had been flown to the hospital in Bologna, so he flew the plane into Bologna airport and waited for further instructions, from Julian Jakobi, Senna's London-based manager, or Celso Lemos, the new boy in the tightknit Senna entourage. Late in the afternoon, he saw the familiar figure of Gerhard Berger hurrying towards him. Gerhard did not have much more news, but as one of Senna's closest friends he instinctively understood how lonely O'Mahony must have been feeling.

Executive pilots are not supposed to get close to their clients and throughout his career as what he deftly terms "an upmarket taxi- driver" O'Mahony had obeyed the rules. Privately, he harboured a degree of contempt for most of his employers, but only once had he broken the unwritten code of silence. He had been asked by a Nigerian to fly a cargo into Luton from Accra. He knew something was wrong the moment he picked it up and he had told customs of his suspicions. They found he was importing $4.5m worth of cannabis.

His relationship with Ayrton Senna had begun like most others. He wasn't even sure who Senna was and nothing in the first three months of his employment in late 1990 suggested that a mere business deal would turn into a deep and shatteringly abbreviated friendship. O'Mahony got his instructions from Senna's office in Brazil and did what he was told. "He was always polite, but I didn't bother him," O'Mahony says. "Then he turned round to me one day and said, 'Owen, in future, just talk to me'." Senna had difficulty with the pronunciation of O'Mahony. It should be "O'Marny", but he would drop the "O" and say "Mahny" with the accent on the second syllable. When he had spent the off-season in Brazil, speaking Portuguese, Senna couldn't pronounce Owen either, so "Mahny" it was. But it was O'Mahony's sense of humour which appealed most to Senna's boyishness.

You cannot be around O'Mahony long without sharing the twinkling eye and, at the time, Senna needed someone with a lighter touch. "One time," O'Mahony recalls, "Ayrton had asked me to do something and I'd forgotten to do it. So the next time he saw me, he said, 'Mahony, how long have you been working for me ... not including tomorrow'. I'd taught him that and now he'd thrown it back at me.

"I like to think I was partly responsible for him developing a little English humour. I was just the means to an end, he was the star and with everyone wanting a piece of him, he didn't want one extra guy bleating at him all the time. I was old enough to be his father, which was perhaps why we got on so well. Many's the time we would sit on journeys and he would ask me questions about this and that. I can remember parking behind hangars so he could skulk into Frank Williams' plane without anyone seeing him when he was giving Ron Dennis a hard time at McLaren.

"The funny thing was that I could never tell from his manner on a Sunday whether he had won or lost. The only clue was that if he'd won he might ask what the weather was like in Faro [where Senna had a house] and that was a coded message. He wanted to know if he could land the plane. He didn't have a licence, but I would often sit in the co-pilot's seat while he took the controls. Sometimes, if he'd not had a good race, it took time to get something out of him."

Looking back on that Imola weekend which changed his own life, O'Mahony has erased many of the details and much of the pain. Senna was not himself from the moment he had picked him up in Faro and there was the strange incident of the photograph. Just casually, O'Mahony had mentioned to Norio, Senna's personal photographer, that after four years in his service he still did not have a photo of Ayrton and himself. On the Friday afternoon, amid all the other distractions, Senna had made a point of presenting Owen with a signed photo. It now sits in O'Mahony's study. Later, after Rubens Barrichello had crashed heavily in practice O'Mahony had noticed the distress and quietly asked if there was anything he could do. It was the ques-tion of a friend, not the hall porter. The rest is a blur. O'Mahony's wife taped the race and the crash, but Owen has not looked at it again. Never intends to. Once is enough, he says.

The day after Senna's death, he flew the family back to Paris, pulling up alongside the Jumbo which would carry Ayrton's body. They stripped out the seats in business class to fit the coffin. The doors of his own jet were not wide enough, for which O'Mahony was secretly grateful. "I'm not sure I would have had the bottle to do that trip," he says. It was bad enough the following July, taking Senna's mother and his sister Viviane back to Portugal to pack up Ayrton's house. O'Mahony flew a melancholy cargo, including all Senna's trophies, back to the family home.

As the body was flown back to Brazil, O'Mahony flew on to London, swapping the jet for a suit and catching the next scheduled BA flight into Sao Paulo. On arrival, he was given an A sticker - for Amigos, a friend. But when he saw Ayrton's mother, Neyde, she ripped it off and replaced with an F, for Familias, which allowed him one final moment of privacy with Senna. He flew to the funeral in a helicopter with Alain Prost and the Stewarts, Jackie and Paul. He had never seen five million people crying before. Then he went to pay his respects to Ayrton's father, who had six little packages in front of him. The father doesn't speak much English, so he spoke through an interpreter: "Ayrton had many acquaintances and friends, but there were only six people he trusted in the world," he said. "You were one of them." Inside the parcel was a golden bracelet with his name inscribed on it.

O'Mahony is 60 now and has just started to work part-time for the Senna Foundation, which is funding a series of educational, sporting and cultural projects to help the street children of Brazil. Five years on, he finds it hard to let go. Shutting down the emotional valves, the protective mechanism of the trained pilot and the urbane Englishman has not worked. Every time he walks past the bracelet or sees the photo, the memory rebels. The truth too is that he doesn't want to forget. His contract said that if Senna was killed, his employment would cease "forthwith". But the Senna family know they can still call on him at will.

"Ayrton got to me, he and one other man, who's still alive. They weren't like the egotistical prats I'd been used to flying around. I'm trying to close it off, that's what I'm trying to do. But it's hard." He has flown for Berger and Michael Schumacher, but working for the Foundation will be a more appropriate catharsis. "I don't need to go flying round the world anymore. My heart's not in it. I'd prefer to occupy my time with a project that achieves something, albeit in a small way. We can't solve the problems in Brazil, but we can bring some happiness for a few little kids. Ayrton was remarkably compassionate with children." He still expects the phone to ring, to hear that familiar voice calling. Mahny. This weekend more than ever.



Изменено пользователем Rbluecat

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3 минуты назад, Stereoflora сказал:

Ну Попов пока в комментах ещё ни одного ответа не дал.

Тогда спроси в теме у ферраристов.

Изменено пользователем Rbluecat

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Кстати, а вы смотрели на Youtube ролик, "О чём молчал Нэшнл Джиографик"?


Вот ссылка на первую из пяти частей. Следует внимательно читать субтитры и смотреть вставки.


Изменено пользователем Partidario

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7 минут назад, Partidario сказал:

Кстати, а вы смотрели на Youtube ролик, "О чём молчал Нэшнл Джиографик"?

Я смотрела. Поняла, о чем речь.


Изменено пользователем Rbluecat

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Все части фильма.


Изменено пользователем Rbluecat

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Как-то странно - у лучшего драйвера мира был личный водитель. Обычно личных водителей нанимают граждане вообще без прав...

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А насчёт музея, то судя по подписи под ником Попова, это скорее всего не феррарский, а общеавтомобильный музей Италии... Сенна полуитальянец... А Феррари тут просто на первых ролях и везде - вот и кажется с ракурса всех фоток Попова, что Сенна "забрёл не туда".

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19 минут назад, Stereoflora сказал:

Как-то странно - у лучшего драйвера мира был личный водитель. Обычно личных водителей нанимают граждане вообще без прав...

Ты про что, Кать?

Изменено пользователем Rbluecat

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Вот нашла интервью Аиртона от 1993 года.

Название-то какое: Вот он какой, оказывается, настоящий Аиртон Сенна...

На мой взгляд, хорошая статья.

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The real Ayrton Senna revealed

AUGUST 1, 1993

It is just over 10 years since Ayrton Senna sat in Grand Prix car for the first time. In that time he has made himself a legend. And yet the man himself remains a mystery. Some call him arrogant, ruthless and cunning and others say he is shy, gentle and compassionate. He doesn't seem to care. Deep down he probably does.

"Perhaps I should have taken my profession in a more relaxed way," he muses, "but I cannot. I have tried many times. Either I do the maximum, which is stressful and not always pleasant, or I don't do it. I have to feel that I am fulfilling my goals and exploiting my full potential. To feel at peace with myself I have to give the maximum, not only for me, but also for all the people with whom I am working. Sometimes I get great results, sometimes it goes wrong but I always know I have tried my best and I couldn't do better."

That determination must make Ayrton a difficult person to live with.

"Am I a difficult person?" he asks, but only to himself. "That depends. The key factor in any relationship is the feeling that you are talking the same language and that you have some basic values. There is respect, trust, professionalism, competence and so on. If I feel that some of those things are missing - particually respect, fairness and honesty - I am a difficult guy and I immediately become a difficult person."

And he trusts his feelings to that extent?

"Yes I do."

But he won't give examples: "I don't see anything positive coming from that because I have to name people."

Years of controversy have taught him to be careful what he says and his conversation is punctuated with long thoughtful pauses. When he speaks he has an awesome ability to explain things in a language which is not his native tongue. Sometimes the dry cynical humour of the risk-taker is apparent and the Latin fury, wild when unleashed, is never far below the calm exterior.

Brought up in comfortable surroundings in Sao Paulo, his wealth today is beyond the wildest dreams of most people. When it comes to money Ayrton is uncompromising. If you want the best, you have to pay through the nose. He doesn't need the money, winning negotiations is just part of the F1 game.

He has beach houses in Angra dos Reis, Brazil and Faro, Portugal; there is the farm at Tatoi, near Sao Paulo, with its own karting track and a lake big enough for jet- and water-skiing; there are expensive apartments in the exclusive Sao Paulo suburb Jardims and in Monaco. He flies the world not in a small jet, but in a small airliner all of his own. He has every toy money can buy.

But it has cost him a lot.

To understand Senna, so they say, you have to realise that he has sacrificed everything to be a winner. There is a remoteness and a melancholy, which has become part of his character. Listen to him talk and you quickly realise that you are dealing with an intelligent and sensitive soul which is somehow hard to equate with the determined and aggressive Senna one sees sometimes behind the wheel of his racing car.

Determination and aggression are words one associates with Senna, who made enemies from the moment he entered F1 in 1984, scoring championship points in his second race. He walked away from a three-year contract with Toleman to join Lotus, and then won his 16th GP. A year later he refused to have Derek Warwick as his Lotus team mate. He was uncompromising. Nigel Mansell was so incensed that on one occasion he once physically attacked Senna. Nelson Piquet did the same, but his attack was verbal - and it hurt more.

When Senna moved to McLaren he ended up in a bitter rivalry with Alain Prost. Senna doesn't like controversy, but "the fact is that if you are not yourself and do not stick by the values you have, you are no-one. I think I have good values. I try hard to do things right and sometimes I screw it up, but I don't do it deliberately. It is no-one's fault but my own. Sometimes I am induced into situations and I screw up. That is the atmosphere we are in and that is when I go mad. It screws my head. It is a stressful thing to cope with when you know that some of the people are just not worth it. All you want to do is to be away from them. I prefer not to talk to people like that and yet, even if you make life hard for them, they go round and round and round and come back and you have to face them again. It is tough.

"I do not have the ability to really be 100% sure when to give up on them. My nature tells me to try again. You say "People can change, why not?" and the moment you think it's OK, you get a knife in the back.

"In this environment you have to be yourself, stick to your own mind and your own principles. Sometimes you are going to get it wrong, but in the long-term you are bound to be a lot better off. The worst thing is to be undecided because then you are vulnerable."

Even Senna has been vulnerable. In qualifying at Monaco in 1988 he found himself driving at a level which was almost unconscious. It shocked him. In the race he crashed while leading. He did not return to the pits but disappeared off to his apartment. There was talk of a religious experience.

And when he won his first World Championship title that year in Suzuka, amid the tears and the joy, he spoke of his religious beliefs and was ridiculed.

"I have had many questions about religion," he says, "and often I was misquoted or misinterpreted. Sometimes it was by accident, sometimes to do me damage, but I think it is worth talking about it because in this godless world there are lots and lots of people looking for religion. They are desperate for it. I am only being truthful. I am saying what I believe and what I feel. You offer religion to those who want it. If you don't do that they will not have the opportunity to look and see. Some people may not understand you and do not have a clear opinion, some will understand because they are open enough to understand what you are talking about and it is for them that it is worth it.

"You can have it if you want. It is a question of believing it and having faith, of wanting it and being open to the experience."

Like all religion, of course, it defies logic but Senna says he is both logical and religious.

"I think there is an area where logic applies and another where it does not," he explains. "No matter how far down the road you are in understanding and experiencing religion there are certain things which we cannot logically explain. We tend always to understand only what we can see: the colours, the touch and the smell. If it outside that, is it crazy? I had the great opportunity to experience something beyond that. Once you have experienced it, you know it is there and that is why you have to tell people."

But how does it happen?

"You have to need it and you have to want it and you have to be open to it. It is tough, but life isn't easy. Anyone can achieve easy things, the tough ones are things that some achieve and some do not. But... I am still at the beginning, I am like a baby in this respect. You have to work on it. It is a difficult thing and it is much more difficult alone."

Ayrton has warmed to the subject. It clearly means a lot to him.

"You can be logical or stupid," he adds, "but you are not in control of everything that is happening with your life."

He knows that well. In 1989 his mentor Armando Botelho Teixeira died suddenly and Ayrton seemed to go a little out of control. He lost the title after Prost drove into him at Suzuka and spent the winter months fighting the governing body of the sport. A year later he became World Champion for a second time by driving Prost off the road.

But revenge wasn't sweet.

A third title followed in 1991 and even the great Juan-Manuel Fangio spoke in awe of Senna.

Since those heady days Senna seems more tranquil, the emotional intensity remains and the ambition still burns, frustrated for the last two seasons by the success of Williams-Renault, but the restless soul seems to be searching for more balance in his life.

But that is looking in from the outside. How does he see himself?

Immediately he is suspicious, on the defensive: "Why do you want to know?" he asks.

Just curious. Ayrton thinks about it for a moment and then begins to talk.

"Most people, whoever they are and whatever they do, try to do it well," he says. "This is satisfying and stimulating. In F1 there is always discussion about what we do. Some people say we do good things; some say we do awful things. We are great. We are terrible. It builds up interest in us as human beings, but also as images. We go into millions of homes through by way of television and people feel close to us. But at the same time they are far far away. They have no idea what we are really like. They dream of watching a race live or getting to see one of us and perhaps if they had the opportunity they would see that we are just people, that there is nothing magic.

"I am not exactly as I am seen, but that is how it is. I cannot change it, as hard as I try. You can improve how people see you, but inevitably there will always be a distance between us and the people, so all you can do is say what you think. Some people will take it right, some will take it wrong, all you can do is to be yourself and be consistent. Time will show what you are really like and people will slowly get to see your good and bad points."

How does Ayrton see his good and bad points?

Again he pauses to think for a moment.

"In many ways the qualities and the flaws are linked. They are the extremes of each other. One of my qualities is determination to pursue something I believe. That is also my weakness because I never give up and I never give in. Sometimes you should give in and change direction. In the this "plus" is much higher than the "minus" and that is a fact measured by results."

He pauses again.

The talk is of pluses and minuses. Life, he says, has been good to him. He is fortunate. But at home in Brazil he is faced with a poor country. It must be hard for a man of his sensitivity to be rich and be surrounded by poverty.

"It cannot go on like this," he says. "The wealthy can no longer continue to live on an island in a sea of poverty. We are all breathing the same air. People have to have a chance, A basic chance at least. A chance of education, nutrition, medical care. If this does not begin to happen then there is little hope for the future and little wonder that the problems become greater and that sometimes violence arises."

But he admits that there is only so much that one man can do.

"I am not a politician. Unfortunately I am not blessed with the powers to solve the problems. All I can see is that conditions for the vast majority of Brazilian people are getting worse and that it is virtually impossible to work against this trend. It touches me deeply and worries me considerably."

Ayrton won't talk about his charity work. It is private. The subject changes.

What is Ayrton searching for?

"To get the best out of me," he says, "to extend my own qualities and be a better person. If I am a better man it will reflect in everything I do."

After experiencing such highs and lows in racing, does Ayrton think he might find something to give him the same kick in life?

"No, I don't think so," he admits, "but I could be wrong. Only time will tell. As you get older and more mature and you tend to see things differently. Other things will come along which will motivate and interest me. There will be things I love and things to which I will dedicate my time.

"One will be the extension of my family with a wife and children. It happens in everyone's life - very few people don't get married - and I am sure that I am going to get married again, because I have been married once, and I am going to have kids. That will happen when I have the right girl and we feel it is the right moment for us. I will experience that when it happens. It has to be really special, but I don't think anyone can describe in words what it means."

As a racer Senna has always had a unique ability of putting his feelings behind the wheel into words. Is it still the same for him everytime he gets into a racing car? Is he still enjoying it?

"A lot less than I used to," he says. "Some of it is because of the responsibility the top drivers have. Everything is focussed on you: the mechanics, the engineers, the sponsors, everyone works for the team first, but ultimately for you. You get the car and you express yourself in it. You can make it happen or you can make a fool of yourself and of all the people who put in the effort. That is a tremendous responsibility, and it creates stress and takes away a lot of the pleasure.

"By the same token when you go though hard times and you succeed the pleasure is greater. It comes in a surge and goes away pretty fast. But the pressure is constant.

"Right now I am frustrated," he says. "But what can I do? I can only keep trying. If you are able to judge where you are, you can get through the hard times without thinking: "I am getting old". I didn't win three championships by chance. I beat everybody on three occasions this year with clearly inferior equipment. That is a fact. I haven't forgotten how to drive a racing car and I am not demotivated enough not to drive it properly. I have to be patient - which is something that I am not, but I am learning.

And what does he want most in life right now?

This time there is only the hint of a pause.

"I want to get through this hard period, which has been going on since last year. I have been through similar feelings in my career and I know the solution to it. Now I just want to get through it."

So he is not willing to have a similar year in 1994.

"No way," he snaps. "This is only going to last until the end of the year."

Is he sure?

"We will see. Sometimes even if you want something you cannot have it. You just have to live with that."



Изменено пользователем Rbluecat

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3 часа назад, ilovef1 сказал:

Знаете, коллеги, вопрос даже более существенный - а был ли когда-либо Сенна счастлив по-настоящему? Не от побед, а от чего-то другого, общечеловеческого?


2 часа назад, Rbluecat сказал:

Это очень сложный вопрос. И, думаю, ответить на него однозначно невозможно.


Да можно я думаю и ответить ...



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По поводу моделек, подруг и прочего женского окружения... Аиртон был перфекционист. А такие могут гоняться за призрачным идеалом всю жизнь ..... Да и не было у него времени на осмысление всего происходящего в личной жизни. Все это было вскользь, попутно, мимолетно, параллельно занимавшим его целиком и полностью гонкам


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13 минут назад, Largo сказал:



Да можно я думаю и ответить ...







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 As you get older and more mature and you tend to see things differently. Other things will come along which will motivate and interest me. There will be things I love and things to which I will dedicate my time.

"One will be the extension of my family with a wife and children. It happens in everyone's life - very few people don't get married - and I am sure that I am going to get married again, because I have been married once, and I am going to have kids. That will happen when I have the right girl and we feel it is the right moment for us. I will experience that when it happens. It has to be really special, but I don't think anyone can describe in words what it means."



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And what does he want most in life right now?

This time there is only the hint of a pause.

"I want to get through this hard period, which has been going on since last year. I have been through similar feelings in my career and I know the solution to it. Now I just want to get through it."

So he is not willing to have a similar year in 1994.

"No way," he snaps. "This is only going to last until the end of the year."

Is he sure?

"We will see. Sometimes even if you want something you cannot have it. You just have to live with that."


Напоминаю, это было сказано 1 августа 1993 года.

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20 минут назад, Largo сказал:

По поводу моделек, подруг и прочего женского окружения... Аиртон был перфекционист. А такие могут гоняться за призрачным идеалом всю жизнь ..... Да и не было у него времени на осмысление всего происходящего в личной жизни. Все это было вскользь, попутно, мимолетно, параллельно занимавшим его целиком и полностью гонкам


Андрей, подозреваю, ты очень близок к истине...

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14 часов назад, ilovef1 сказал:

Причем с Галистеу я не очень верю в такую историю, что он ткнул пальцем в одну из девушек Шелл и сказал "О!". Такое впечатление, что она сама нарисовалась, почуяв, куда ветер дует, а Сенна и рад, раскатал губы, что молодая девчонка на него запала... Там небось смогла за год убедить нашего холостяка, что она - именно то, что ему нужно. И глазки долу опускала, и кушать вкусно могла приготовить... Чего ради денег-то не сделаешь:smile:



Ты очень далёк от истины здесь:floxy: В таком возрасте ещё очень рано радоваться, когда западают молодые. Это абсолютно нормально. Особенно когда ты не дурен собой и в хорошей форме. А когда ты ещё успешен. Про известность и звёздность вообще думаю говорить не стоит.


14 часов назад, SE7EN Wonders сказал:

"Моделькой" можно охарактеризовать ту, кто не добилась успеха в данном виде деятельности, но никак не Эль МакФерсон, объективно. Работает, платит налоги - значит вполне себе полезная деятельность, не хуже любой другой (не говоря уже о ее влиянии на вкусы целой эпохи).


Эль МакФерсон, Клаудия Шиффер, Синди Кроуфорд добились абсолютных высот в модельном бизнесе, стали иконами модельной моды и очень достойно проводят вторую половину своей жизни. Поэтому вы абсолютно правы.


До сих пор поражаюсь Айртону. Да он просто мегаплэйбой был! Чем больше узнаю о нём тем длиннее становится этот список!

Нынешним гонщикам до такого как до звёзд!

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4 минуты назад, Bekra сказал:

Эль МакФерсон, Клаудия Шиффер, Синди Кроуфорд добились абсолютных высот в модельном бизнесе, стали иконами модельной моды и очень достойно проводят вторую половину своей жизни. Поэтому вы абсолютно правы.

Если модельный бизнес - платформа для другой общественно-полезной деятельности, то и я согласна.

Но в целом эти "лица бренда", "тела века", миссы вселенной и ее окрестностей" меня лично удручают.

Очень редко все это сочетается с интеллектом и реальной пользой для человечества. :)

У меня есть некоторый личный опыт общения с этими кругами. Возможно, уровень был не тот, или мне не повезло. Но вот такая точка зрения сформировалась.:)


12 минут назад, Bekra сказал:

До сих пор поражаюсь Айртону. Да он просто мегаплэйбой был! Чем больше узнаю о нём тем длиннее становится этот список!

Нынешним гонщикам до такого как до звёзд!

Да не был он плейбоем, мне кажется. Плейбой - это совершенно другой образ жизни. У Аиртона просто не было на это времени и желания.

Он просто брал на ходу то, что попадалось на глаза и эти глаза радовало (ну, или не глаза). Без каких-либо глобальный усилий.

Я к этому выводу пришла в результате общения с женщинами, которые его знали. Неважно, какая это женщина - знаменитая красотка или не знаменитая и не красотка, она все равно остается женщиной. Так вот, все эти дамы говорят одно - Аиртон был просто неотразим. Они не могут объяснить внятно, за счет чего именно. Фигурируют слова типа "аура", "харизма", "магнетизм" и т. д.  и т. п. Типа "он посмотрел на меня и все".

А список этот далеко не полный. Просто 14 февраля прошло, и не вижу смысла дальше копаться. :)

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14 часов назад, Rbluecat сказал:

Галистеу была не девушкой Шелл, а девушкой Мальборо, если я ничего не путаю. :) Но не суть. :)

И выделенное читать немного смешно.

Насколько я знаю, по сведениям от близкого к Аиртону (в то время) источника, девушку выбрали  по нескольким критериям - внешним и объективным. Контрактов долговременных у нее не было, моделькой она была слабо востребованной. По внешним данным подходила. Ну, и работала потом. Правильно, чего ради денег-то не сделаешь. :)

А семья Аиртона ее боялась как огня, поскольку была она gold-digger.

Насколько я знаю, она была девушкой Shell.

Её выбрал Айртон после победы на Гран При Бразилии 1993 года. 

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2 минуты назад, Rbluecat сказал:

Если модельный бизнес - платформа для другой общественно-полезной деятельности, то и я согласна.

Но в целом эти "лица бренда", "тела века", миссы вселенной и ее окрестностей" меня лично удручают.

Очень редко все это сочетается с интеллектом и реальной пользой для человечества. :)

У меня есть некоторый личный опыт общения с этими кругами. Возможно, уровень был не тот, или мне не повезло. Но вот такая точка зрения сформировалась.:)


Да не был он плейбоем, мне кажется. Плейбой - это совершенно другой образ жизни. У Аиртона просто не было на это времени и желания.

Он просто брал на ходу то, что попадалось на глаза и эти глаза радовало (ну, или не глаза). Без каких-либо глобальный усилий.

Я к этому выводу пришла в результате общения с женщинами, которые его знали. Неважно, какая это женщина - знаменитая красотка или не знаменитая и не красотка, она все равно остается женщиной. Так вот, все эти дамы говорят одно - Аиртон был просто неотразим. Они не могут объяснить внятно, за счет чего именно. Фигурируют слова типа "аура", "харизма", "магнетизм" и т. д.  и т. п. Типа "он посмотрел на меня и все".

А список этот далеко не полный. Просто 14 февраля прошло, и не вижу смысла дальше копаться. :)

Ну это можно по-разному называть) Не в этом суть. Я это так называю. 

Конечно харизма у него бешеная была. Женщины по всему миру сходили с ума по нему. Кстати, в книге того же Хилтона есть несколько эмоциональных писем от его болельщиц, которые очень хорошо описывают чувства женщин, которые не общались с ним лично или даже не видели ни разу живьем.


14-е или не 14-е февраля. Но зато как пообщались круто!:good:

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