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FIA European Formula 3 ( F3 EuroSeries)

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А ты не родственник карама? ну, который репко?

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А ты не родственник карама? ну, который репко?

Первый раз слышу.

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А вот насчет не даст сыночка задвигать, посмотрим как он с Карлосом-старшим в следующем году справится. Хотя опять же, имхо, Макс в гоночном плане уже превосходит Карлоса. С поула в точку Ферстаппен-младший умеет уезжать не хуже Карлитто, а вот в борьбе Сайнц частенько выглядел неубедительно, в отличие от Макса. А учитывая, что с поула в точку уезжать никому из них в следующем сезоне явно не грозит, то я уверенно ставлю на Макса. Хотя в квалах, вполне допускаю, Сайнц даст бой Максу и может даже опередить его.

Да, Макс в борьбе хорош, бросается в атаку не задумываясь. Это и хорошо, и плохо. Хорошо потому, что красиво смотрится на экране, да и любовь болельщиков завоевывает. А плохо потому, что можно закончить гонку в гравии, что и случалось несколько раз по ходу сезона. Карлос же понимает - за обгоны очки не дают, надо финишировать и атаковать с холодной головой. Поэтому я ставлю на Карлоса как в квалификациях, так и в гонках. Во всяком случае в их первом совместном сезоне. А вот во втором, если таковой будет, уже как знать.

В общем свою веру в Сайнса я готов подтвердить деньгами :)

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Да, Макс в борьбе хорош, бросается в атаку не задумываясь. Это и хорошо, и плохо. Хорошо потому, что красиво смотрится на экране, да и любовь болельщиков завоевывает. А плохо потому, что можно закончить гонку в гравии, что и случалось несколько раз по ходу сезона. Карлос же понимает - за обгоны очки не дают, надо финишировать и атаковать с холодной головой. Поэтому я ставлю на Карлоса как в квалификациях, так и в гонках. Во всяком случае в их первом совместном сезоне. А вот во втором, если таковой будет, уже как знать.

В общем свою веру в Сайнса я готов подтвердить деньгами :)

Я бы не сказал, что он бросается в атаки не задумываясь. Он посчитывает атаки, пытается найти неожиданные места доя обгона, обманные маневры совершает, чтобы перекрестить потом. Ищет предел это да.

Я бы сказал, Окон гораздо жестче и опаснее маневры совершал по ходу сезона.

По Сайнсу, он как раз раньше порой довольно бесбашенно вел себя на трассе, вот в этом году и перестраховывается, видимо. Это другая крайность, тоже не слишком хорошо.

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Педро Пике нацелен на выступление в серии в следующем году, и уже протестился за Карлин, и собирается за Ван Амерсфорт.

Так же за Карлин тестировался Беретта.

А за Фортек тесты провёл Мэтт Пэрри


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Прикольно, кстати, будет, если ещё и Пьетро поедет. Пике против Фиттипальди :)

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Прикольно, кстати, будет, если ещё и Пьетро поедет. Пике против Фиттипальди :)

Им бы ещё какого-нибудь Сенну... Ну или хотя бы Да Силву.

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Педро Пике нацелен на выступление в серии в следующем году, и уже протестился за Карлин, и собирается за Ван Амерсфорт.

Так же за Карлин тестировался Беретта.

А за Фортек тесты провёл Мэтт Пэрри


Так если Москоу останется в календаре, стопудов еду!!!!

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итоговый ролик сезона

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итоговый ролик сезона

Мурашки при просмотре. Какой же был сезон!

Макс и Эстебан в свои годы такая зрелая и уверенная борьба. И особенно наглядно они показали это в финальной гонке.

Ждём Окона в Ф1.

Думается это поколение молодёжи в недалёком будущем будет бороться за звание сильнейшего в королеве.

Только представить: Магнуссен, Вандорн, Марчьелло, Квят, Ферстаппен, Окон. А там может Эванс, Линн, Сайнц, Киршхоффер, Гасли, Фуоко, Феруччи...

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Думается это поколение молодёжи в недалёком будущем будет бороться за звание сильнейшего в королеве.

Только представить: Магнуссен, Вандорн, Марчьелло, Квят, Ферстаппен, Окон. А там может Эванс, Линн, Сайнц, Киршхоффер, Гасли, Фуоко, Феруччи...

Так то оно, конечно, было бы прекрасно...

Но Формула-1 вообще печалит. Мест для гонщиков там всё меньше и меньше. А если большинству из этого списка что-то и светит, то явно не в лучшей команде, что будет не так интересно.

Так что надеюсь ещё посмотреть на борьбу многих из этих людей в молодёжках ))

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итоговый ролик сезона

Ролик шикарный )

В начале классно сделали, изобразили в виде компьютерной игры... Мне аж захотелось поиграть :D Нафик эти игры по Ф1 от Кодемастеров, запилите мне игру по Формуле-3! :D

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Ролик шикарный )

В начале классно сделали, изобразили в виде компьютерной игры... Мне аж захотелось поиграть :D Нафик эти игры по Ф1 от Кодемастеров, запилите мне игру по Формуле-3! :D

Мод японской Ф3 для рФактора. Диллманн в нём тренировался.

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Мод японской Ф3 для рФактора. Диллманн в нём тренировался.

Так вроде для РФа только с 308 Далларами есть.

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Так вроде для РФа только с 308 Далларами есть.

Скорее всего, да, но ИМХО это не столь принципиально. Можно поискать апдейты для 312 Даллары, в принципе - коммерческие они точно есть. Но кардинальной разницы не будет, на самом деле.

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Ну конкретно сезона 2014 ведь там нет ) А я хочу погоняться за Окона :D

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Ну конкретно сезона 2014 ведь там нет ) А я хочу погоняться за Окона :D

Ну, пара часов на рисование текстур и прописывание пилотов и всё реально :)

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Ну конкретно сезона 2014 ведь там нет ) А я хочу погоняться за Окона :D

Вот если бы ты погонялся за Спайка и всех порвал бы :rolleyes:

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Вот если бы ты погонялся за Спайка и всех порвал бы :rolleyes:

Хм. Не, я бы лучше выбрал Менезеса, у него машина красивая ))))

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Ну конкретно сезона 2014 ведь там нет ) А я хочу погоняться за Окона :D

Против Окона, ты хотел сказать, конечно же?

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Автоспорт пишет, что Деннис, скорее всего, перейдёт в Према. Якобы, из-за этого он и не выступил за Карлин в Макао


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топ 10 пилотов Европейской Ф3 2014 по версии журнала Автоспорт

The top 10 Euro F3 drivers of 2014
space.gifThe hype over Max Verstappen might have overshadowed everyone else during the European F3 season, but the class of 2014 was much more than just the future Toro Rosso driver, as MARCUS SIMMONS explains

By Marcus Simmons Deputy editor
The single most important thing that brought this year's Formula 3 European Championship to wider attention than normal is easy to pinpoint: Max Verstappen. But ignoring all else would be to downplay the achievements of his main rivals.
Yes, Verstappen provided a context that gave us a thrilling season. But, equally, his own rise to Formula 1 wonderkid was only made possible by the opposition and performances from, most notably, Esteban Ocon, Tom Blomqvist and Lucas Auer.
Of course, Ocon and Blomqvist both beat Verstappen fair and square in the championship, and there are some interesting stats here. First, Ocon was the quickest driver: he was on pole position 15 times.
And, although Verstappen beat Blomqvist 7-6 on poles, the scores would have been inverted had grid penalties for engine changes not been applied. Likewise, Ocon set the overall fastest lap time on six of the 11 race weekends; Blomqvist did so three times, and Verstappen not once.
But what a racer Verstappen is. Watch him in free practice, and you can see that as well as improvising lines he's practising overtaking, rather than dropping back into clear space.
That's what brought him 10 wins to the nine of Ocon, with whom he fought several ferocious battles. To illustrate, here's another cool stat: Verstappen led 227 laps to the 216 of Ocon; yet Ocon spent 207 laps in second position, to just 43 of Verstappen...
While those two rookies grabbed the headlines, there was terrific strength down the field. With the performances they gave, in any other year Blomqvist would have been a very worthy champion and Auer a similarly impressive runner-up.
Prema Powerteam Dallara-Mercedes
Championship: 1st, 478 points
Wins: 9
Poles: 15
Fastest laps: 7
If this was a list of 'who's most likely to be world champion in the future', then it might be a different story. But it's not. It's a list of who did the best job in European F3 in 2014. And, rather controversially, it goes to the man who wrapped up the title with three races to spare.
A tall French teenager with some Spanish ancestry, Ocon set the standard early in the season, at which point Prema arguably had its cars best sorted, and ditto Mercedes with its engines.
That was when the title was won, giving Ocon enough of a buffer for a couple of late-summer moments of madness/misfortune to not prove too costly. And, even when he perhaps didn't have the quickest car, he was still capable of putting it at the front, as a stunning pole at the Red Bull Ring showed.
Van Amersfoort Racing Dallara-VW
Championship: 3rd, 411pts
Wins: 10
Poles: 7
Fastest laps: 7
In a moment of which Kimi Raikkonen would heartily approve, Verstappen's engineer Rik Vernooij got on the radio during qualifying to tell his man where there was a clear track. "Leave me - I will find my own way!" came the reply.
Verstappen, as you'd expect from someone with an F1 dad and a karting superstar mum, is an utter natural. ("They've done the same with him as if they were breeding a bloody racehorse," said one paddock wag.)
Considering he started the season hardly able to use a clutch, and bearing in mind his almost total lack of F3 experience, his progress was incredible.
And the Belgo-Dutch lad is a super guy too, friends with just about every other driver in the paddock. He'll be a great ambassador for the sport. And he knows what he's doing.
Carlin Dallara-VW
Championship: 2nd, 420pts
Wins: 6
Poles: 6
Fastest laps: 9
At long last Blomqvist got the kind of opportunity he should have had as reigning Formula Renault UK champion in 2011. Almost certainly he made a better job of it than he would have done three years ago though, as the intervening period had provided a host of hard knocks - some literally – and a great growth in maturity.
Blomqvist has always been a smooth driver, but this year there seemed to be added controlled flamboyance as he made the transition within the comfort zone of the Carlin squad to fully fledged frontrunner.
Not only did he perform superbly, but he also proved a great leader for Jagonya Ayam stablemates Antonio Giovinazzi and Sean Gelael, whose father Ricardo rescued the likeable Anglo-Swede's career when he was dropped by Red Bull at the end of 2013.
Mucke Motorsport Dallara-Mercedes
Championship: 4th, 365pts
Wins: 3
Poles: 1
Fastest laps: 2
This was a real breakout season for Auer in what looked initially not to be promising circumstances. He arrived in Euro F3 in 2013 with Prema after clambering off a non-mainstream ladder (Formula BMW in Asia and then German F3), and was quick without looking totally convincing. Most predicted that he'd be overshadowed by Felix Rosenqvist on his switch to Mucke, but that certainly wasn't the case.
The team was well off the pace at the Silverstone opener, but the Austrian turned it around to take pole next time out at Hockenheim. Arguably not quite as quick as Rosenqvist when everything was right, but his fighting spirit did the rest and he actually outqualified his highly regarded team-mate 16-6.
For those of a certain age, it was slightly reminiscent of his uncle Gerhard Berger against Michele Alboreto at Ferrari in 1987/88.
Mucke Motorsport Dallara-Mercedes
Championship: 8th, 198pts
Wins: 1
Poles: 1
Fastest laps: 3
By rights 'The Troll' should have been moving up to GP2 with 2013 F3 title rival Raffaele Marciello. Or getting a DTM shot. Or even – and let's just lazily lump everything Swedish in together here – being on standby for Volvo's V8 Supercars enduro line-ups. Instead, it was a fifth year in F3, a fourth with Mucke, and a drastic loss of career momentum.
The east German team did struggle initially on the more technical tracks, but on the Pau and Norisring street circuits Rosenqvist was right there, leading the charge of the orange brigade and looking right in contention.
Elsewhere there was some bad luck, a few mistakes, an enormous shunt at Imola (it shook him up, but there were no injuries) and, to completely sum up his season, a sequence of accidentally activating his pitlane speed-limiter.
Carlin Dallara-VW
Championship 6th, 238pts
Wins: 2
Poles: 2
Fastest laps: 3
From way down south near the heel of Italy in Puglia, Giovinazzi came to Europe in 2013 highly rated by his 2012 team in Asia, which said he was the best the squad had run since Daniel Ricciardo. But in F3 there was always a sense of trying to run before he could walk: quite often overdriving cost him, although in slippery conditions he shone.
Then came August. With tub damage sustained at the Norisring, Giovinazzi was given a new chassis by the Carlin team, and suddenly everything clicked. He still looked spectacular, but he wasn't wasting energy overcooking tyres or going sideways.
On pace, he was the man at the Red Bull Ring, and he also won at the Nurburgring. With a bit more polish, he'll be right there.
Carlin Dallara-VW
Championship: 7th, 217pts
Wins: 0
Poles: 0
Fastest laps: 0
There were moments – particularly at the Norisring, Imola and Hockenheim – when the articulate Warwickshire driver looked every inch a frontrunner. Taking the season as a whole, he was damn close to Carlin team-mate Giovinazzi, also in his second season of F3, but without the peaks that the Italian achieved.
King never quite put everything together and his zero poles, wins and fastest laps tell their story.
So too does the intra-Carlin qualifying stat of Blomqvist being best in 15 sessions, Giovinazzi in three, King in two, and Jake Dennis and Ed Jones once apiece. The feeling was that the speed is there, but he wasn't quite getting on it quickly enough, although on late-race pace he was match for – or beyond – anyone.
Prema Powerteam Dallara-Mercedes
Championship: 5th, 255pts
Wins: 2
Poles: 0
Fastest laps: 2
It's easy to forget that during the opening round the star rookies were very much regarded as a trio: Ocon, Verstappen and Fuoco. Indeed, 'Tony Fire' took a win at Silverstone. But thereafter the Calabrian fell down the order, and it looked as if his confidence had taken a knock.
As reigning Formula Renault ALPS champion, Fuoco should have taken the fight more convincingly to Prema team-mate Ocon, but he lost the qualifying battle by a resounding 21-1.
The Ferrari protege's driving often looks smooth, but you get the impression he needs to break out of his comfort zone and put it on the edge like Ocon. On racecraft, there were quite a few incidents. One more win came his way, but that was inherited after a Giovinazzi blunder behind the safety car at the Red Bull Ring.
Carlin Dallara-VW
Championship: 9th, 174pts
Wins: 0
Poles: 0
Fastest laps: 0
Not too dissimilar to Fuoco, in the sense that perhaps the sheer competitiveness of European F3 came as a culture shock after a relative cruise through the junior ranks. Unlike Fuoco, Dennis looked quite out of sorts in the opening round at Silverstone but then quickly gathered momentum.
At Pau, a challenging street track he knew from Formula Renault, he put in his best weekend performance of the season. It didn't quite herald a push to the front for the rest of 2014, but it showed what he could do.
There were a few mistakes but some good racing and, like Fuoco, he showed enough to suggest he'll be a solid title contender in 2015.
Team West-Tec Dallara-Mercedes
Championship: 12th, 82pts
Wins: 0
Poles: 0
Fastest laps: 0
The Puerto Rican nearly threw in the towel at the end of 2013, but was encouraged by veteran Fortec engineer Mick Kouros's switch to West-Tec's new Euro F3 arm to throw in his lot with the Corby team.
Filling the final top-10 slot was a tough call between Serralles, Nicholas Latifi, Gustavo Menezes and Ed Jones. In the end, Serralles gets it because he led a small team that was gaining data and experience in an ultra-competitive series.
There were a few midfield scrapes but he got involved in far fewer race-ending catastrophes than 2013, and will take his European experience to be a strong contender in Indy Lights.
The banners from the Verstappen fan club read, 'Overtaking is an art'. Then, later in the season, they read, 'Overtaking is still an art'. And this is something that was notable about Formula 3 2014-style.
F3 has a reputation for boring racing, and in 2013 it was frustrating that title rivals Marciello and Rosenqvist rarely encountered each other on the track. It was different in 2014: there were numerous battles between Ocon and Verstappen, some beautifully judged, others less so, with not a little controversy as the summer wore on. Frequently Blomqvist and Auer were mixing it too.
The other controversy was the new-for-2014 engine-change grid penalties: 10 places for three successive races. Volkswagen was clearly pushing the envelope more and, of its nine regular cars, four of them fell foul of engine failures and the associated penalties.
Mercedes, with a higher number of customers, played a more conservative game and had just three engine-change penalties, none of them for actual failures.
The British powerplant from Neil Brown Engineering had one failure, and it's to the credit of this independent effort that performance-wise it was regarded as every bit a match for the German power elsewhere on the grid.
Finally, the calendar was a good one. Pau made a welcome return and everyone loved Imola – the fact that both tracks featured several heavy shunts illustrates what a great driving challenge they are.
Very few – Ocon excepted – like Moscow Raceway and three recalcitrant British teams decided to skip it. If that event were swapped for Zandvoort, we'd have our ideal schedule.

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У них косяк случился. Макс, первый на самом деле :D

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У них косяк случился. Макс, первый на самом деле :D

А мне итак норм :D

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А мне итак норм :D

Естественно, тебе то норм ))

Я хоть и в шутку говорил, но всё же...

если посмотреть на те же циферки что он приводят:

Окон: 15 поулов - 9 побед

Макс: 7 поулов - 10 побед

Ещё принять во внимание потерянные возможности из-за техники.

Да, у Макса были и собственные косяки, а Эстебан был и попросту стабильнее. Только, почему то не Окон в следующем году в Ф1?

Впрочем это никак не умаляет заслуг Эстебана, выиграть титул евотрехи едва исполнилось 17 (на год моложе тоже Марчьелло) и с первой попытки.

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