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Себастьян Феттель (30.11.2013 - 28.07.2014)

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М-да, у Себа появился соперник с похожей жизненной философией :read:

Так это же прекрасно!

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На главной перевели


Герхард Бергер: Феттель – лучший гонщик современности

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Интересно, каким это макаром лучший гонщик современности попал в спортивный антирейтинг 2013 года...!? :akkordeon:Упс, опять не очень удобный вопрос, сорри!

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Интересно, каким это макаром лучший гонщик современности попал в спортивный антирейтинг 2013 года...!? :akkordeon:Упс, опять не очень удобный вопрос, сорри!

Вот именно смайлом ты удачно себя охарактеризовал :D

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Вот именно смайлом ты удачно себя охарактеризовал :D


Не справится.

Для игры на баяне хоть какие-то мозги, но нужны :D

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Хочу заметить, что уже на мой второй, прямой и конкретный вопрос, товарищи из данной ветки настойчиво уходят от ответа... Какой из этого следует вывод думаю объяснять не нужно... :spiteful:

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Хочу заметить, что уже на мой второй, прямой и конкретный вопрос, товарищи из данной ветки настойчиво уходят от ответа... Какой из этого следует вывод думаю объяснять не нужно... :spiteful:

что именно из [searchInKey]=&userMode=content"]ЭТОГО тебя интересует ?

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что именно из ЭТОГО тебя интересует ?

На выбор, любой из двух! А вообще я в попугаи не записывался...

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Так в чём же секрет доминирования Себастьяна Феттеля:




или же это просто суперпилотаж, самого великого в мире автогонщика!?

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Ну ты сам на все ответил: Рельсов никто не видел , значит остаётся второй вариант.

А я нажимаю кнопку игнор :)

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Рискну поверить Бергеру и предположить что это суперпилотаж!!!


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Ну ты сам на все ответил: Рельсов никто не видел , значит остаётся второй вариант.

А я нажимаю кнопку игнор :)

А самовоза тоже никто не видел...? :rofl:

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А самовоза тоже никто не видел...? :rofl:

Сформулируйте вопросы конкретно,по возможности без шаржей.......хотя:

  • Болеет за:ИСТИНУ

  • И почему я не удивлён?))) Следующий статус-диагноз- Болеет за: КР

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А я нажимаю кнопку игнор :)

что же так поздно то ?

иль забыл, что :

истина (по-Чехову) - сестра вселенской справедливости.. :hi:

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Пожалуйста, ну не стоит того.

Заигнорьте убогого баяниста, а вы окна приоткрываете, чтоб лучше слышать.Вы же взрослые люди, зачем вестись на неумные детские пакости?

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Отвечал в другой ветке, но вам тоже должно быть интересно


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Господа (и конечно же, глубокоуважаемые Дамы) Себофилы и Себолюбы!

Тут какой вопрос, Зевсом навеянный возник: само собой, все в Себа верим, болем и надеемся, он победит и пусть кто то попробует поспорить, НО! как вы думаете, кто придет вторым? Предположим, что вам нужно поставить деньги, на кого пал бы выбор? (ИМХИ, безпруфные аргументы и холливары приветствуются! :punk: )

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Отвечал в другой ветке, но вам тоже должно быть интересно


Отправьте это Матешицу. Пусть риски своих вложений в RBR захеджирует. :)

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Бергер: "До прошлого года многие действительно считали Алонсо лучшим гонщиком, в том числе и я. Однако после 2013 года я считаю, что Феттель сильнее. В прошлом сезоне Фернандо показал, что он не во всем идеален. Он публично раскритиковал Ferrari :newconfus: , тем самым показав свои слабые стороны. У Феттеля тоже возникли проблемы в первой половине чемпионата, но он молча :facepalm: делал свое дело." - Интересно, что Бергер отмочит после 14-го... И вообще он Малайзию 2013 видел!? :rofl:

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Да, Бергер явно не тот товарищ, по словам которого можно делать выводы...Но в одном он прав, Феттель реально лучший!!! :yes:

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Ньюи и Себ: особенная связь (сканы, на английском) :)







только текст (на английском)
The conversation, one imagines, would have gone a little like James Bond's briefing from Q, top mastermind of the British Secret Service, when Bond received his latest special order vehicle, complete with machine guns, bullet-proof screen and ejector seat...

Adrian Newey: "Now pay attention Sebastian, you'll be using our new car, the RB9, with a few special modifications."

Sebastian Vettel: "What's wrong with the old one, she never let me down…?"

Newey: "Boss's orders, I'm afraid. Now, there are a couple of trick devices I have to show you. That little red button on your steering wheel is your KERS, for when you need a power boost to outrun the competition. Then there's the DRS button in case you need to pass anyone in a hurry. It opens your rear wing to boost your straight- line top speed."

For Vettel and Newey, read James Bond and Q - idols for millions, whose achievements at times seem scarcely believable. The exploits of Bond are part of the world's common cultural currency, whether he's being viewed with awe as the deadly-but-irresistible secret agent in Her Majesty's Secret Service, or more playfully as "Mr. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang." The exploits of Sebastian Vettel and his technocrat partner Adrian Newey meanwhile, although grounded in reality, could also almost be the stuff of fantasy: racing around the globe in dazzlingly glamorous locations, in the world's quickest cars, feted by millions, envied by rivals.

One is the ace at the wheel: the youthful dashing hero with a ready smile and sharp wits, always a step ahead of his challengers. The other is the backroom mastermind: a 54-year-old genius blessed with a powerful, restless mind that never stops working - a cognitive powerhouse capable of finding new creative solutions where others hit dead ends. Much like Bond and Q, Sebastian Vettel, now a four-time Formula One World Champion and Adrian Newey, Chief Technical Officer of Infiniti Red Bull Racing, have together become a precision combination.

While Seb is the guy who gets the glory - bestriding victory podiums as he and his team globe-trot the world - it's Newey, genius behind those titles and many more with previous teams, who provides the tools that allow him to do his spectacular work.

What a meaningful coincidence is the fact that the RB9 has been given the nickname "Q100" by Infiniti - playfully putting the racecar on top of the Infiniti range so it is matching the new nomenclature.

Mild-mannered and slightly shy, Newey rebelled at school before starring at university. Too bright for conventional structures and stifling learning by rote, Newey's the free thinker who could only find space for his big ideas in the looser creative framework of high academia - in his case the aeronautics department of Southampton University. "I went there because in those days (the 1970s), Formula One teams were using the university's wind tunnel to develop their cars," he says. It was an obvious place for him to be, having decided before the age of 10 that he one day wanted to design race cars and work out how to make them go faster.

Straight from university with a first-class degree in aeronautics and astronautics in 1980, he began work as a Formula One engineer for a team created by two-time world champion Emerson Fittipaldi. And from there he began to fly. A move to the U.S. racing scene in 1983 taught Newey even more about the exacting aerodynamic demands of high-speed racing on oval circuits like Indianapolis - not least how vital it is for an engineer to be able to craft a car that makes a driver feel comfortable and confident, as well as looking fast on the drawing board.

It's a skill he has honed to perfection in recent decades. Much like the immaculate Savile Row suit that Bond might wear, Newey's designs not only look beautiful, they perform brilliantly and put their user completely at ease. Sebastian Vettel's celebrations at the 2013 Indian Grand Prix, where he leapt from the cockpit of his RB9 having secured race and title victories, before bowing to his machine to offer it praise, were evidence of the giddying superiority of Newey's latest masterwork. Graciously, Vettel chose to honor the machine in the most public manner possible.

The joy of a "Newey car" is one that only few drivers experience in a racing career - Vettel being the latest to luxuriate in the delights of a design informed by intuition as much as empiricism. They feel so good in part because Newey, as an amateur racer himself, has developed an informed understanding of what it is that a driver needs from his racecar. He explains it thus: "Any car is a collection of parts, so I spend a lot of time trying to make sure that the car is as holistic and as 'one-piece' as possible."

What this means, in terms of the daily realities of his work, is that in an era of ever-increasing design specialism, where whole teams of engineers might be devoted to, say, front suspension parts, Newey remains the man atop the pyramid, setting the overall direction for their work and remaining in control.

For instance, he continues to draw cars and components with a pencil and French curves on a technical drawing board in his office. He prefers the sense of tactile comprehension afforded by this time-honored process, to hours spent in front of electronic screens, manipulating computer-aided design programs. "The bit I tend to be particularly involved in," he says, "is trying to get the package together - making the front end of the car talk to the back end, if you like. The rest of what I do is a combination of trying to understand the flow physics around the car and the vehicle dynamics and then trying to marry the two together."

And he's never been afraid of getting his hands dirty. A little over 20 years ago he was putting the final touches to the prototype of a March Grand Prix car which has now come to be recognized as the first revolutionary Newey Formula One design. That car, the March 881 of 1988, featured bodywork that was shrink-wrapped tight around the internal components. This uncompromising approach maximized the car's aerodynamic efficiency and thus increased its performance. Trouble was, the origami folds of the 881's skin were so tight, there wasn't room enough inside the cockpit for a driver to change gear without his knuckles being scuffed on the inner surfaces. Realizing this problem late in the day, Newey set to work creating a "bubble" for the bodywork, right where a driver's knuckles would be as they gripped the gearshift lever, and thus the pilot was allowed just enough room to change gear without pain - with barely millimeters to spare. He made the new part himself in the team's workshop, staying deep into the night to ensure that it fitted perfectly into his overall design.

This driven, perfectionist streak remains much in evidence in Newey's contemporary Infiniti Red Bull Racing creations. The RB5 of 2009, for example, looked dramatically different from any of its rivals that year: smaller, tighter, leaner it won six Grands Prix and spawned a generation of cars that have dominated Formula One for the past four seasons. From 2010 to 2013, the RB6, 7, 8 and 9 have won both drivers' and constructors' titles, meaning Vettel, at 26, has become the youngest ever four-time world champion and only the third since 1950 to have won four consecutive titles (the others being Juan Manuel Fangio and Michael Schumacher).

His relationship with Newey has become almost symbiotic. "Our working relationship is very good, I hope," Newey reflects. "I think we are very straightforward with each other and I hope we have mutual respect. Occasionally of course we won't agree about something but that will give us both something to think about." It's not too difficult to imagine Newey delivering a first briefing about the year's new machine, deep inside the race bays at HQ in Milton Keynes, telling Vettel about this latest innovation or that application of a physics principle, while all Vettel thinks is: "Wow, this is gonna be so fast," with a mile-wide smile.

Newey reckons that Seb has "spare brain capacity" even when driving at the limit, which allows him to process what his machine is doing, even as he urges it to go faster. "Like all great drivers, simply driving fast doesn't take that much out of him," Newey notes. "He has incredible recall, so when we talk to him about the car's behavior, he's able to use his recollection to further understand what was going on, and where he can improve. He can report back exactly what was going on to an amazing level of detail. He might tell us that on lap 32 of a particular race he had a slightly slow gear change from fifth to sixth. And this might have been when he's setting a new lap record."

For any engineer, being able to feed off detailed driver intelligence can enhance the production of new, even better technology and augment a winning position into one of even greater strength. Without this partnership of brilliant talents, indeed, neither is able to unleash their full potential. What use is the quickest car in the world without a driver to explore its outer limits? And what great driver has ever been able to flaunt his superiority without a masterpiece machine at his command?

Perhaps, then, this is how we should consider driver and engineer: In a post-cold-war age, each man is the other's secret weapon. For truly, they share a special Bond.


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