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Кими Матиас Райкконен

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Как там покруговка у Грожана ?

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В то что Грожан так быстро поладил с тачкой, даже с Кимиными настройками с утра, просто не верю.

Блин, да сколько можно говорить то? Дни разные, погода разная, праграмы разные, субпрограммы разные и т.д. Ты хоть можешь себе предствавить сколько параметров нужно прогнать, сколько инфы? Абсолютные единицы скорости на круге в тестовых условиях - пшик! Важны лишь стабильность прохождения серий(да и то смотря что делают) и надёжность техники.

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Ну или так.

позволю себе перепостить тут этот пост.

Его бы наверх темы засунуть, чтоб каждый перед тем как радоваться 1 18, подумал хорошенько )))

анекдот есть про оптимиста и пессимиста)

Одному мальчику на Рождество сделали подарок,положили шоколадную лошадку под подушку. А другому мальчику под подушку положили сухой навоз. Утром они проснулись и один, достав подарок сказал : Ну вот, опять шоколадка и опять лошадка!а другой радостно прокричал : Ура, ко мне лошадка приходила!

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анекдот есть про оптимиста и пессимиста)

Одному мальчику на Рождество сделали подарок,положили шоколадную лошадку под подушку. А другому мальчику под подушку положили сухой навоз. Утром они проснулись и один, достав подарок сказал : Ну вот, опять шоколадка и опять лошадка!а другой радостно прокричал : Ура, ко мне лошадка приходила!

))))))) я чтоль, тот первый мальчик получается?

Блин, да сколько можно говорить то? Дни разные, погода разная, праграмы разные, субпрограммы разные и т.д. Ты хоть можешь себе предствавить сколько параметров нужно прогнать, сколько инфы? Абсолютные единицы скорости на круге в тестовых условиях - пшик! Важны лишь стабильность прохождения серий(да и то смотря что делают) и надёжность техники.

Дрон, они ничо не тестируют. Грожан фастлапит по 4-5 круга.

Тестят Маки и РБ. катают полными. Виллы тоже кстати длинными сериями.

РБ например выехал на круг проехал 1 19 и в боксы. Тупо проверить работоспособность болида.

Я вот щас даю прогноз, что Виллы будут сливать почти секу с круга РБ в Мельбурне.

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))))))) я чтоль, тот первый мальчик получается?

Дрон, они ничо не тестируют. Грожан фастлапит по 4-5 круга.

Тестят Маки и РБ. катают полными. Виллы тоже кстати длинными сериями.

РБ например выехал на круг проехал 1 19 и в боксы. Тупо проверить работоспособность болида.

Я вот щас даю прогноз, что Виллы будут сливать почти секу с круга РБ в Мельбурне.

Я тя умоляю. Там не дурнее тебя люди программу тестов ведут. Они знают, что и как гонять.

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Есть другой анекдот

- Хуже уже не будет - тяжело вздохнул пессимист

- Будет-будет! - весело прокричал оптимист.

Смотрю я на Лотус и Кими и так хочется надеяться на то, что все получится. Но надежда какая-то осторожная. Даже с вечно горящими моторами Мкларенов так "оптимистично" перед началом сезона не было

Дрон, они ничо не тестируют. Грожан фастлапит по 4-5 круга.

А это как-то мешает тестировать? А сейчас у него и длинные серии пошли. и время 1.22 - 1.24

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Чтобы там ни было, ведро или самовоз, наплыв фобов так или иначе будет невероятным в этом году.

Это и старые знакомые, и новые..совершенно )))

В любом случае Только Лотус, только Победа, Король СПА вернулся, все остальное нам до фени.

Tess а до этого он что тестил 1 26 и 1 27 ? ))))

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Tess а до этого он что тестил 1 26 и 1 27 ? ))))

Полагаю, что точно это знает только команда

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А сейчас у него и длинные серии пошли. и время 1.22 - 1.24

Где там такое время? Ромка жутко нестабилен на длинных сериях и время от 1.23 - 1.26, ибо 1.22. 9 это не 1.22.

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Где там такое время? Ромка жутко нестабилен на длинных сериях и время от 1.23 - 1.26, ибо 1.22. 9 это не 1.22.

У Кими разброс гораздо меньше, это точно

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У Кими разброс гораздо меньше, это точно

Нужно учитывать не только погоду, но и состояние трассы, которое на третий день гораздо лучше первых двух. Кими был стабилен, что меня и интересовало, а максималка - это для ветки сербрянных, особенно старообрядцев.

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attachment=14401:Кими раз.gif

attachment=14402:Кими два.gif

Обувь где оставил? :D

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Чет не верю я. Рубенс в прошлом году тоже вроде быстро ехал

Один день он быстро ехал, а Лотусы пока стабильно быстры.

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Три часа корреспондент провел у Кими на вилле в Финляндии. Тот откровенно говорил о Дженни, детях и деньгах. 11 журнальных страниц. Будем надеяться, что фины найдут этот журнал.

Пока тизер от Николь

Seiska's reporter tells: This is what Kimi Räikkönen is like for real!

When I drove on Feb 3rd from Helsinki to Kimi Räikkönen's villa in Porkkalanniemi I had butterflies in my stomach. I had actually had them ever since the night before and Kimi even visited in my few hours dream to be honest.

So the unconsciousness pulled cruel tricks on me. I was however about to meet Kimi for the first time and I had heard that he hates reporters. I wondered which one of us is more troubled with the meeting - the one who was going to be interviewed or the interviewer?

Kimi's expression was something completely different from what I had expected!

When the photographer and I arrived to Porkkalanniemi we were greeted by Riku Kuvaja. He informed in his kind way that he would go and walk around the villa with the photographer and I could soon interview Kimi in peace.

Soon after that the glass door opened and a beanie-headed Kimi came out to shake hands with me.

I immediately saw an expression on Kimi's face that I hadn't seen in one single magazine or tv-interview earlier. Kimi was unbelievably laidback and frankly put charming, if a man can say so about another man.

Kimi's boyishness and grinning continued all through our 3-hours meeting and the ice broke easily in the Iceman's cave. Kimi answered my questions in a laidback way and used his witty sense of humour. His laughter was catching and the atmosphere was warm.

As an example I could mention my question "How tough steam-man are you?" Kimi replied in his personal way:

- I like to go to a sauna but just the normal steams. No Sauna-Timo-business for sure, Kimi said.

It wasn't pretending from his side, I can say based upon my life experience that Kimi is genuinely a laidback person - and modest too on top of that - unlike many "heroes" I have met.

Lacking speaking skills, they say!

After we left the villa I could only think that dammit, that guy just hates cameras just like probably 99% of Finnish men also hate!

Next F1-season I am going to concentrate on following only Kimi and his grips in Lotus. The guy did after all set the fastest laptime in Jerez testing!

I will leave in their own league those who nag about Kimi's poor skills of commenting or posing. Afterall I know myself that we Finns have an exceptionally charming hero in this man. And a man can say this about another man.

Good luck to the upcoming season, Kimi!

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Ну или так.

позволю себе перепостить тут этот пост.

Его бы наверх темы засунуть, чтоб каждый перед тем как радоваться 1 18, подумал хорошенько )))

Смотреть нужно не комбинированные результаты, а каждый день в отдельности, тогда картина более ясная и достоверная.

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Смотреть нужно не комбинированные результаты, а каждый день в отдельности, тогда картина более ясная и достоверная.

Ну да логика в этом есть. Надо брать не по пилотам комбинированное время. а по командам.

мин,макс,сред. Может хоть так будет что то ясно.

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Нужно учитывать не только погоду, но и состояние трассы, которое на третий день гораздо лучше первых двух. Кими был стабилен, что меня и интересовало, а максималка - это для ветки сербрянных, особенно старообрядцев.

И это при переменном направления ветра Киман стабильнее был.

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We learned from Kimi’s NASCAR pit-to-car radio conversations that we should make sure he has enough in his drinks bottle.

Из Киминых переговоров по радио в Наскаре мы узнали, что мы должны быть уверенны в том что у Кими достаточно воды в бутылке.


Твит Лотуса

"Kimi's work is done in Jerez. He'll return for the next test in Barcelona. And the one after that. Then some event in Australia."

Кимина работа В Хересе сделана. Он вернется к следующим тестам в Барселоне. И еще раз после этого. Потом мероприятие в Австралии

Kimi Raikkonen pleased with early findings after first comeback test

Kimi Raikkonen pleased with early findings after first comeback test


Kimi Raikkonen says he has the answers he was looking for from his first experience of the new Lotus E20 after completing 180 laps during two days' testing at Jerez.

The Finn did not match his pace from the opening day of the test, where he hit the headlines by going quickest of all. But Raikkonen declared himself satisfied by what he learned from the car and Pirelli's tyres.

He now hands over to team-mate Romain Grosjean for the final two days of the test.

"I think the main thing was to get a lot of mileage right now," said the 2007 world champion when asked by AUTOSPORT for his summary of the test. "The car feels pretty OK straightaway, and I think we improved it today, but today the conditions were a bit more tricky than yesterday.

"I'm happy with what we did over the two days."

Raikkonen added that the starting point for the E20 appeared to be positive when he could get the Pirelli tyres in a good operating window, as he continued his education process with the Italian rubber.

"Some compounds worked better than others," he said. "When they are new they are always good but once they get used... and it was quite cold so some of them were slightly better than others.

"But when they worked the car feels quite good so... I have no idea what the others are doing but I was quite happy about how things went."

"If the conditions are good for that compound and they get heat in them it seems to be fine but then some of them don't like it when it's cold and the tyre just doesn't work," he continued. "But when they work normally it's not too bad, at least here, but it can be a really different story in Barcelona."

Raikkonen had a couple of off-track moments during his second day in the car and was delayed in the morning when he ran over a kerb and damaged the plank under the chassis - which then needed to be replaced.

"I ran wide under braking for Turn 6, and just driving back in the gravel the edge of the kerb on the circuit was very high and it hit the front of the floor and we damaged that," he explained. "So it took a while to fix it. Unfortunate."

:excl: Exclusive Q&A with Lotus’s Kimi Raikkonen :excl:

Exclusive Q&A with Lotus’s Kimi Raikkonen 09 Feb 2012

After two days back in the cockpit, two things are clear - Formula One has missed Kimi Raikkonen and Kimi Raikkonen has missed Formula One. Yes, the niggles which drove him to rallying two years ago are still there, but - for now - the 2012-spec ‘Iceman’ seems suitably chilled. Another thing that hasn’t changed is his pace, which he proved in style on the opening day of this week’s Jerez test by setting the fastest time for Lotus. Raikkonen discusses progress…

Q: You clocked the best time on day one at Jerez. Was it because of a magic car or a magic Kimi?

Kimi Raikkonen: Ha, I don’t really know. On the first day the car was good, but I have to say that on the second day it was even better. If it only set the fifth-best time then it was down to the fact that we tried different things. But, for sure, coming back to the real Formula One world and immediately doing the best time on the first day of testing was not bad. It was a nice warm feeling for the ego. But, of course, to really classify what the time was worth you would need to know what programme everybody else was running on. And don’t we all know that the times only really matter when we are in a real race? So, yes, it was nice, but don’t overestimate things! (laughs)

Q: So you feel comfortable in the car…

KR: Well, there are moments when the handling is easier than at other moments, but overall I am pretty happy with the car. Sure, there is always room for improvement, but I would say that it was not a bad start for Lotus and myself. At the moment the magic word is mileage - for all three of us: the team, the tyres and me.

Q: You did 117 laps on the second day. Did you start to feel it? Nothing compares to the G-forces when you drive a Formula One car…

KR: No, there were no problems whatsoever. That is why you exercise before.

Q: Topping the timesheets must have reassured you that after two years away you hadn’t lost it?

KR: To be honest it never entered my mind that I could have lost it. I knew when I drove the old car in Valencia that I would be okay. I could feel it immediately. Of course there isn’t 100 percent certainty, but it is coming close to that.

Q: When you left F1 for rallying you spoke about the monotony - the same tracks, the same hotels, the same people, and the same questions…

KR: …and nothing has changed. And believe me, I didn’t expect any change! (laughs) Sure, from that aspect rallying is much nicer, but that is a part of Formula One and if you want to race in this category you have to accept all aspects of it.

Q: So despite all these downsides you found Formula One so exciting that you came back?

KR: I found the racing so exciting. I missed the racing. And it is a fact that Formula One is the highest form of racing. So you would rather take it than leave it.

Q: Is it fair to say that driving a Formula One car is the best thing you can do with your life?

KR: Oh, I am sure there are more things that you can do in your life.

Q: But on a professional level…

KR: As I just said, if you want to compete at the highest level of racing you have to race in F1. That is what I enjoy. All the side affects you have to accept for the benefit of racing at the top level.

Q: You probably also missed winning…

KR: I don’t know if you miss winning, but of course every sound person would rather win than lose! (laughs) But it is not often that you can win all the time. It’s not that I’ve got used to winning.

Q: The team had a tough time last year but for you - in F1 - it’s been some time since you’ve raced a car not capable of winning a Grand Prix. Is that a worry?

KR: Ah, I didn’t have an outright winner of a car for many years. I would say that in 2009 I didn’t exactly have a winning car and people seem to forget that so easily. And how often do you win? Okay, I had some good wins in Formula One, but if you compare that with how long I have been in Formula One, then I haven’t won so often. But that is obviously part of a career.

Q: When did the idea of returning really take shape?

KR: That was during the summer when I was doing some NASCAR races. I enjoyed that direct fight with competitors again, the wheel-to-wheel fight. I realised that I was missing it. In rallying you also race against people, but not physically, and it was that physical aspect that I really missed. After that realisation, I spoke to my managers and they started to sort things out for me.

Q: Why didn’t the negotiations with Williams work out?

KR: We simply didn’t find a solution that would satisfy both sides. You know how it is - one side wants something and the other something else, so you drift apart. That’s how it goes sometimes in life. And sometimes the bad comes good. I am very happy where I am now.

Q: Lotus team principal Eric Boullier said that when he told the team that you were joining it immediately boosted morale. Did you expect you would ever be a morale booster?

KR: I know that the team had a tough year last season, but they have great people and so far it has been a good experience joining them. I hope we can have a good experience together in the months to come - and that will be an even bigger morale boost! If you ask me what my goal is for this season then the answer is that I don’t know. You must wait until the first couple of races and then I will probably be able to give a hint.

Q: During your two-year sabbatical you didn’t once attend a Grand Prix. Why?

KR: Well, I went to Monaco twice, but not to see the cars, only for business. And if you want to see cars properly - as someone like me, who is really interested in how the cars change, does - then you come to a test. And if you want to see the race then you see it on TV.

Q: Do you think anything significant has changed over the last two years?

KR: Not really, except for the tyres and having a different manufacturer for the tyres. The cars haven’t changed too much and everything else is business as usual.


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при переменном направления ветра Киман стабильнее был

он его объезжал)

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Я ж говорю пустые гоняли. вон встал без бензина на трассе.

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вот подборка старых фот, вроде некоторых не было здесь


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Я ж говорю пустые гоняли. вон встал без бензина на трассе.

Ага, а перед этим пустой проехал 19+6 кругов.))

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Я ж говорю пустые гоняли. вон встал без бензина на трассе.

машину сломал :D Может и пустые, а может гидравлика тупит :)

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