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Блин не угадали с временем

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пропал сигнал

Или вью с Ярно по видеосвязи в записи, и Питер случайно пустил его раньше времени?

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Из того что успел услышать:

-Ф1 смотрит не всегда, по воскресеньям часто велогонки

-может быть приедет в Монако в районе Гран-При как гость к кому-то

-часто ездит в Монреаль на презентацию вина, но не совмещает это с Ф1

- про картинг Питер тоже спрашивал, но не успел понять вопрос и ответ ))

- в Твиттере и ФБ появляться не собирается))

- Ф1 в Италии уходит на платные каналы, это тоже проблема

Ярно не в студии Питера, с ним видеосвязь была

Надеюсь в 12 будет полноценная программа и видео в Ярно в записи

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Питер сказал о технических проблемах, скоро сигнал появится,а затем будет полная запись

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Вернули сигнал

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я так поняла всё? он сказал чао ярно?

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Cказал, что не считает себя звездой,а считает себя обычным человеком :)

Отель откроется в конце мая после перерыва, первые два сезона он считает довольно успешными.

И в Монреале у него будет какой то новый проект(подробностей не говорит ), но скоро все узнаем...

Ждем полной версии -начало то пропустили

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Я ничего не поняла, у меня сразу несколько ссылок было открыто, звук накладывался и поняла только, что ярно очень бизибизибизи

а запись же будет? может и расшифровка вью?

Cказал, что не считает себя звездой,а считает себя обычным человеком :)

да это я тоже поняла. это он про твиттеры и всякое - дескать нафиг это ему обычному человеку?

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я так поняла всё? он сказал чао ярно?

Ага :) И вообще похоже он это вью взял пару дней назад(в понедельник? ) когда и говорил про разговор в прямом эфире?

Я ничего не поняла, у меня сразу несколько ссылок было открыто, звук накладывался и поняла только, что ярно очень бизибизибизи

а запись же будет? может и расшифровка вью?

да это я тоже поняла

Запись точно будет

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Ага :) И вообще похоже он это вью взял пару дней назад(в понедельник? ) когда и говорил про разговор в прямом эфире?

Это получается мы свои вопросы уже после этого задавали?

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Это получается мы свои вопросы уже после этого задавали?

Он говорил в понедельник вечером, мы задвали в вс вечером и в понедельник утром...Ну мой вопрос следит ли он за Ф1 Питер спросил, хотя это могло быть совпадением :) И ваш про поездки на ГП спрашивал )))Про велогонки и картинг, как и про вино тоже спрашивал, но тут надо точнее послушать..В общем надо дождаться полной версии...

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Шоу закончилось. Теперь ждем полной версии в записи

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Питер не только задал наши вопросы, но и назвал наши имена :) Правда не знал как их произносить :)

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Питер не только задал наши вопросы, но и назвал наши имена :) Правда не знал как их произносить :)


Откуда ты знаешь? :)

Питеру - памятник :meeting:

Моё имя иностранцы категорически не выговаривают :D

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Откуда ты знаешь? :)

Питеру - памятник :meeting:

Моё имя иностранцы категорически не выговаривают :D

По ссылке уже полная версия :) Назвал все четыре имени :)

В общем вкратце из первой части :)

-ведет переговоры с двумя импортерами из России чтобы вывести вино на Российский рынок и приехать с презентацией и дегустацией через полгода-год. Питер сказал Ярно, что у него много фанатов в России и они будут рады

Ярно вспомнил про поездку в Москву несколько лет назад(в 2003 )

- становиться профессиональным велосипедистом не собирается. Он участвует в велогонках чтобы поддерживать форму, получать удовольствие, а не для побед

- На картах сейчас не ездит, в гонках звезд тоже участвовать не будет, ему хватает велосипеда, а с четырьмя колесами он завязал. Энцо и Марко не интересуются картингом, они интересуются футболом, баскетболом, они с Барбарой только рады этому

- В конфликте Феттеля и Марка в Малайзии он не поддерживает Себа, как бы ты не хотел бороться, интересы команды должны быть превыше всего.

Питер сразу же вспомнил про 2004

и Ярно сказал, что Флавио был не рад его победе сказав "Тебе просто повезло, что Алонсо сошел", и потом то отношения и начали портиться.Сказал, что Монако-2004 не меняло его жизнь, он всегда выкладывался по максимуму.

- На вопрос про лучший квалификационный круг Ярно не стал выделять, опять сказав что он всегда пытался его пройти идеально. Затем Питер начал свою теорию про его плавный и утонченный стиль, а Ярно - про силу и слабость, исходящую из этого(как обычно :)

- Про НАСКАР в конце 2009 года сказал, что ни о чем не жалеет в жизни. Он выбрал Лотус и не знает правильно это было или нет

- Про Турбо-двигатели 2004 сказал, что это все только приведет к росту затрат

- Про ДРС, КЕРС, уменьшение значимости квалификации сказал, что попробовав ДРС с КЕРСОМ на тестах в Хересе 2012 был шокирован количеством кнопок. Ему это не понравилось как гонщику, они отвлекают от пилотажа. Для зрителей зрелище стало интереснее, но он как гонщик не любитель всего этого.

Еще поговорили об отсутствии итальянцев в Ф1. Ярно сказал, что пора открывать новую эру итальянцев, старая закончилась...

Как то так..Будем еще пересматривать

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Откуда ты знаешь? :)

Питеру - памятник :meeting:

Моё имя иностранцы категорически не выговаривают :D

песать его надо правельно!

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По ссылке уже полная версия :) Назвал все четыре имени :)

В общем вкратце из первой части :)


Как то так..Будем еще пересматривать


надо постараться все перевести, желательно близко к тексту, потому что очень много интересного... попробуем? :blush:

Кто нибудь может нам помочь? :blush:


martin formulaone current formula one indeed

what he thinks about some of the moments

of his formally one careers that was a great pleasure that we caught up on line

with yana truly

from his house apartments

in lugano

on the specified in bordered on a truly

younger thank you so much for joining us and it's good to see you again

if there was a time

what do you can tell you what even during the last here

what is your life like now


well my life hasn't changed a lot to be a nasa boxleitner moderating anymore

unlike being met one young man business angelenos or

and more than wanting their hotel business as well as

uh... in the black businesses you know that i've been producing mindful of the

last thirty years which is a family business

on the other hand that quiet i

uh... auto indo moss

uh... he's a ski resort about was the place where every year we host their

ward if our economy photo

and bill that has been awarded as though the bathtub data all pat buchanan's of

is debating a happy by

business office yet and i'm not when i meet with my family and with my wife and

children so here we have been successful people wrote the on on finds that

finance the sidebar bola on the real-estate salt and alone let alone and

calling on notable ect obviously had to keep the active training to go over to

do that

citing competition from ben that's all i've done uh...


the total seventeen yeah so seven and a stage

arise of the union and and and two weeks time eleven of the race one along with

uh... makiel's to clients on plenty

for the semester addicts and and give you the question straight away to get a


uh... on face book ego as activity still have a pronounced that correctly uh...

has asked if you can about your plans on so i think you're deciding the uh...

dolomite but what is the next uh... you rethinking perhaps of going as far as

you can with a cycling career

naku yes and i'm gonna


solo to show that i wasn't much much spective actually are out and i i think

i have been boy i'm onsite patently ages away

anjali and to whole we're and


and the and

the will

the about matter


and you know

we don't know


deeper comment about what the grade credit i thank you

yes i can imagine that you have a it sounds to me as if

not bracing

hasn't been a major problem for you at medieval milan dot as many racing

drivers do have a problem

when they don't raise but it sounds like your life is very full

well quantity


maybe saying that uh... jewelry and probably life

uh... mimicking rating we're told that there are currently a criminal act and

black but the people


uh... if you really are creative and you you are a hundred idea

yelled buildup and you

or more

uh... then


had been reading forward and that the

so wind abhi their pop

and the

uh... the will be

made me realize that i will be doing uh...

raging and offering

'em-up more than anything else endl on a japanese allot winning or anyways item

when for usually

one area that it was not charged with the

the with forty mm

we go resources there was no way and others was not agree on

willamette combat that uh... again office but sonya

zolotov again i hope i pronounced that correctly also seriously you considered

racing in nascar before you took the decision to drive the caterham

but do you have any regrets that

well at the monthly with the rear axle easily

at ross

twenty that sometimes in mascot but then an intermediary just uh...

i gained from rwanda

its easy enough it was a mistake

on the other hand i think uh...

weekend we can make mistakes in life but leave

eat i i don't miss anything uh... usually i'm and uh... we don't know if

it would have been any better

people when the bomb blast assault with a lot

yeah uh... mistakes in life actually

a ways of moving forward and you learn from those and and and and i think your

attitude not have regrets is it's a very was typically on the really i think


i've known you a long time now that i know the period you went through with

the groove tires and how irritating that was for you

but you kind of

had to go on with it but looking back now

that group time thing was just ridiculously for what purpose

no purpose at all

overhauls to try to slow down cop it where i don't wait

i think that

the group that has nothing to do let nothing to do with everything

all we don't

and that i made uh...

lifestyle hopeful some kind

some people a

believed that that the other thing that was the one which honestly i was

affected by the law especially when the group high if you also feel that sample

of the mission but i love the fact that they do have to blossom as possible so

busy and almost swallow that

okay almost

you have to go through a little artful required that

abedi advertise in order to wear them out and then

technocratic team or find that

all all good quality time which

for a without a army clean inside

these the to feel for blacks would mean probably kind of actual label

at night

yeah and

and and then they just went they just suddenly decided not to continue illegal

does no explanation

it was not like molly good time for formula one but just on that subject

talking about tires how much interest in how much do you follow

the current situation and if so what is your view of a neat you must be quite

please you know that baltimore's parolee except http

you are right to understand what's going on that understand last year is wealthy

at emory

job because uh...

i throw p_l_o_ for last year's

but i wasn't really driving up on the line carlos

they defrocked from i really think outside it's hot

the dot

and too many

troublesome the way too many times in the car

by on looking from outside at the moment it looks like

at u_p_ ready

who's probably by their disintegration leslie

it's time to make some olivia agreed over makes us tuition

what with the tired

uh... consistency through the race

and so i'm not all people struggle last year i think


there was question that had beginning not understand

which way they have to go with the stars and the game he looks like

uh... that uh... degrade the sample mix-up when the law and

exposing aha the races

for the people of carpool

on the other hand

you have to understand that it makes life anyhow for people who professional

wall said

attract and don't forget it

effect all eisenach make

mixing up the result of the radiation

is not really to export the you know i a justice gambling

it's a bit strange it's or have to understand the from my point of view

which obviously i i i am a professional


and anywhere someone would be

unity for

what many issues being sung and already well which

and speaking of situations

what did you think of the mark weber sebastian battle

stuff in malaysia uh... katmai point of view which my name might be criticized


is up at some point of view

uh... i do with that uh... at all

but doubt because i think he's a great great guy and the grady

and n_b_c_'s shawnee



i have personally criticizing easel is execute in malaysia just worrisome

what they can the team

it would play in

acting cameroon during that time the great sol mitigated people for simply

border looking back

they all have affect you



it was a clear indication that bolster iraq to tom then engine dot

which didn't do it

weather days

so i've done stage i don't think

back don't have to do that

first because he didn't backdrop

and and

from d dot second because

any bush's proficient i'd rather again via three times more champions


even doesn't need to do that he doesn't need to prove anything obviously i've

act and so on the studies

exploded desire is invalid higher

all k bottom he's also a relationship with the team with his teammates for the

rest of the season

being my interview

economy to do that

while you were talking i was thinking

it was the detective purdy over for really

uh... and when you had fernando alonso alongside you

but rehna and

you did very well in qualifying in terms of pace

you were right that let's take that great weekend at monte carlo what was it


before the race in terms of

any team orders that flavier mail made north of tried to give you and and what


what was fernando hoping to do do you think in that race

uh... i think uh... nekia

mandarin single-member ready well lead

most of the attention was the own program because lol

grazing stock

at the great dr mostly flyer flooded our long term contract what would it would


booming the council is expiring so there was no need to let myself be no tool to

do well

but despite their

administer those on but it was ultimately anymore of everyone

expect me to be in from

uh... yaaay

ice-cold opposition and

and in the rage annual idea that uh... had to fight for mandarin the


at that time

and most of the meeting which man

therefore the race

and yet the little abundance

by managed to keep him away and that one st is already had something like fifty

second gap


basically controlling the grades

the fact that would reflect the mat that matter

on equities ladies because you know how marlys you know i was a mistake

hillary's move you might have happened engrave cell

five-six lag raha

welcome back at different angles portion review mediocrity they cannot reach

and india bien without into war because of the kingdom injuries so

at that's how i want model because i think i just have the because that i

we'll need to go

of weekend

from twenty tons of the raised

and uh... you know

by inviting season at sixteen


again although from animals or what guys anymore i think it was uh... holding

pretty well either

that's the understatement of the conversation that's for sure

iago can i suggest that perhaps one of the reasons you are living the life you

are now today with a smile on your face getting on with it is because you did

win monica and you had that at least behind him

did you like to be different if you'd never water appropri

segment that don't really change the situation it'll tension inside the

because i was a moment wind com brady

and uh...

mhm someway flywheel showed it straight away after the raid when you say are

you would like to because otherwise you wouldn't want to run really goes from

one off

uh... that making sent along


it's time to alleviate the


i planted the glove that tried to do my best i think in some way of cheating the

good thing

may be able to come back to knows

you know on the other hand i think that

uh... commercials that uh... i've tried my best and uh...

uh... whether

it didn't happen bowl was not enough

and mass the way when

uh... and i think it was at my family have a nice life

uh... soon baby

regina with something that they

and folding assets sena

the highs and lows likes to use a little of it

now though it's interesting talking to you


talking about you today too

current new formula one drive us particularly new format on drivers

now have you out there as the driver that could put together almost the

perfect qualifying lap in a way that

you very rarely see during during your time of course

it was a much harder thing for you but looking back now it's interesting how

many people do perceive you that way

so i'd love to just talk to a little bit about that and and maybe say to you that

you know what what what do you think is the best qualifying lap you ever drove

an equally how did you do it

um... effect is able to get out which one it was a passive latina by financial

is the one

which has to come

one unit on

if you really

and think about the you my always have some

leland romance solo honestly

i never thought i was doing then something special it was more down to

the people criticizing all basically to say that i was doing picking one of them

but i think there was only

trying to get the best uh... out to myself

out of the qualifying

all over the top of that particular situation whistle

as you'll see all

perfect uh...

uh... type from from the class or perfect condition

and uh... and like many times and i think uh...

uh... it was a

something that i was not earn

particularly a optimistic or something to do that it was quite nice off me

blowout with that

i think more small duffel

i provide which we're not capable of doing it because

i don't think i was doing anything especially those sold so great schultz

understood that was might be late

uh... my family straight and that's the way

now it sounds like

what we suspect which is that it was all completely natural from your

point-of-view when it is not true it's quite difficult to be

subjective about it but

as an observer let me let me also to say this

tumi book

what made you stand out was the

the transition point between traveling in a straight line

and initiating

the first part of the corner

absolutely imperceptible with u usually it was was

beautifully seamless whereas most drivers


still today but even more so in the renovation could see a distinct lake

as he begins the the turned in face birds with you

in every car you ever drove

you always make the car looked very slow actually because you never looked out of


effective one of the deputy lucia sunway only from packing already

out one which and

but only on one side was positive on on either side was that it be

what's positive because their one cowboys overlooked and uh... oh

acted on it

i was in would go to extract the backs up to the top

but because of my time side enough situation probably was not comfortable

that all all express myself or destructive yet


all ka and i want someone you know that bear there's no more steel talking about

and the clean

depriving aside ahead

uh... it was quite nice in some circles something like that

on the west condition contractor was never able to put uh... enuff

amber's buys or

uh... worldly with group titles that are able to clean grew

and find out what i saw

uh... yeah yeah i might

i have been

looking good in some situations buddy type situation probably i will certainly

more than about privacy

but you also seemed to spend more time than most actually

working on

how to drive in the straight line as well

you were quite diligent about where was the best place to be on the streets that

was an important part of a lot for you right

uh... yes i was taking care of the delivery any as that

most to reedy

i think others friends trying almost lost it there

of what they found clan

once the war fighting the people as always living room

uh... for them to

to attack but the good thing is that i was always leave the room i wanted to

let you guys saw it was not to

to get me

and during the fire

i've done some great raises a in front of a lot of people try to back out of

the likud initial

there's a way i think accepted that

they often the best thought to myself that i'm not going to cut by our clients

and in the last few days raised by the loves to gamble anyway off to the making

competed in the kind of about

yellow uh...

at the formal observateur denies saying

has qualifying been devalued in your view seeing the qualifying was one of

your strength and i guess he's referring to d_r_ s now and how he could do such a

great job in qualifying but it'll disappear but as of the city these days

and also the prosecution

uh... my point of view any

i feel like i told the

that yes uh... altogether and the twenty seven


michael did an excellent job

uh... for the first time

blvd at us

and uh... the cass

to him and ask the last lesson and

and that that you know

uh... wala spending more time concentrating on the bottles and the

timing to push the buttons and recording the energy and concentrating on how much

energy or awards trying to save n

and continues after wards

rather than in

concentrating on how much ike would break

later accelerate


through the corner

and uh...

that's something no uh...

quite national progress dot

to if eighty five to be fair it something that ended the electrical when

it when it really

acted out of the kind of it is like to be keeping his nominee more easy

and i cannot say that

x taken something that

away from why final grades offshore at acting consultant away quite a lot of

weight from former triad point of view

on the other

and we can say that that these espy is not


uh... if this is what we want to

that's fair

baja sucked ass huh

by for a point of u_n_ iraq driver point of view was interesting product i think

i did enjoy it

and all that but uh... florals deters what's there what you think about the

twenty fourteen

engine regulations where it's becoming even more technical on that side as well

with the fuel

restrictions that are coming in and the turbos what you think about that uh...

yoko ono all uh... what leon



aunt frieda

changes it means that uh... an extra cost especially for forbes moorthy in

which they are really struggling not let them know what day it was top in the

future of sorts

accompli josh

web here is that i think u

and what we cast

uh... but for sure abused his will

to have a big impact on the finance

on the final



to smoking

and on twitter and a twenty three

says what is your opinion on the lack of italian drivers informal one

word avionics your glyphosate uh... informal and our maybe we


amira and we have to open a new era where

and we will

have to find

and look for full group young lieutenant dot

is not easy

and we got some some driver scott

not and embassy he's one of them bar

it's happened really johnson

is it



difficult situation competent which calls for the and not well so will also

find out finder

and finances beyond

uh... aspect house too

to get to uh... roxana from one counsel

it said the situation which is also so mild hot

hot say

none of that

dissect to wants you to know that you got some still got some great fans in

the united states of america and there you are a bit of a fan of the states as

well right

ally always booked you ask her at the end of the program

first and then try to spend

fifteen days a month uh... ta send money my kids to school

in order to speak english

speaks english so allow u_s_

and patsy casting and wants to know how the white businesses now and adds up to


uh... on face book tatou saying

uh... he loves you wine but it's not easy to find in russia a gimmick of the

russian and present the wind and what's going on

yet uh... opa-locka abt being wall woman and we probably soon

the present the massively on the

voles u_s_a_ m

and uh... american and


in u_s_ we already but status i'd be backed up by the lot


why don't we have talking uh...

with a too

billionaire russian importers

and we'll pencil between six months maybe one year

and would be coming to the to russia in order to present the wind is when facing

so i hope to be there

in russia acting roses back

nephew days in moscow some years ago though we've obviously got lots of

russian viewers said let us know where that's happening and we can we can tell

them about its so how is the one business right now

what is this is going well well recalls want to be sent back

busy eight exporting along

novelty ninety percent

whatever that city's is export so we are not

uh... and

the economical crisis that we actually called me up every year for a cosmic the

that that's

in said to be going like that

embattled that would be awarded uh... in the last two years cisa

and nai install lee

many awards coming but i was well any satisfaction people stepped into no more

and more

what they've been doing for the last fifteen years family business so

the one is is they've been worked so hard

uganda another question house with your going to do in the

cup races with

some of the formula one drivers like the master of entombed few other things and

how much

of your life carting fills these days and let's talk also about your two boys

as well and what the hoping a limo hoping to do

uh... lot going on and i don't blame lol

at the end will be

uh... soon my love i'd like to see at the moment an active

the way a m and uh...

as is the uses likely

uh... to

too used to use all my energy

and racial mal of course uh...

uh... amal

are going to slide into to win the race

at but they still that try to get a backup myself this is what the really


and yell and they took it's bad to the school

uh... the boss

at the moment that seems not very praising

yeah i'm going to the football or basketball or other sports

so i think what will happen and you should

your your wife must be very happy about that

yes full isaac lonely either

so that we haven't talked about this kind of a month to this interview do

spend much time that still

disconnect from cap

and spend some days we do a lot of money because it takes about school we all of

you can't we

all always spend most of the time you know that that's why i have above

business here and evolves boswell i_d_ followed up with a lot to scott because

of the wire

and enso

this kind of sample a

we who that i

they hold a look at the summer

wendy's it'll schools

is is some beside we act right will return

uh... special meeting with the

uh... the war wildfire

outline my library

but began it really happy file

and they want to come and see me and spend a few days that the white house so

we have time to set up these uh...

i'd like to be found that uh... welcome

what is do you drink one yourself you know

yes of course lately

and what's your recommendation for the new

repair red briquemont red one u

what will go up

you know some nice to be condom white mine

and as well it was a electric co


and others that the companies are cutting tracks the weather and the scar

what's happened with that


i never stopped me and it's uh... all right the next time i'm dresses like a

lot of the us uh... might be

left the building was taking up this time but

are just what a finished by just asking how your life is actually balance these

days how big a project is the

devils hotel relative to the wind

to the cycling heavy proportion your time

inside to see goes where honesty wake up every day seven o'clock in morning there

yet clone bcbg beat in nineteen ninety-four about all the papers here

uh... my

and uh...

unit stopped the

today during the day ekta chronological john

i thought that it was the

weeee we have

developing project of that which it too

about at buddies finally got a realistic projects which a lot of what would a

reluctant saloon

could you tell us what part of canada

i want to go

well so we might see that the groom free on the


like live there

uh... during the season


i'd in the concrete everybody


at the year oldfield four kinds of that

gonna do you watch the formula one on television


from time to time yes

travel out better


accent blurb you have to pay

head to the u_n_

no i mean when i pull

and you're somali minimal

so annoying laurel at really one time


and uh... i gained

and in the weekend


uh... we recycle conditions so heavily

use the aggregate date

uh... already on

probably can't because so many except to and see

those look forward to seeing you the one final question on twitter

and i think you've explained the answers

are you going to be on twitter because there are quite a lot of thinking on a

trip is that the thumb a reasonably good job

yes he does that have time for all this new nine half a mile and like why don't

you i don't know i'd come out and actually an actress who can and blair


uh... because uh... i do know that i have a lot of poor eleven i'm sad about

you know to say that

barack because he eats almost impossible to cool

we may have and

and and stops

that dash let me

bowl or i thought about that

if you have time

that people had to be used week that armies peaceful

but in my opinion just the way

to resides ends up

i know that kind of people

if you are my friends to help me

uh... you know what i mean you know how to reach me

and uh... you know what you can see naomi

what is the only on my side

to tell you

away at a meeting whether i a m

the and excellent and with my family

i think if product might be something different from from up

raising them

all the other side i'd end up

i've never been a fat wannabe s that i am not the united passed on

i think uh... and

and faithful is just the way re

touring they

every major around the world which is something that i'd really whenever

needed and i want to do it now

java i would say that your very extraordinary ordinary person commits

that that's a very special person it's been a privilege talking to you

thanks for sharing your time in your thoughts with us

i hope to see you again very soon i know you do have so many fans around the


and obviously is a growing fan club in terms of the wind as well anderson is

that what is the hotel opening in dallas

exploring uh... and at this time

acting then ethel included will get so stated last season bina

previews of winter


might get off the although in double


we're gonna have to come in again i thank you so much

and take care with all your troubles and good luck with all your projects i

helped saddam build his own and


thank you your honor so

dot i'd really hasn't really changed a lot of

lovely guy and i think he's got his

while these guys proportions absolutely right in terms of life his family

and his formula one career was interesting today actually i was looking

on the online

uh... at his hotel in davos they mile hof

and also get a little spore dot com is we'll do to catch up with the latest


and or spoke about dot com on the right of the hotels dot com added at picked up

my interest in davos switzerland

and was giving me the rim race for the markov hunter in sixty eight pounds

well that's quite a lot more it's not much i'm sure it's a great hotel and

uh... identical words in the honors mouth here but i'm sure if you mentioned

that you were uh... of your the races age

in association with a fund-raising magazine

гугл там вообще агонь выдает, конечно :D :facepalm: там половина слов переврато :D но если делать перевод, то наверное поможет, я вообще на слух не все понимаю.

- Про НАСКАР в конце 2009 года сказал, что ни о чем не жалеет в жизни. Он выбрал Лотус и не знает правильно это было или нет

этот ответ мы угадали :D еще когда придумывали его :D, но он, кстати, много там в ответ наговорил... довольно честно и откровенно - я думала вообще отмажется первой фразой... надо постараться подробно перевести...

Про Монако жесть конечно, если Флав так сказал - то это жесть... :facepalm:

Мне показалось, или он говорил и что то про встречу с фан клубом летом, на винной презентации в Пескаре? Что то даже про японский фан клуб?

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песать его надо правельно!

Да как ни пеши... что то типа Суша у них выходит. А по другому писать, то Зена получицца, что тоже не совсем мое имя... Правда там в транскирпции я вообще Соней стала :D :facepalm: но не суть...

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Мне показалась или у него почти пропал итальянский акцент, за эту пару лет таскания по америкам?

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Да как ни пеши... что то типа Суша у них выходит. А по другому писать, то Зена получицца, что тоже не совсем мое имя... Правда там в транскирпции я вообще Соней стала :D :facepalm: но не суть...

Я в транскрипции вообще стал ego :) Вообще это жесть )))я постараюсь целиком перевести, но позже

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надо постараться все перевести, желательно близко к тексту, потому что очень много интересного... попробуем? :blush:

Кто нибудь может нам помочь? :blush:


martin formulaone current formula one indeed

what he thinks about some of the moments

of his formally one careers that was a great pleasure that we caught up on line

with yana truly

from his house apartments

in lugano

on the specified in bordered on a truly

younger thank you so much for joining us and it's good to see you again

if there was a time

what do you can tell you what even during the last here

what is your life like now


well my life hasn't changed a lot to be a nasa boxleitner moderating anymore

unlike being met one young man business angelenos or

and more than wanting their hotel business as well as

uh... in the black businesses you know that i've been producing mindful of the

last thirty years which is a family business

on the other hand that quiet i

uh... auto indo moss

uh... he's a ski resort about was the place where every year we host their

ward if our economy photo

and bill that has been awarded as though the bathtub data all pat buchanan's of

is debating a happy by

business office yet and i'm not when i meet with my family and with my wife and

children so here we have been successful people wrote the on on finds that

finance the sidebar bola on the real-estate salt and alone let alone and

calling on notable ect obviously had to keep the active training to go over to

do that

citing competition from ben that's all i've done uh...


the total seventeen yeah so seven and a stage

arise of the union and and and two weeks time eleven of the race one along with

uh... makiel's to clients on plenty

for the semester addicts and and give you the question straight away to get a


uh... on face book ego as activity still have a pronounced that correctly uh...

has asked if you can about your plans on so i think you're deciding the uh...

dolomite but what is the next uh... you rethinking perhaps of going as far as

you can with a cycling career

naku yes and i'm gonna


solo to show that i wasn't much much spective actually are out and i i think

i have been boy i'm onsite patently ages away

anjali and to whole we're and


and the and

the will

the about matter


and you know

we don't know


deeper comment about what the grade credit i thank you

yes i can imagine that you have a it sounds to me as if

not bracing

hasn't been a major problem for you at medieval milan dot as many racing

drivers do have a problem

when they don't raise but it sounds like your life is very full

well quantity


maybe saying that uh... jewelry and probably life

uh... mimicking rating we're told that there are currently a criminal act and

black but the people


uh... if you really are creative and you you are a hundred idea

yelled buildup and you

or more

uh... then


had been reading forward and that the

so wind abhi their pop

and the

uh... the will be

made me realize that i will be doing uh...

raging and offering

'em-up more than anything else endl on a japanese allot winning or anyways item

when for usually

one area that it was not charged with the

the with forty mm

we go resources there was no way and others was not agree on

willamette combat that uh... again office but sonya

zolotov again i hope i pronounced that correctly also seriously you considered

racing in nascar before you took the decision to drive the caterham

but do you have any regrets that

well at the monthly with the rear axle easily

at ross

twenty that sometimes in mascot but then an intermediary just uh...

i gained from rwanda

its easy enough it was a mistake

on the other hand i think uh...

weekend we can make mistakes in life but leave

eat i i don't miss anything uh... usually i'm and uh... we don't know if

it would have been any better

people when the bomb blast assault with a lot

yeah uh... mistakes in life actually

a ways of moving forward and you learn from those and and and and i think your

attitude not have regrets is it's a very was typically on the really i think


i've known you a long time now that i know the period you went through with

the groove tires and how irritating that was for you

but you kind of

had to go on with it but looking back now

that group time thing was just ridiculously for what purpose

no purpose at all

overhauls to try to slow down cop it where i don't wait

i think that

the group that has nothing to do let nothing to do with everything

all we don't

and that i made uh...

lifestyle hopeful some kind

some people a

believed that that the other thing that was the one which honestly i was

affected by the law especially when the group high if you also feel that sample

of the mission but i love the fact that they do have to blossom as possible so

busy and almost swallow that

okay almost

you have to go through a little artful required that

abedi advertise in order to wear them out and then

technocratic team or find that

all all good quality time which

for a without a army clean inside

these the to feel for blacks would mean probably kind of actual label

at night

yeah and

and and then they just went they just suddenly decided not to continue illegal

does no explanation

it was not like molly good time for formula one but just on that subject

talking about tires how much interest in how much do you follow

the current situation and if so what is your view of a neat you must be quite

please you know that baltimore's parolee except http

you are right to understand what's going on that understand last year is wealthy

at emory

job because uh...

i throw p_l_o_ for last year's

but i wasn't really driving up on the line carlos

they defrocked from i really think outside it's hot

the dot

and too many

troublesome the way too many times in the car

by on looking from outside at the moment it looks like

at u_p_ ready

who's probably by their disintegration leslie

it's time to make some olivia agreed over makes us tuition

what with the tired

uh... consistency through the race

and so i'm not all people struggle last year i think


there was question that had beginning not understand

which way they have to go with the stars and the game he looks like

uh... that uh... degrade the sample mix-up when the law and

exposing aha the races

for the people of carpool

on the other hand

you have to understand that it makes life anyhow for people who professional

wall said

attract and don't forget it

effect all eisenach make

mixing up the result of the radiation

is not really to export the you know i a justice gambling

it's a bit strange it's or have to understand the from my point of view

which obviously i i i am a professional


and anywhere someone would be

unity for

what many issues being sung and already well which

and speaking of situations

what did you think of the mark weber sebastian battle

stuff in malaysia uh... katmai point of view which my name might be criticized


is up at some point of view

uh... i do with that uh... at all

but doubt because i think he's a great great guy and the grady

and n_b_c_'s shawnee



i have personally criticizing easel is execute in malaysia just worrisome

what they can the team

it would play in

acting cameroon during that time the great sol mitigated people for simply

border looking back

they all have affect you



it was a clear indication that bolster iraq to tom then engine dot

which didn't do it

weather days

so i've done stage i don't think

back don't have to do that

first because he didn't backdrop

and and

from d dot second because

any bush's proficient i'd rather again via three times more champions


even doesn't need to do that he doesn't need to prove anything obviously i've

act and so on the studies

exploded desire is invalid higher

all k bottom he's also a relationship with the team with his teammates for the

rest of the season

being my interview

economy to do that

while you were talking i was thinking

it was the detective purdy over for really

uh... and when you had fernando alonso alongside you

but rehna and

you did very well in qualifying in terms of pace

you were right that let's take that great weekend at monte carlo what was it


before the race in terms of

any team orders that flavier mail made north of tried to give you and and what


what was fernando hoping to do do you think in that race

uh... i think uh... nekia

mandarin single-member ready well lead

most of the attention was the own program because lol

grazing stock

at the great dr mostly flyer flooded our long term contract what would it would


booming the council is expiring so there was no need to let myself be no tool to

do well

but despite their

administer those on but it was ultimately anymore of everyone

expect me to be in from

uh... yaaay

ice-cold opposition and

and in the rage annual idea that uh... had to fight for mandarin the


at that time

and most of the meeting which man

therefore the race

and yet the little abundance

by managed to keep him away and that one st is already had something like fifty

second gap


basically controlling the grades

the fact that would reflect the mat that matter

on equities ladies because you know how marlys you know i was a mistake

hillary's move you might have happened engrave cell

five-six lag raha

welcome back at different angles portion review mediocrity they cannot reach

and india bien without into war because of the kingdom injuries so

at that's how i want model because i think i just have the because that i

we'll need to go

of weekend

from twenty tons of the raised

and uh... you know

by inviting season at sixteen


again although from animals or what guys anymore i think it was uh... holding

pretty well either

that's the understatement of the conversation that's for sure

iago can i suggest that perhaps one of the reasons you are living the life you

are now today with a smile on your face getting on with it is because you did

win monica and you had that at least behind him

did you like to be different if you'd never water appropri

segment that don't really change the situation it'll tension inside the

because i was a moment wind com brady

and uh...

mhm someway flywheel showed it straight away after the raid when you say are

you would like to because otherwise you wouldn't want to run really goes from

one off

uh... that making sent along


it's time to alleviate the


i planted the glove that tried to do my best i think in some way of cheating the

good thing

may be able to come back to knows

you know on the other hand i think that

uh... commercials that uh... i've tried my best and uh...

uh... whether

it didn't happen bowl was not enough

and mass the way when

uh... and i think it was at my family have a nice life

uh... soon baby

regina with something that they

and folding assets sena

the highs and lows likes to use a little of it

now though it's interesting talking to you


talking about you today too

current new formula one drive us particularly new format on drivers

now have you out there as the driver that could put together almost the

perfect qualifying lap in a way that

you very rarely see during during your time of course

it was a much harder thing for you but looking back now it's interesting how

many people do perceive you that way

so i'd love to just talk to a little bit about that and and maybe say to you that

you know what what what do you think is the best qualifying lap you ever drove

an equally how did you do it

um... effect is able to get out which one it was a passive latina by financial

is the one

which has to come

one unit on

if you really

and think about the you my always have some

leland romance solo honestly

i never thought i was doing then something special it was more down to

the people criticizing all basically to say that i was doing picking one of them

but i think there was only

trying to get the best uh... out to myself

out of the qualifying

all over the top of that particular situation whistle

as you'll see all

perfect uh...

uh... type from from the class or perfect condition

and uh... and like many times and i think uh...

uh... it was a

something that i was not earn

particularly a optimistic or something to do that it was quite nice off me

blowout with that

i think more small duffel

i provide which we're not capable of doing it because

i don't think i was doing anything especially those sold so great schultz

understood that was might be late

uh... my family straight and that's the way

now it sounds like

what we suspect which is that it was all completely natural from your

point-of-view when it is not true it's quite difficult to be

subjective about it but

as an observer let me let me also to say this

tumi book

what made you stand out was the

the transition point between traveling in a straight line

and initiating

the first part of the corner

absolutely imperceptible with u usually it was was

beautifully seamless whereas most drivers


still today but even more so in the renovation could see a distinct lake

as he begins the the turned in face birds with you

in every car you ever drove

you always make the car looked very slow actually because you never looked out of


effective one of the deputy lucia sunway only from packing already

out one which and

but only on one side was positive on on either side was that it be

what's positive because their one cowboys overlooked and uh... oh

acted on it

i was in would go to extract the backs up to the top

but because of my time side enough situation probably was not comfortable

that all all express myself or destructive yet


all ka and i want someone you know that bear there's no more steel talking about

and the clean

depriving aside ahead

uh... it was quite nice in some circles something like that

on the west condition contractor was never able to put uh... enuff

amber's buys or

uh... worldly with group titles that are able to clean grew

and find out what i saw

uh... yeah yeah i might

i have been

looking good in some situations buddy type situation probably i will certainly

more than about privacy

but you also seemed to spend more time than most actually

working on

how to drive in the straight line as well

you were quite diligent about where was the best place to be on the streets that

was an important part of a lot for you right

uh... yes i was taking care of the delivery any as that

most to reedy

i think others friends trying almost lost it there

of what they found clan

once the war fighting the people as always living room

uh... for them to

to attack but the good thing is that i was always leave the room i wanted to

let you guys saw it was not to

to get me

and during the fire

i've done some great raises a in front of a lot of people try to back out of

the likud initial

there's a way i think accepted that

they often the best thought to myself that i'm not going to cut by our clients

and in the last few days raised by the loves to gamble anyway off to the making

competed in the kind of about

yellow uh...

at the formal observateur denies saying

has qualifying been devalued in your view seeing the qualifying was one of

your strength and i guess he's referring to d_r_ s now and how he could do such a

great job in qualifying but it'll disappear but as of the city these days

and also the prosecution

uh... my point of view any

i feel like i told the

that yes uh... altogether and the twenty seven


michael did an excellent job

uh... for the first time

blvd at us

and uh... the cass

to him and ask the last lesson and

and that that you know

uh... wala spending more time concentrating on the bottles and the

timing to push the buttons and recording the energy and concentrating on how much

energy or awards trying to save n

and continues after wards

rather than in

concentrating on how much ike would break

later accelerate


through the corner

and uh...

that's something no uh...

quite national progress dot

to if eighty five to be fair it something that ended the electrical when

it when it really

acted out of the kind of it is like to be keeping his nominee more easy

and i cannot say that

x taken something that

away from why final grades offshore at acting consultant away quite a lot of

weight from former triad point of view

on the other

and we can say that that these espy is not


uh... if this is what we want to

that's fair

baja sucked ass huh

by for a point of u_n_ iraq driver point of view was interesting product i think

i did enjoy it

and all that but uh... florals deters what's there what you think about the

twenty fourteen

engine regulations where it's becoming even more technical on that side as well

with the fuel

restrictions that are coming in and the turbos what you think about that uh...

yoko ono all uh... what leon



aunt frieda

changes it means that uh... an extra cost especially for forbes moorthy in

which they are really struggling not let them know what day it was top in the

future of sorts

accompli josh

web here is that i think u

and what we cast

uh... but for sure abused his will

to have a big impact on the finance

on the final



to smoking

and on twitter and a twenty three

says what is your opinion on the lack of italian drivers informal one

word avionics your glyphosate uh... informal and our maybe we


amira and we have to open a new era where

and we will

have to find

and look for full group young lieutenant dot

is not easy

and we got some some driver scott

not and embassy he's one of them bar

it's happened really johnson

is it



difficult situation competent which calls for the and not well so will also

find out finder

and finances beyond

uh... aspect house too

to get to uh... roxana from one counsel

it said the situation which is also so mild hot

hot say

none of that

dissect to wants you to know that you got some still got some great fans in

the united states of america and there you are a bit of a fan of the states as

well right

ally always booked you ask her at the end of the program

first and then try to spend

fifteen days a month uh... ta send money my kids to school

in order to speak english

speaks english so allow u_s_

and patsy casting and wants to know how the white businesses now and adds up to


uh... on face book tatou saying

uh... he loves you wine but it's not easy to find in russia a gimmick of the

russian and present the wind and what's going on

yet uh... opa-locka abt being wall woman and we probably soon

the present the massively on the

voles u_s_a_ m

and uh... american and


in u_s_ we already but status i'd be backed up by the lot


why don't we have talking uh...

with a too

billionaire russian importers

and we'll pencil between six months maybe one year

and would be coming to the to russia in order to present the wind is when facing

so i hope to be there

in russia acting roses back

nephew days in moscow some years ago though we've obviously got lots of

russian viewers said let us know where that's happening and we can we can tell

them about its so how is the one business right now

what is this is going well well recalls want to be sent back

busy eight exporting along

novelty ninety percent

whatever that city's is export so we are not

uh... and

the economical crisis that we actually called me up every year for a cosmic the

that that's

in said to be going like that

embattled that would be awarded uh... in the last two years cisa

and nai install lee

many awards coming but i was well any satisfaction people stepped into no more

and more

what they've been doing for the last fifteen years family business so

the one is is they've been worked so hard

uganda another question house with your going to do in the

cup races with

some of the formula one drivers like the master of entombed few other things and

how much

of your life carting fills these days and let's talk also about your two boys

as well and what the hoping a limo hoping to do

uh... lot going on and i don't blame lol

at the end will be

uh... soon my love i'd like to see at the moment an active

the way a m and uh...

as is the uses likely

uh... to

too used to use all my energy

and racial mal of course uh...

uh... amal

are going to slide into to win the race

at but they still that try to get a backup myself this is what the really


and yell and they took it's bad to the school

uh... the boss

at the moment that seems not very praising

yeah i'm going to the football or basketball or other sports

so i think what will happen and you should

your your wife must be very happy about that

yes full isaac lonely either

so that we haven't talked about this kind of a month to this interview do

spend much time that still

disconnect from cap

and spend some days we do a lot of money because it takes about school we all of

you can't we

all always spend most of the time you know that that's why i have above

business here and evolves boswell i_d_ followed up with a lot to scott because

of the wire

and enso

this kind of sample a

we who that i

they hold a look at the summer

wendy's it'll schools

is is some beside we act right will return

uh... special meeting with the

uh... the war wildfire

outline my library

but began it really happy file

and they want to come and see me and spend a few days that the white house so

we have time to set up these uh...

i'd like to be found that uh... welcome

what is do you drink one yourself you know

yes of course lately

and what's your recommendation for the new

repair red briquemont red one u

what will go up

you know some nice to be condom white mine

and as well it was a electric co


and others that the companies are cutting tracks the weather and the scar

what's happened with that


i never stopped me and it's uh... all right the next time i'm dresses like a

lot of the us uh... might be

left the building was taking up this time but

are just what a finished by just asking how your life is actually balance these

days how big a project is the

devils hotel relative to the wind

to the cycling heavy proportion your time

inside to see goes where honesty wake up every day seven o'clock in morning there

yet clone bcbg beat in nineteen ninety-four about all the papers here

uh... my

and uh...

unit stopped the

today during the day ekta chronological john

i thought that it was the

weeee we have

developing project of that which it too

about at buddies finally got a realistic projects which a lot of what would a

reluctant saloon

could you tell us what part of canada

i want to go

well so we might see that the groom free on the


like live there

uh... during the season


i'd in the concrete everybody


at the year oldfield four kinds of that

gonna do you watch the formula one on television


from time to time yes

travel out better


accent blurb you have to pay

head to the u_n_

no i mean when i pull

and you're somali minimal

so annoying laurel at really one time


and uh... i gained

and in the weekend


uh... we recycle conditions so heavily

use the aggregate date

uh... already on

probably can't because so many except to and see

those look forward to seeing you the one final question on twitter

and i think you've explained the answers

are you going to be on twitter because there are quite a lot of thinking on a

trip is that the thumb a reasonably good job

yes he does that have time for all this new nine half a mile and like why don't

you i don't know i'd come out and actually an actress who can and blair


uh... because uh... i do know that i have a lot of poor eleven i'm sad about

you know to say that

barack because he eats almost impossible to cool

we may have and

and and stops

that dash let me

bowl or i thought about that

if you have time

that people had to be used week that armies peaceful

but in my opinion just the way

to resides ends up

i know that kind of people

if you are my friends to help me

uh... you know what i mean you know how to reach me

and uh... you know what you can see naomi

what is the only on my side

to tell you

away at a meeting whether i a m

the and excellent and with my family

i think if product might be something different from from up

raising them

all the other side i'd end up

i've never been a fat wannabe s that i am not the united passed on

i think uh... and

and faithful is just the way re

touring they

every major around the world which is something that i'd really whenever

needed and i want to do it now

java i would say that your very extraordinary ordinary person commits

that that's a very special person it's been a privilege talking to you

thanks for sharing your time in your thoughts with us

i hope to see you again very soon i know you do have so many fans around the


and obviously is a growing fan club in terms of the wind as well anderson is

that what is the hotel opening in dallas

exploring uh... and at this time

acting then ethel included will get so stated last season bina

previews of winter


might get off the although in double


we're gonna have to come in again i thank you so much

and take care with all your troubles and good luck with all your projects i

helped saddam build his own and


thank you your honor so

dot i'd really hasn't really changed a lot of

lovely guy and i think he's got his

while these guys proportions absolutely right in terms of life his family

and his formula one career was interesting today actually i was looking

on the online

uh... at his hotel in davos they mile hof

and also get a little spore dot com is we'll do to catch up with the latest


and or spoke about dot com on the right of the hotels dot com added at picked up

my interest in davos switzerland

and was giving me the rim race for the markov hunter in sixty eight pounds

well that's quite a lot more it's not much i'm sure it's a great hotel and

uh... identical words in the honors mouth here but i'm sure if you mentioned

that you were uh... of your the races age

in association with a fund-raising magazine

гугл там вообще агонь выдает, конечно :D :facepalm: там половина слов переврато :D но если делать перевод, то наверное поможет, я вообще на слух не все понимаю.

этот ответ мы угадали :D еще когда придумывали его :D, но он, кстати, много там в ответ наговорил... довольно честно и откровенно - я думала вообще отмажется первой фразой... надо постараться подробно перевести...

Про Монако жесть конечно, если Флав так сказал - то это жесть... :facepalm:

Мне показалось, или он говорил и что то про встречу с фан клубом летом, на винной презентации в Пескаре? Что то даже про японский фан клуб?

По моему он как раз говорил что японцы приезжают на его винодельню на встречу в Пескару

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