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Кими Матиас Райкконен

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Как я тогда орал нехорошим голосом и плохими словами когда Кима на этом пятне подскользнулся, ведь так бы фиг его Миша объехал.

Я тогда за Мишу болел, но это сразу понял, когда Киман его два раза осадил не подеЦки!

Но, маслице и всё... первую победу пришлось ждать почти год! :(

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На то он и Айсмен! Это вам не фейжоада жувать... и от лондовцев шарахаться :D

А то! B)

Вон, он лося чуть не убил прямым тараном :D , а тут, от Мишани защититься...тю! Эка невидаль!

З.Ы, Там тебя люди спрашивают, в "Коннектинг пипл".

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Я тогда за Мишу болел, но это сразу понял, когда Киман его два раза осадил не подеЦки!

Но, маслице и всё... первую победу пришлось ждать почти год! sad.gif

Не я за Киму прибаливал с 2001, а потом когда Мика ему свой руль отдал, то понятное дело Мика кому попало свою тачку не доверил бы tongue.gif

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Я тогда за Мишу болел,

Нука, нука детки, поднимите ручки, кто из вас за Мишу не болел?! :angry: :lol:

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Ревью ралли Финляндии от Leijona из ф1зон

Here’s some of my highlights from Jyväskylä!

Neste Oil Rally exceeded my expectations. The weather was warm (nearly too hot at some days), there were so much people from all over Finland and the world, and it was organized very well. What I didn’t know was how tiring it can be for the spectators, the distances from parking lots to the stages are always pretty long and in the stages you might have to walk even more if you want to find a good spot. Also, you have to be patient in the traffic. I have blisters on my legs and my muscles ache right now… But it was all so worth it!! I didn't get pictures with Kimi or an autograph but it doesn't matter, the experience was the most important thing!

I arrived to Jyväskylä on Thursday afternoon just in time for SS1 Laajavuori. My car doesn't have air-conditioning so it was about 50C in the car, you can imagine how dreadful I looked by the time I was in Jyskälä! It was like I was sitting in sauna for 3 hours with my clothes on!! I drove straight to the stage and met hellionsam (Hungarian girl ildi) there. We arrived very late to the stage (just before it started) but were able to find a pretty good spot. There were about 15,000 people there!!!! and what an amazing atmosphere. Most of the cheers went to Kankkunen and Kimi, and of course Hirvonen. When Kimi drove by the feeling was great, all the Finnish flags and cheers plus the warmth made it spectacular.

On Friday I woke up at the same time as the drivers, at 5am. We went to the service park in front of the Citroen Junior Team tents. We were the only ones there We waited for a while and then a silver car drove beside the tent. Kimi arrived!! He looked VERY sleepy, had is hap on of course and walked straight from the car to the truck with Kaj. It was the first time I saw him so close – what a gorgeous, gorgeous man. like ildi said several times: ”kaunis mies” = ”beautiful man” !! Mark Arnall and Kaj were there too, and after some time Kimi and Kaj drove the car to the service and we were able to see the mechanics in action.

At noon there was another service break and we were there once again, the only difference was that there were dozens of other people too!!! Have to say that the most popular tent during the weekend was Kimi's tent...... he is able to attract big crowds, that's for sure. Kimi and Kaj arrived and I tried to take pictures but usually I could only get pictures of Kimi's hap (either Kimi is good at hiding behind the car or I'm just a very poor photographer). I did get great photos of Kaj and Mark though, and some of the other crew members.

In the evening we went to Laajavuori stage once again and this time we were there early so we got a very good spot on top of the mountain. We had a big Finnish flag and we were right beside the fence, the cars drove by very close to us! There were a few very drunk Finns next to us and the other one blew a horn right in my ear!!!!! I was very mad at him and he apologized - he said that he thought that the horn wouldn't work. Yeah right! They also said that they are big fans of Matti Nykänen and chanted his name way too much. Oh the joy when they left......

Before the stage there was a historic rally-car show and old rally-cars drove through the stage. A rally-car from the 1960s got stuck on the hill - everyone was laughing like mad the spectators went to push the car up the hill while everybody else were cheering the car to make it.. finally it made it! The driver and co-driver inside the old car were laughing too! I wish I had it on tape. After that it was time for the WRC cars! What a difference in the power compared to the old ones.... After the stage a photographer came to us and wanted to take a picture of us with the Finnish flag. He said that he saw us from the other side of the stage! don't know where the picture will be in.... he looked like an official photographer. When we were walking to the car my dad called me and said that I and Ildi were on TV for about 5 seconds - the camera-man had zoomed at us!!!! My dad recorded it so I will watch it today! We went to the service park once again and there were lots and lots of people.... Kimi and Kaj came and went but once again I saw Kimi so close!

I felt really sorry for Hirvonen because he drove off and couldn’t continue the race. His crash was shown at the screen and OMG it was a horrible crash!!!!! Thank God he or his co-driver didn’t get injured… you could see among the crowd that people were disappointed that he couldn’t continue and it looked like someone else than a Finn will win the rally. (How wrong were we! )

On Saturday the same rumba started again. This time I had to wake up before 5am for the service park. It was raining but we didn't care. When we were at Paviljonki and were walking towards the service park we see that Sordo drove out of a building with the rally-car, and then Loeb drove out too. We realized that Kimi will drive out of the building soon too... we stood there waiting and suddenly we see Kimi and Kaj walking towards us!!!!!! They walk right past us and we are too stunned to ask for pics or autographs (also we don't want to disturb them). Kaj looks straight at us (must recognize us by now because of us being in service park all the time ) and says "Huomenta!" = "Good morning!" we say it back. Kimi looks but doesn't say anything. They drive the car out and wait in line with other cars, we take a few pics. and once again to to service park and take more pics.

Right after the service we drove to Surkee stage. We found it easily and were there early enough to get a perfect spot in the forest. While waiting for the stage to start I get a text message saying ”Kimi drove to the ditch” ….. we are shocked and afraid that the race is over for Kimi. We get informed though that Kimi’s car has a small problem but he CAN continue. We are very happy to hear that. When he drives the Surkee stage past us we see that the car doesn’t have a front bumper at all!!! we cheer for him and we hear the bigger crowd in the field cheering for him very loudly which was great! The stage was driven the second time later in the day and this time when Kimi went past the car looked more normal – thank God! Latvala’s superb driving on Surkee gave me chills, that speed was unbelievable at the spot we were on!!!! Gooo Latvala!

After the stage I visit my relatives and while we are eating dinner we hear from the rally-radio that Latvala won!! we clap our hands and drink a glass of wine for the victory in the evening we go to Paviljonki to the service park and when Kimi arrives everyone cheer for him. He smiles and waves to the audience, he looks very happy. Kaj smiles too. I’m so happy to see that Kimi is respected by the Finnish crowd – he deserves it. Of course it wasn’t the perfect weekend since he crashed out, but in the end he was able to finish the rally and matched times with Kankkunen!!! I’m very proud of him.

The Citroen mechanics got familiar with my and ildi’s faces, that’s for sure. Every time we went to the service park they looked at us and smiled. We were joking with Ildi that Kimi will never forget our faces since we were always there where he was we even joked that he must have driven off the road because of our faces stuck in his head……

We watched the podium ceremony and I was so happy for Latvala. It was great to hear the Finnish national anthem in Jyväskylä!!! We went to some bars on Saturday evening and heard that Kimi will be in a bar called Giggling Marlin. He was there last year and would arrive with a helicopter just like then... we stood in line for the club for about an hour only to find out the age limit was 22 (I'm 21). So we don't know if Kimi was there or not. There hasn't been any info on the news either like last year ..... don't know why??? but we had a fun night nevertheless!!! The only negative thing was the f'king long taxi-line!!!! it was like 200m long, the longest I have ever been in. But taxi was the only way to get me 'home' ... so I waited for 1,5h in the line. But I was so used to waiting by then (because of the rally) that I didn't really care and I met a few nice people there and we talked about our experiences

All in all, an amazing experience and amazing memories. I will definitely go to Jyväskylä next year too and hopefully Kimi will be there. I will try to visit more stages too and I feel that I’m a little ”wiser” next time – not a total rally-rookie anymore!! Hopefully more of you guys are able to join too! The Jyväskylä Rally really measures your patience and energy, especially if you sleep for only about 4-5 hours every night, but gives you joy you will never forget!!

I'm so used to the "rally-driver Kimi" now, especially now that I saw how incredibly relaxed he looks there. It looks like he has found a place which fits him perfectly. I did notice though that he was quite baffled of the attention he got from the rally-fans - Kimi wake up, you are a star !!!!!

[sorry for the extra long review, I understand if you are not able to read it through!!! haha. I will post pictures to the picture-thread later today]

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Нука, нука детки, поднимите ручки, кто из вас за Мишу не болел?! :angry: :lol:

Комрады, уходите, я его задержу! :o :D

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Нука, нука детки, поднимите ручки, кто из вас за Мишу не болел?! mad.giflaugh.gif

Я никогда за Мишу не болел, потому что болел за Деймона, а это как известно две большие разницы smile0.gif

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Я тогда за Мишу болел, но это сразу понял, когда Киман его два раза осадил не подеЦки!

Но, маслице и всё... первую победу пришлось ждать почти год! :(

Особенно в 2003-м после гонки в Сузуке, в прямом смысле так сказать. B)

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Особенно в 2003-м после гонки в Сузуке, в прямом смысле так сказать. B)


А то ща шумофилы придут и начнут заливать ,что это Мишаня его чуть не убил, за то что пьяный финн не знает, как со звездой общаться! :D

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Нука, нука детки, поднимите ручки, кто из вас за Мишу не болел?! :angry: :lol:

никогда не болел за него

сначала за Мику, потом за Кими, сейчас скорее за Виталика, чем за кого-либо еще...

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А то ща шумофилы придут и начнут заливать ,что это Мишаня его чуть не убил, за то что пьяный финн не знает, как со звездой общаться! :D

:lol: Точно! Тссс

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Комрады, уходите, я его задержу! :o :D

Обрати внимание - все кинулись оправдываться. :lol:

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Обрати внимание - все кинулись оправдываться. :lol:

Ну это так - на всякий случай, мало ли что... :lol:

Вон, тебя уже половина Феттелефобов побаиваиЦо :lol:

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Эх, кабы не Аннушка(Алан)... :cray: :good:

а я даже этому пятну благодарен, и Шуми благодарен тоже, потому что не накосячь он тогда с пересечением белой линии, той борьбы в конце и не было. Ферры тогда были на голову сильнее остальных, но благодаря этому Кими показал отличную оборону против более быстрой машины. Да он не выиграл, но показал зрелый не по годам пилотаж, что просто не оставил мне выбора за кого болеть после ухода Мики

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Нашествие роликов из Финляндии продолжается. :D

Надеюсь, что это не возможно будет остановить.

Создается впечатление, что там треть населения страны присутствовало.

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Нашествие роликов из Финляндии продолжается. biggrin.gif

Надеюсь, что это не возможно будет остановить.

Создается впечатление, что там треть населения страны присутствовало.

Ну вот нас и вернули в суровую раллийную реальность biggrin.gif

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Ну вот нас и вернули в суровую раллийную реальность biggrin.gif

Ралли-это наше все. А Ф1 - это так, хобби :)

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Ну вот нас и вернули в суровую раллийную реальность biggrin.gif

А нефиг ностальгировать, новая жизнь, новые заботы, новые свершения :crazy: . Иногда просто надо перевернуть страницу и идти дальше.

Вот вам еще вдогонку, снято правда плохо - сотиком наверное

P.S. Жестко я приложился, да? :D

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Ну вот нас и вернули в суровую раллийную реальность biggrin.gif

Да уж точно, понастальгировать не дали...

Лучше пойду пересматривать дальше все Кимины ГП Бельгии, чем наблюдать фотки и ролики сралли.

Имхо Айсмэн, уже не торт... после того, как пересел на банку из под ред булла на колесах.

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Да уж точно, понастальгировать не дали...

Лучше пойду пересматривать дальше все Кимины ГП Бельгии, чем наблюдать фотки и ролики сралли.

Имхо Айсмэн, уже не торт... после того, как пересел на банку из под ред булла на колесах.

Он еще круче стал

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Он еще круче стал

Круче относительно себя, соперников в Ф1, но не конкурентов в ралли. Он поставил перед собой цель - титул в WRC, но для этого ему нужно горы свернуть и потратить огромное кол-во времени. Он ведь еще только учится, и этот его процесс обучения может надолго затянуться. Я сожалею, что он ушел в таком возрасте из формулы, что он решил променять свою конкурентоспособность в Ф1 на раллийного кота в мешке. Так что перефразирую себя: Айсмэн еще не торт...

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пардон за оффтоп, но очень надо

а куда ваша Кимистресса делась?

если есть с ней связь, передайте ей, плиз, что я её ищу

по делу ;)

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