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Библиотека фаната - Кими Райкконен

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Bild : Сенсационный план РедБулл. Райкконен и Феттель - напарники? (#120128 Loiste)

Red Bull’s Sensational Plan. Räikkönen, new Vettel’s team-mate?

11.07.2011 - 23:00


A mega-comeback is preparing in Formula 1. The sensational Red Bull plan: Kimi Räikkönen (31) should drive next year next to Sebastian Vettel!

Everything is still top secret! But BILD learnt: at the highest level, the Finnish world champion from 2007 (with Ferrari) is being touted as the successor of Mark Webber (34).

The facts:

● Kimi Räikkönen left the Formula 1 in 2009. Since then he’s driving rallies for Citroën. His main sponsor there is – Red Bull. The Finn has a contract until the end of 2012 with the beverage manufacturer. Already in 2010, Kimi was in conversations with the bosses to be Vettel’s team-mate, but he wanted to keep on rallying. Now he seems to have changed his mind.

● Red Bull Motorsports-boss Helmut Marko told BILD two weeks ago: "Webber wants to drive in 2012 for us. But we have other options. I don’t want to talk about it now. "

● Webber himself has upset the bosses with his resistance against the team orders on Sunday at Silverstone ("Stay behind Vettel" - but he kept on pushing). He must report. Webber: "If they want to fire me, I have to accept that."

● Young drivers like Daniel Ricciardo (22/HRT) or Sebastien Buemi (22/Toro Rosso) are not ready yet. Marko: "We need a second winning driver to win the Constructors' Championship. It brings a lot of money. "

● McLaren's world champion Lewis Hamilton (26), who had brought himself into play at Red Bull, got rejected by the top boss Dietrich Mateschitz: "He definitely doesn’t drive for us."

But very likely Räikkönen! He recently confided to a Finnish journalist: "I have never said that my Formula 1 career is over."

And, Vettel and Raikkonen are friends. To the serious question, whom he would like as a teammate, Vettel recently said: "Kimi."

Мега-камбэк готовиться в Формуле 1. Сенсационный план РБ : Кими Райкконен (31) должен в следующем году ездить бок о бок с Феттелем!

По-прежнему всё секретно! Но Билд узнал на самом высоком уровне : финский чемпион мира 2007го года за Феррари, ппреподносится как преемник Марка Веббера (34).

Факты :

1)Кими Райкконен покинул ф1 в 2009. С тех пор он ездаи в ралли за Ситроен. Там его главный спонсор РБ. у Финна контракт до конца 2012го с производителем напитка. Уже в 2010 финн был в переговорах с боссами чтобы стать напарником Феттеля, но он захотел заниматься ралли. Теперь он, похоже, передумал.

2) Босс РедБулл Мотоспортч Хельмут Марко сказал Билд 2 недели назад : " Веббер хочет ездить за нас в 2012м. Но у нас есть другие опции. Я бы не хотел говорить сейчас о них."

3)Веббер расстроил своих боссов сопротивлением командной тактике в воскресенье в Сильверстоуне ( "Оставайся позади Феттеля" - но он продолжлил атаковать). Веббер :" Если они захотят уволить меня, я приму это".

4) Молодые гонщики вроде Риккардо (22) или Буэми (22) ещё не готовы. Марко : "Нам нужет второй побеждающий пилот, чтобы выиграть Кубок Конструкторов. Это принесёт много денег."

5) Чемнион мира за МакЛарен, Льюис Хэмилтон (26), который сам ввёл себя в игру РБ, получил отказ от босса Дитриха Матешица : "Он точно не будет ездить за нас."

Но Райкконен очень вероятен! Недавно он признался финскому журналисту : "Я никогда не говорил, что моя карьера в Ф1 закончена."

И, Феттель и Райкконен - друзья. На серьёзный вопрос " кого бы ты хотел видеть своим напарником", Феттель недавно сказал :"Кими".

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Турун Саномат : О Кими и рынке пилотов на 2012 год. (#120165 муся)

Turun Sanomat 11.7 2011 02:46:53

A week ago Christian Horner visited the Swiss Servus-tv's F1-program and confirmed once again, that Kimi Räikkönen is not an option for Red Bull next season. In the program viewers voted for their most favorite driver alongside Sebastian Vettel. Mark Webber got 26,2 % of the votes. Räikkönen came in second with 26,1 % whereas Lewis Hamilton was third with 17,4 % and Jenson Button fourth with 16,4 %.

– Kimi is a good driver but I believe that F1 is in the past life for Kimi. He drives rally and as I have heard he is also interested in Nascar and is not coming back to F1-tracks, Horner said in the show.

Webber rebelled a bit against Horner's order at the end of Sunday's race, however he didn't do anything that would have upset the team harmony. As far as I know, Red Bull would at some stage had carried out a survey concerning Räikkönen's availability if Webber should decide to quit.

Let's take a peek into the driver market for next season. Already at this point it looks certain that it will be quite quiet in the transfer stock market.

No changes are happening in the four biggest teams if Webber still continues in the champion team. Lewis Hamilton and Jenson Button will stay at McLaren and Ferrari has confirmed that Felipe Massa will still continue driving alongside Fernando Alonso.

Since these top teams have no seats to offer, Nico Rosberg will stay at Mercedes and he has earned a remarkable raise in his salary with his good grips, since so far he has drove in the team with the 7 million euros that Button turned down when choosing McLaren instead.

It's practically certain that also Michael Schumacher will continue at Mercedes because only he can decide if he wants to continue or not. His motivation has to be strained with all his crashes and car with no victories though.

Renault will probably change at least one of the drivers. Robert Kubica will try to get back to the team already at the end of this season, but after that the situation is completely open. Vitali Petrov has beaten Nick Heidfeld and will most probably continue in the team for the third year.

Williams has already made their choices of drivers. Rubens Barrichello stated so openly that he wants to continue and would be ready to sign a contract immediately, that the British team will hold up their decision for a longer time so they could get the Brazilian to take a little back from the salary he has demanded.

Pastor Maldonado has an option with Williams and he assured in Silverstone that he isn't looking at other options.

Sauber is building their next season with Kamui Kobayashi and Sergio Perez. Kobayashi has assured the circles so well, that several teams are following his development very. Perez again is a student from Ferrari's academy and he is a qualified option to take Massa's place in year 2013 for example.

From Force India we can expect that Nico Hülkenberg will replace Adrian Sutil. Since Schumacher continues at Mercedes, Paul di Resta will stay in the Indian team that uses Mercedes-engines.

The other driver at Toro Rosso will also change. Based upon the endseason's performances, either Sebastien Buemi or Jaime Alguersuari will keep their seat. They get Daniel Ricciardo from Hispania as their team mate.

Lotus will get a new African sponsor before Germany GP, which enables the team to choose their drivers based upon their esperience and skills instead of sponsor money. Therefore it looks certain that Heikki Kovalainen and Jarno Trulli will continue.

Virgin is the best Timo Glock can find but Jerome d’Ambrosio is standing in line to Renault.

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Кристиан Хорнер : "Пока не вижу знаков, что Кими собирается вернуться в Ф1" (#120261 муся )

BILD: Do you already have in your head Vettel’s new team-mate?

Horner: "No. He must be able to drive at the front and bring harmony to the team. How harmonious a driver is, is often difficult to assess in his current environment. "

BILD: Like someone who doesn’t drive Formula 1 at the moment but is in the Red Bull's payroll?

Horner: "Kimi Räikkönen?"

BILD: Yes, exactly.

Horner: "But he is driving trucks in America and rallies. I think, his head is somewhere else than Formula 1 at the moment. It is hard to come back. "

BILD: But even: there’s supposed to be a plan to let Räikkönen drive alongside Vettel for a year.

Horner: "I've not seen so far any signs in Kimi of a return. As I said, we are not in a hurry in the driver’s question. Everyone in the pit lane has already knocked at our door. We have time. "

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Хельмут Марко : "Райкконен в Ред Булл? Это бред!" (#120261 муся )

- Кими не является и не будет являться для нас темой для обсуждения, это определенно. Он не будет ездить на Red Bull.Слухи надуманные и являются полной ерундой.

Wenn Webber nicht mehr die Kurve kriegt, muss Ersatz als Kollege für Sebastian Vettel her. Immer wieder macht eine Rückkehr von Ex-Weltmeister Kimi Räikkönen in die Formel 1 die Runde – aber daraus wird nichts! Dr. Helmut Marko, Motorsportchef bei Red Bull, schüttelt nur den Kopf. „Kimi ­Räikkönen ist und wird für uns kein Thema sein, das ist definitiv. Er wird nicht bei Red Bull fahren. Die Gerüchte sind an den Haaren herbeigezogen und totaler Blödsinn“, sagt er der tz.

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Андреа Стелла : " Кими всегда атакует по-максимуму." (#120376 Kimster_)

"Я думаю, что всеобщее мнение о Кими должно быть скорректировано. Когда гонщик сидит в машине, то ему нужна информация, потому что в одиночку тут не справиться. И лучше сказать на одно слово больше, чем на одно слово меньше. Но если говоришь Кими лишнее слово о том, что ему нужно атаковать, то он отвечает, что и так атакует по максимуму", — цитирует Стеллу Formula Santander.

На вопрос о том, вернётся ли Кими в Формулу-1, Стелла ответил не раздумывая: "Нет".

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Кими провёл тесты перед Ралли Финляндии 2011. (#120387 Nikotin_007)

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http://www.ksml.fi/video-kuva/videot/kimi-r%C3%A4ikk%C3%B6nen-testasi-korpilahdella/687552 - видео







Kimi Räikkönen is currently testing his WRC Citroën in Finland. The aim is at the rally Finland in two weeks. Between the tests Räikkönen took the time to chat with his fans and sign a few autographs and joke about the up-coming rally.

- I'll just try to finish the rally, Räikkönen laughed on MTV3.He crashed in the classic rally two years ago, but claims that is doens't haunt him anymore.

- We were on second gear, it wasn't that bad, Räikkönen remembered back to racing off the road.Räikkönen's co-driver Kaj Lindström, meanwhile, was all business on the important event.

- Finishing sixth would a good result.The 61st Neste Oil Rally Finland will start off July 28.

Kimi Räikkönen hasn't yet come to a conclusion on which motorsport he'll be focusing on next season. Räikkönen will not say no to a return to F1, but suggests that he will not be doing two series at once. This year the 2007 F1 champion operated in both WRC and NASCAR.

- I haven't excluded any options. I got to think through what's the most sensible thing to do. All the doors are open, Räikkönen shared on MTV3 Saturday.

фото День 1- http://apvideo.1g.fi/kuvat/Norf%202011%20Test%20Kimi%20R%E4ikk%F6nen%20Day%201/

фото День 2- http://apvideo.1g.fi/kuvat/Norf+2011+Test+Kimi+R%E4ikk%F6nen+Day+2/

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Интервью Кими на тестах перед Ралли Финляндии 2011. (#120465 SF1fan, Nataly )

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Räikkönen doesn't yet know what he will be doing next season. He says he has many options.

- It's great to get to drive on roads like these too. The roads are even and there aren't any bigger bumps, Räikkönen said during testing.

- Actually we have only had one day to test before each rally. So not very much but it hasn't bothered much.

When talking about Citroen:

- There's no difference. Same people and same scheme. The name is different and the car has a different color. Actually the car is more closer to a factory car than last year, now that they have new cars and classifications.

Räikkönen assures that the pace is getting better while he gets more experience.

- Of course experience is a big part. We have been driving for a year and something about 16 races. It's quite less than those who have drove for 10 years. No wonder that the top goes fast but we have been closing in on them all the time.

- The notes are also in a decisive role. You see it when the rallies you were in last year are much more easier now. We have notes ready that we can improve, Räikkönen tells.

Comeback in F1 is completely possible although Red Bull recently torpeded the rumour of Räikkönen going there. Räikkönen laughs at the writings.

- I have had a chance to do whatever I want. And if I would want to go back, I'm sure I could go back. We haven't yet decided over next year, if we even drive anywhere. There have been stories in the papers for as long as I have raced so I don't care about what they write.

Räikkönen keeps his future in secret. Or then he really doesn't know what he is going to do next season. Yet he assures that he has many doors open.

- Of course many things would have to happen in the right directions but I would get into quite many places to drive if I wanted to, Räikkönen says.

Райкконен ещё не знает, что будет делать на следующий год. Говорит, у него много возможностей.

- Здорово, когда ты можешь поездить по дорогам, подобным этим. Дороги ровные, на них нет больших ухабов,- сказал Райкконен во время тестов.

- На самом деле, у нас есть только день потеститься перед каждым ралли. Так что это не так уж много, но я особо не волнуюсь по этому поводу.

Говоря о Ситроене:

- Большой разницы нет. Те же люди и та же программа. Название другое, и машина окрашена в другие цвета. В действительности, сейчас машина более близка к заводской, чем в прошлом году, после того, как были введены новые правила и они построили новые машины.

Райкконен уверяет, что его скорость улучшается по мере приобретения опыта.

- Несомненно, опыт играет большую роль. Мы гоняемся год, и проехали что-то около 16 гонок. Это существенно меньше по сравнению с теми, кто гоняется в течение 10-и лет. Неудивительно, что топы едут быстро, но мы всё время к ним приближаемся.

- Также записи играют решающую роль. Это видно, т.к. ралли, в которых мы участвовали в прошлом году, даются нам гораздо легче в этом. У нас есть готовые записи, поэтому мы можем улучшить результаты, - говорит Райкконен.

Возвращение в Ф1 абсолютно возможно, несмотря на то, что Ред Булл недавно опроверг слух, что Райкконен туда нацеливается. Райкконен смеётся над этими публикациями.

- У меня есть возможность делать то, что я хочу. И если бы я хотел вернуться, то, безусловно, мог бы вернуться. Мы ещё не приняли решение относительно следующего года, будем ли мы вообще где-либо гоняться. Сколько лет я выступаю в гонках, столько же лет в газетах появляются всякие истории, поэтому мне нет дела что в них пишут.

Райкконен держит в секрете своё будущее. Или он действительно не знает, что будет делать в следующем сезоне. Однако он уверяет, что перед ним многие двери открыты.

- Конечно, много чего должно произойти в правильном направлении, но я могу гоняться во многих местах, если захочу, - говорит Райкконен.


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Кай Линдстрём рассказывает о DS3 и своих штурманских обязанностях. (#120509 Nataly)

http://www.iltalehti.fi/nettitv/?31302897 - ВИДЕО

- Howdy, I'm Kaj Lindström, Kimi Räikkönen's co-driver. The cockpit is a little bit more ascetic than it was in the earlier version. Let's look at Kimi's side first, there's the gear stick and Kimi has all the controls in his steering wheel, everything can be managed through that steering wheel.

- He has displayed right in front of him the speed etc. so that he sees all the time everything that he needs to know and on my side it's displayed here in the middle from which we follow how the car is doing. Here we get SS-times during the stages, how the stage has gone so far and since I have the pace notes in my hands and it's a bit busy, I take care of the other functions with my feet such as timing, receiving SMS-messages, and radio information etc.

- And in the center-panel you can find mainy data about our car, like for example here we have our helmet-phone system, back-up system, radio, lights, airconditioning and we also turn on the boost from here. Then we have the buttons we don't need during driving and we have the necessary ones on the steering wheel. Of course we have tried to lower the weight, so the steering unit is placed under the floor. In other words we try to put the weight as low as possible so that the center of gravity is as low as possible. To put it short, here is our ascetic office.

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Вильнев: Кими заметил, что Nascar был слишком трудным (#120574 *Icy Kimi*)

Жак Вильнев, чемпион мира Формулы 1 1997, верит, что Кими Райкконен сделал собственные выводы в своем дебюте в Nascar.

Райкконен принял участие в двух гонках NASCAR в Шарлотте в мае. Он финишировал 15-м в гонке грузовиков и занял 27 место в национальной гонке.

- Я полагаю, Кими считает, что быть успешным здесь не легко. Поэтому он ушел, сказал Вильнев.

- Это намного сложнее, чем люди себе это представляют. Ты должен быть готов упорно работать, продолжил Вильнев.

Сам Вильнев время от времени соревновался в NASCAR в последние годы в разных классах, но без особого успеха.

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Кими поиграл в хоккей в Эспоо. (#120640 Nataly)

http://www.iltalehti.fi/nettitv/?31329474 - видео

Teemu Selänne is recovering from a knee surgery and he was training in Espoo the last weeks. Now Kimi was also training there yesterday.

From where did you find Kimi there?

- Well Kimi is a really enthusiastic icehockey player, whenever he is offered ice, Kimi is there, Teemu grinned.

- Kimi is a good example of someone who enjoys his hobby to the fullest and that is the main thing, and it's always cool to see Kimi, Teemu said.

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Инди Лолл: "По правде сказать, было бы здорово, если бы Кими вернулся в ф1." (#120652 муся)

Monday, 18 July, 2011

Kimi Räikkönen told the Finnish media Saturday that he may return to F1. In the last few days Red Bull has been rumoured as a possible employer for Räikkönen and previously he was suspected to contemplate on a return to McLaren. In fact roughly one and a half years ago there was some rather intense speculation towards the latter.

The head of McLaren's technical team Indy Lall is currently attending an F1 show event in Moscow, Russia, where several teams attempt to further the current F1 fever in the country. Lall says he wouldn't mind seeing Räikkönen back in F1.

- Tell you the truth, it would be nice if Kimi returned to F1. But now we have two excellent drivers, two world champions. Winning a race is difficult and winning the championship is even harder. We have two world champions. I think it's a good team and there is no reason to change that, Lall was quoted on the Russian webpage Championat.

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Себастьен Ожье говорит о Кими в интервью. (#120658 Рыжий Галк)

А что можете сказать о выступлениях Кими Райкконена?

— У него была успешная карьера в Формуле-1, он доказал, что является хорошим гонщиком, но переходить в ралли – большой вызов, потому что разница между дисциплинами велика, и ему нужно время. Если он будет обучаться, то однажды может стать хорошим раллийным гонщиком, но я думаю, что ему нужно больше времени.

Но ведь вне этапов WRC он почти не занимается ралли, только изредка бывают тесты. Как он может добиться прогресса, если практики не так много?

— Да, это трудно, у нас не так много тестов, но лучший способ добиваться улучшения – принимать участие в гонках, в различных ралли. Тесты важны, но быстрее обучаешься, если гоняешься. Ты слушаешь штурмана, и в целом условия иные, чем на тестах.

Как вы считаете, останется ли он в WRC на следующий год?

— Не знаю. Даже в прошлом году, когда мы были напарниками, мы общались не слишком много, так что у меня нет ответа на этот вопрос.

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Майкл Шумахер : "У Кими бы всё получилось в Ф1". (#120735 Nikotin_007 )

Семикратный чемпион мира, пилот "Мерседеса" Михаэль Шумахер считает, что чемпиону мира 2007 года Кими Райкконену по силам вернуться в Формулу-1, если ему это будет интересно.

"Прежде всего нужно, чтобы ему это было интересно. Я не знаю, заинтересован ли он в возвращении. Если да, то у него всё получится", — цитирует Шумахера Turun Sanomat.

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Кими и Себастьен Лёб приняли участие в дорожном шоу в Хельсинках.

"Если вы хотите, выигрывать гонки, вы должны быть в состоянии сделать много тестов и много времени проводить за рулем машины,"- сказал Кими на пресс-конференции.

Однако, он еще не решил, что будет делать в дальнейшем, как, впрочем, и Себастьян, которому задали аналогичный вопрос.

Kimi Räikkönen assured once again in the press conference after the show in Helsinki, that he still hasn't made up his mind about next year. Yet one could read between the lines that returning back to F1 is not in the Iceman's plans.

Kimi still won't agree to officially put a final stop to his F1-career. The German Bild claimed that Red Bull would want to hire Räikkönen.

– There are always rumours, but of course many factors are decisive in general. It's not one single thing, Räikkönen replied.

– Of course I sometimes chat or send messages but I haven't exactly thought about F1. Of course there are still many familiar faces in many different roles, Räikkönen said.

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Пресконференция перед Ралли-шоу в Хельсинках. (#120847 Nataly )


ФОТО с Шоу

Похожи на те, что уже были, но смотрела, чтоб не повторялись

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There were a few jumps put as hinders and how did you fly and did you go flat out?

- It's cool that we get to jump even a little so that we don't just go evenly.

How challenging is it to drive on cobblestone on a street this narrow?

- well of course it's more slippery and we have to remember that there aren't any bigger safety walls so we have to drive safely so that something crazy doesn't happen, that's the most important thing. But other than that it's pretty nice to drive although the street is more narrow but we have drove on cobblestone elsewhere too so it's not that difficult.

Was there any racing betweeen the two of you or time taking?

- No there wasn't, the last time it was quite something but there was no racing, we just wanted to give some fun to people.

Loeb talks

Jyväskylä is one of the most fastest and it will bring some quite nice jumps too.

How well does it suit you, aren't you afraid at all to go so fast there in the midst of trees?

- You don't really feel the speed yourself when you are there, unless of course you drive off, but the roads are in a better shape than they are in many rallies and that's probably why the speed is so fast, but it's great to drive on them and of course there are some jumps too so you have to be alert in them but it's great to drive in Finland again.

2009 you rolled into the woods, how much does it still spook in your mind?

- It doesn't spook in my mind, I have rolled after that too, that's rallying and so far we have stayed on the road but I'm sure there will be rollings in the future too so it doesn't bother so much.

Loeb talks

Will we see you Kimi one day holding a F1-boat's steering wheel? -

No. Or I don't know. *shrugs shoulders* difficult to say, I would surely have opportunities to try that but certainly not in races. But of course I could try that someday, it's a special genre of it's own.

Kimi talks

Kimi, you were giving out autographs today, how does it feel when you are in a straight contact with young admirers. Has it become boring during the years or can you still do it with enthusiasm?

- Well of course there has been very little like this in Finland so it's really nice and it's funny to see small kids who are very enthusiastic.

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Оливье Кеснель: "Кими должно быть разочарован своим прогрессом в ралли." (#120886 Nataly)

Citroen WRC boss disappointed with Kimi Raikkonen's rally progress

Citroen team principal Olivier Quesnel says Kimi Raikkonen still has work to do before he can cut it at the front of the World Rally Championship. The Finn is now in his second season in the WRC, although he is tackling a reduced programme as a private driver this season. But Quesnel admitted the Finn's speed was not what had been expected.

When asked what he thought of Raikkonen's performance so far this year, Quesnel replied: "I think he must be a little bit disappointed. The day he will have the click I think he could be faster. But he didn't have the click yet. Maybe he will have it one day but which day? I cannot tell you."

Raikkonen feels his speed is improving. The 2007 Formula 1 world champion said: "We have improved a lot, it [rally speed] feels normal sometimes. But we have to improve again and that's what we're going to be looking for [on this week's Rally Finland]. This week's Jyvaskyla-based WRC qualifier is the event on which the Finn has the most experience, having competed on the rally twice previously.

"I know some of the stages now," Raikkonen added. "But tomorrow is all new and that will be difficult again." Raikkonen admitted that, beyond the WRC this season, he still has no plans for 2012. He also talked for the first time about not taking part in any motorsport. "We haven't really given a thought to what's going to happen next year... if we're going to do anything at all," he said.

Райкконен отвечает:

Kimi raged over the team's blunder

- I have won what can be won on the track. I don't suddenly have any obsession to win a rally. Of course I always want to get the best position possible, Kimi said.

Кими: "Я выиграл то, что можно выиграть, на трассе [F1]. У меня нет ни с того ни с сего взявшейся навязчивой идеи - выиграть ралли. Конечно, я всегда хочу получить наилучшую позицию из возможных."

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Маркку Аллен : "Ралли для Кими ещё всего лишь хобби". (#120896 муся)

MTV3:s rally expert in Jyväskylä, Markku Alén, expects a good pace from Kimi.

- You have trained for three years, now just put your foot straight, Alén guids Kimi.

- Kimi is really talented and does whatever he wants with any engine-running vehicle, but you can't come here and just win. The rally is so demanding and the top is so tough. You can see that from Kimi. He has been training for 3 years and the top is still far away behind the mountains. Kimi should concentrate on rally only, Alén said to MTV3.

- Kimi is still keeping this as a hobby. Just like he says: this is cool. When we go cool, we can't win. If he doesn't have the killing instinct, then he drives for positions 5-10. A hobby is a hobby and professionals are professionals.

- Kimi's speed is completely OK but on his third year he should be able to rise to at least Petter Solberg's level on the stages. Otherwise he will hobby for the rest of his life.

- Вы учились на протяжении трех лет, теперь осталось просто давить тапку.

- Кими действительно талантлив и делает то, что хочет с любым авто с рабочим двигателем, но вы не можете прийти сюда и просто выиграть. Ралли такое требовательное и быть впереди так трудно. Вы можете это видеть на примере Кими. Он тренировался 3 года и вершина еще так далеко за горами. Кими концентрируется только на ралли.

- Кими все еще делает это в виде хобби. Как он и говорит: Ништяк. Когда мы прохлаждаемся, мы не можем выиграть. Если у него нет инстинкта убийцы, значит он гонщик 5-10 позиций. Хобби это хобби, а профессионалы это профессионалы.

- Скорость Кими вполне хороша, но в его 30 лет он должен быть способным расти, по меньшей мере, до уровня Петера Сольберга. Иначе, он будет заниматься "хобби" всю жизнь.

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Ралли Финляндии 2011. Шейкдаун.


1. Loeb 1:35.7

2. Ogier 1:36.3

3. Latvala 1:36.6

4. P. Solberg 11.36,8

5. M. OStberg 1.36,9

6. Novikov 1:37.0

7. K. Raikkonen 1:37.1

8. Hirvo 1:37.4

9. Dani 1:37.6

Кими: “Everything was okay, no problems and we had a good feeling”.

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Бенуа Ножье : "Кими как обычно в себе уверен." (#120688 муся Loiste)

Kimi Raikkonen has been tipped for a strong result on Neste Oil Rally Finland, which gets underway with the first of 22 special stages on Thursday evening (July 28).

The ex-Formula One world champion is tackling the event for a third time this season and Benoit Nogier, whose Citroen Racing Technologies operation runs Raikkonen’s ICE 1 Racing Citroen DS3 WRC, has high hopes for the Finn.

“Kimi loves his country and his rally,” said Nogier. “He really enjoyed his two-day test and he got the car to handle to his liking. He has a logical approach. He was his usual self, did not get excited and kept his unflappable calm. We hope he’ll drive a consistent race and close the gap to the frontrunners.”

"Кими любит свою страну и это ралли. Он на самом деле получил удовольствие от двухдневных тестов, он настроил машину так, как хотел. У Кими логический подход. Он как обычно в себе уверен, но не возбуждён. Он сохраняет своё невозмутимое спокойствие. Надеемся, что он проведёт уверенную гонку и сократит отрыв от лидеров."

Nogier explained that Raikkonen and fellow Citroen Racing Technologies driver Petter Solberg tested on roads similar to those found on this week’s World Rally Championship counter.

“There was a combination of humps and wide, quick sections,” said Nogier. “Our drivers were a bit worried about how the car would handle at very high speed but this test session has reassured them about the balance of the DS3 R3.”

Raikkonen made his WRC debut on Rally Finland in 2009, impressing in an Abarth Grande Punto Super 2000 before ultimately crashing out. Last year, armed with a Citroen C4 WRC, the 31-year-old was eighth overall at the completion of the opening day but slipped back to 25th at the finish after spending 10 minutes off the road.

Co-driven by fellow Finn Kaj Lindstrom, Raikkonen has made four appearances in the WRC this season and has scored drivers’ championship points on each occasion. He holds eighth position in the standings, while ICE 1 Racing is fifth in the manufacturers’ table.

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Прессконференция перед Ралли Финляндии 2011. (#5959 Lintu,#120688 муся )


Thursday 28 July

Mikko Hirvonen, Ford Abu Dhabi World Rally Team

Sébastien Ogier, Citroën Total World Rally Team

Dani Sordo, MINI WRC Team

Kimi Räikkönen, ICE 1 Racing


Kimi this will be your third attempt at Rally Finland, the second time in a WRC car – what is the aim this year?


I think it’s the same than all the other rallies; we try to drive as fast as we can and hopefully improve. I know some stages a bit now, but last year was like the first time again and tomorrow is new stages, which will be difficult again. It’s good, it’s nice and fast, we’ll see how the pace notes go.


What do you think of the stages in the south?


Of course they are a little bit different, but there are fast places and some smaller roads – they are nice stages.


Do you feel you have clicked in WRC yet?


We have improved a lot, it feels more normal sometimes. When you get above a certain level it becomes normal. The pace notes, this is the area where we can pick up a lot of time.


Are you still enjoying it?


I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t.


Will you stick with just rally this year or will there be more racing?


The plan is to do the rest of the rallies, the other things, there’s nothing planned.


Do you know anything about next year yet?


No. Not yet. There are some options, but I have to decide.


When do you make that decision?


No idea.

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Ралли Финляндии 2011. День 1.

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SS1, Lankamaa (23.76 kilometres)

By Ford Abu Dhabi World Rally Team co-driver Jarmo Lehtinen: “It’s one of my favourites and I’m pretty glad it’s stage number one this year. It’s ultra fast and you really need big commitment. You need to be awake and I really enjoy the stage. It’s a nice selection of wide and flat-out roads into a very technical and narrow road. That doesn’t mean it’s slow because it’s on a narrow road but you need to be so neat and precise and absolutely flat-out all the time.”

1. 19 J. KETOMAA 11:44.5 0.0 0.0

2. 2 S. OGIER 11:44.7 +0.2 +0.2

3. 4 J. LATVALA 11:48.0 +3.3 +3.5

4. 1 S. LOEB 11:50.5 +2.5 +6.0

5. 11 P. SOLBERG 11:52.1 +1.6 +7.6

6. 18 M. RANTANEN 11:52.6 +0.5 +8.1

7. 22 O. TÄNAK 11:54.5 +1.9 +10.0

8. 37 D. SORDO 11:54.8 +0.3 +10.3

9. 6 M. ØSTBERG 11:58.8 +4.0 +14.3

10. 52 K. MEEKE 11:59.5 +0.7 +15.0

11. 25 J. HÄNNINEN 12:02.3 +2.8 +17.8

12. 15 H. SOLBERG 12:05.0 +2.7 +20.5

13. 21 M. PROKOP 12:07.7 +2.7 +23.2

14. 8 K. RÄIKKÖNEN 12:08.0 +0.3 +23.5 (0.99 с\км)

:excl: Кими: "Хорошо, мы ехали осторожно, я очень доволен."

SS2, Laukaa (11.79 kilometres)

By Ford Abu Dhabi World Rally Team co-driver Jarmo Lehtinen: “It’s a bit wider than stage one but it’s even faster. There are a couple of sections, such as a hairpin, that are not familiar on Rally Finland and also some other slow sections. This stage might have the highest top speed of all of Rally Finland this year. It depends on your gear ratio but maybe 190kph is possible on a massive straight, downhill. But that ends up with a junction left so you need to know where you need to brake.”

1. 1 S. LOEB 5:49.7 0.0 0.0

2. 37 D. SORDO 5:53.9 +4.2 +4.2

3. 5 M. WILSON 5:54.5 +0.6 +4.8

4. 4 J. LATVALA 5:54.7 +0.2 +5.0

5. 52 K. MEEKE 5:55.0 +0.3 +5.3

6. 22 O. TÄNAK 5:56.1 +1.1 +6.4

7. 2 S. OGIER 5:57.2 +1.1 +7.5

8. 6 M. ØSTBERG 5:57.2 0.0 +7.5

9. 25 J. HÄNNINEN 5:57.6 +0.4 +7.9

10. 19 J. KETOMAA 5:58.4 +0.8 +8.7

11. 11 P. SOLBERG 5:59.3 +0.9 +9.6

12. 9 D. KUIPERS 6:01.3 +2.0 +11.6

13. 8 K. RÄIKKÖNEN 6:01.5 +0.2 +11.8 (1.00 с\км)

SS3, Laajavuori 1 (4.19 kilometres)

By Ford Abu Dhabi World Rally Team co-driver Jarmo Lehtinen: “It’s a short stage but spectacular for the spectators. A bit Mickey Mouse up the ski slope but once you’ve done the first kilometre on very narrow roads you get back to the traditional wide roads. The first pass will be good. It’s a bit soft base but the grip is still good when the road is holding up. The problem is we double use this stage as the Power Stage on Saturday and it can be a problem when 100 cars go through it on soft and wet conditions. There are normally deep ruts and some nasty places towards the end.”

1. 1 S. LOEB 2:37.3 0.0 0.0

2. 2 S. OGIER 2:38.4 +1.1 +1.1

3. 11 P. SOLBERG 2:38.7 +0.3 +1.4

4. 4 J. LATVALA 2:39.2 +0.5 +1.9

5. 6 M. ØSTBERG 2:40.1 +0.9 +2.8

6. 19 J. KETOMAA 2:41.6 +1.5 +4.3

7. 15 H. SOLBERG 2:42.0 +0.4 +4.7

8. 16 E. NOVIKOV 2:42.4 +0.4 +5.1

9. 37 D. SORDO 2:43.1 +0.7 +5.8

10. 5 M. WILSON 2:43.3 +0.2 +6.0

11. 8 K. RÄIKKÖNEN 2:43.3 0.0 +6.0 (1.43 с\км)

SS4, Hassi (20.35 kilometres)

By Ford Abu Dhabi World Rally Team co-driver Jarmo Lehtinen: “It’s a combination of old stages. It starts with the traditional Hassi road and you do five kilometres of that and then you turn junction right. I’ve been spectating there in the late 1980s and I used to go through that stage to our test road. It’s a proper Ouninpohja-style type of road. Then the stage joins the traditional Ouninpohja stage and we have 1.7 kilometres, which we’ve used as a test road so we’re expecting a good split there! Then we turn into a very narrow section, the most technical part of Rally Finland this year. It’s a very nasty piece of road, which is not ultra-fast anymore. There are a lot of sharp corners, with nasty crests and every corner has stones on the inside and outside. You need to stay on the road the whole time because otherwise you’re in trouble. It’s only a remote service on Friday and if you break your car you suffer the whole day.”

1. 3 M. HIRVONEN 11:14.3 0.0 0.0

2. 2 S. OGIER 11:25.2 +10.9 +10.9

3. 1 S. LOEB 11:25.3 +0.1 +11.0

4. 4 J. LATVALA 11:27.9 +2.6 +13.6

5. 11 P. SOLBERG 11:29.8 +1.9 +15.5

6. 6 M. ØSTBERG 11:33.9 +4.1 +19.6

7. 19 J. KETOMAA 11:41.9 +8.0 +27.6

8. 8 K. RÄIKKÖNEN 11:41.9 0.0 +27.6 (1.36 с\км)

9. 25 J. HÄNNINEN 11:42.2 +0.3 +27.9

10. 37 D. SORDO 11:43.0 +0.8 +28.7

:excl: Райкконен К. / LINDTRÖM К. "Было нормально, сложный доп для всех. Последняя часть была трудной"

The drivers said many times before the rally that Hassi SS4 is the most demanding stage of the day. And it proved to be that for many who drove behind the lead. First one was Mattias Therman with his WRC-Mini. Then Norwegian Skoda-man Eyvind Brynildsen flew out in an airy way after 3 km. Quickly after that the wild card Mitsubishi-driver Riku Tahko went off in the same place. Jarkko Nikara who leads the N-group, rolled his Mitsubishi after a technical failure. Thanks to spectators he could continue the rally. Also for example Martin Semerad and Oleksandr Saliuk were in trouble. Semerad's car caught fire after he drove off and Saliuki's co-driver got slightly injured after the off.

SS5, Evo (8.90 kilometres)

By Ford Abu Dhabi World Rally Team co-driver Jarmo Lehtinen: “It’s kind of a rollercoaster. It’s a really nice piece of road even though it’s a bit short. You get a good rhythm, it’s fast but quite narrow with some tight corners. It has a good flow and is an enjoyable stage. Because it’s new for all of us the main challenge was getting the pace notes right in recce.”

1. 3 M. HIRVONEN 4:59.0 0.0 0.0

2. 1 S. LOEB 4:59.2 +0.2 +0.2

3. 2 S. OGIER 5:01.4 +2.2 +2.4

4. 4 J. LATVALA 5:03.5 +2.1 +4.5

5. 11 P. SOLBERG 5:04.0 +0.5 +5.0

6. 52 K. MEEKE 5:07.0 +3.0 +8.0


14. 8 K. RÄIKKÖNEN 5:11.9 +0.7 +12.9 (1.45 с\км)

:excl: Kimi is changing the left rear tyre before SS Hyväneula.

According to expert Kristian Sohlberg it probably is a case of a so called 'slow puncture' meaning that the tyre has slowly been emptying during morning's stages.

SS6, Hyvaneula 1 (29.90 kilometres)


By Ford Abu Dhabi World Rally Team co-driver Jarmo Lehtinen: “Personally for me this stage can be called ultra-fast and is even boring in some places. At one point there is a 500-metre straight and then there is just flat-out crests and a 200-metre straight. It’s boring because there’s nothing happening but it’s challenging because of the speed. There are few junctions and tight corners but most of the corners are sixth gear, flat out. If you miss your line it’s easy to go off the road and if you are in the wrong gear you’ll never get your speed back. It’s going to be difficult and very hard to make a difference.”

1. 3 M. HIRVONEN 14:09.8 0.0 0.0

2. 2 S. OGIER 14:13.0 +3.2 +3.2

3. 4 J. LATVALA 14:13.2 +0.2 +3.4

4. 1 S. LOEB 14:15.1 +1.9 +5.3

5. 11 P. SOLBERG 14:20.6 +5.5 +10.8

6. 19 J. KETOMAA 14:26.7 +6.1 +16.9

7. 25 J. HÄNNINEN 14:30.9 +4.2 +21.1


19. 8 K. RÄIKKÖNEN 14:52.7 +0.5 +42.9 (1.43 с\км)

:excl: Kimi Raikkonen: “I listened to a note a little bit wrong and we almost rolled, I got stuck in the middle of the road for a while. After that it took some time to get in the rhythm again.”

Кими: "Я немного неправильно услышал стенограмму, и мы почти перевернулись. А затем меня развернуло посередине дороги".

SS7, Koukunmaa (13.68 kilometres)

By Ford Abu Dhabi World Rally Team co-driver Jarmo Lehtinen: “It’s a similar style to stage six but a bit more twisty with more corners and a bit more enjoyable because something is happening all the time. The crests are not so sharp and high. It’s not a flat surface but it’s not as technical. It has a very good finish, a very tricky place with some nasty corners, which could catch a few people out.”

1. 4 J. LATVALA 7:09.8 0.0 0.0

2. 3 M. HIRVONEN 7:10.0 +0.2 +0.2

3. 2 S. OGIER 7:11.1 +1.1 +1.3

4. 1 S. LOEB 7:12.1 +1.0 +2.3

5. 6 M. ØSTBERG 7:12.3 +0.2 +2.5

6. 11 P. SOLBERG 7:12.6 +0.3 +2.8

7. 19 J. KETOMAA 7:14.8 +2.2 +5.0

8. 52 K. MEEKE 7:15.2 +0.4 +5.4

9. 22 O. TÄNAK 7:15.7 +0.5 +5.9

10. 25 J. HÄNNINEN 7:16.1 +0.4 +6.3

11. 37 D. SORDO 7:17.3 +1.2 +7.5

12. 8 K. RÄIKKÖNEN 7:18.6 +1.3 +8.8 (0.64 с\км)

SS8, Koivukeha (17.80 kilometres)

By Ford Abu Dhabi World Rally Team co-driver Jarmo Lehtinen: “Mikko Hirvonen’s original home was almost by this stage so it’s his stage. It has a more constant rhythm and is more twisty but it’s not slow because it’s on a big wide road all the time. It has really nice corners and a lack of crests although it ends with a massive jump where you go flat out.”

1. 3 M. HIRVONEN 9:19.3 0.0 0.0

2. 4 J. LATVALA 9:22.3 +3.0 +3.0

3. 2 S. OGIER 9:23.3 +1.0 +4.0

4. 1 S. LOEB 9:24.4 +1.1 +5.1

5. 6 M. ØSTBERG 9:25.9 +1.5 +6.6

6. 11 P. SOLBERG 9:26.2 +0.3 +6.9

7. 15 H. SOLBERG 9:30.4 +4.2 +11.1

8. 52 K. MEEKE 9:33.0 +2.6 +13.7

9. 25 J. HÄNNINEN 9:34.4 +1.4 +15.1

10. 8 K. RÄIKKÖNEN 9:35.7 +1.3 +16.4 (0.92 с\км)

11. 37 D. SORDO 9:37.4 +1.7 +18.1

SS9 Hyväneula 2 (29.9km)

1. 3 M. HIRVONEN 13:53.3 0.0 0.0

2. 2 S. OGIER 13:54.3 +1.0 +1.0

3. 1 S. LOEB 13:55.4 +1.1 +2.1

4. 4 J. LATVALA 13:57.2 +1.8 +3.9

5. 11 P. SOLBERG 13:57.7 +0.5 +4.4

6. 6 M. ØSTBERG 14:05.2 +7.5 +11.9

7. 15 H. SOLBERG 14:07.0 +1.8 +13.7

8. 37 D. SORDO 14:07.4 +0.4 +14.1

9. 52 K. MEEKE 14:10.0 +2.6 +16.7

10. 8 K. RÄIKKÖNEN 14:15.8 +5.8 +22.5 (0.75 с\км)

11. 5 M. WILSON 14:17.6 +1.8 +24.3

:excl: Кими Райкконен: "Всё было в порядке. Нет проблем, но я слегка осторожничал, чтобы сохранить шины".

SS10, Jokimaa (2.00 kilometres)

By Ford Abu Dhabi World Rally Team co-driver Jarmo Lehtinen: “This stage is based at a trotting track in Lahti, my home town. We use the main turn one and then we go in the middle of the trotting track and then we use the other main turn. There is a bit of Tarmac on this stage so it will stand up well. It’s good.”

1. 2 S. OGIER 1:33.4 0.0 0.0

2. 4 J. LATVALA 1:34.6 +1.2 +1.2

3. 37 D. SORDO 1:34.7 +0.1 +1.3

4. 11 P. SOLBERG 1:34.8 +0.1 +1.4

5. 1 S. LOEB 1:34.9 +0.1 +1.5

6. 8 K. RÄIKKÖNEN 1:35.3 +0.4 +1.9 (0.95 с\км)

7. 6 M. ØSTBERG 1:35.8 +0.5 +2.4

8. 52 K. MEEKE 1:35.9 +0.1 +2.5

9. 3 M. HIRVONEN 1:36.3 +0.4 +2.9

10. 5 M. WILSON 1:36.5 +0.2 +3.1

SS11, Mynnila (12.07 kilometres)

By Ford Abu Dhabi World Rally Team co-driver Jarmo Lehtinen: “For me emotionally this is the most important stage of the rally. It’s where I got the bug. Okay it doesn’t go where it used to go in the 1970s and 1980s. My father’s birthplace is one kilometre from the original start line. It’s something special to make the best time there so I will be pushing Mikko to make the best time. There are some sharper crests with some good jumps. There are also some long corners so you need to have the perfect line and big, big bravery.”

1. 1 S. LOEB 5:47.4 0.0 0.0

2. 3 M. HIRVONEN 5:47.8 +0.4 +0.4

3. 6 M. ØSTBERG 5:51.1 +3.3 +3.7

4. 4 J. LATVALA 5:53.5 +2.4 +6.1

5. 52 K. MEEKE 5:54.5 +1.0 +7.1

6. 11 P. SOLBERG 5:54.7 +0.2 +7.3

7. 5 M. WILSON 5:56.2 +1.5 +8.8

8. 15 H. SOLBERG 5:56.9 +0.7 +9.5

9. 8 K. RÄIKKÖNEN 5:57.1 +0.2 +9.7 (0.80 с\км)

10. 2 S. OGIER 6:00.8 +3.7 +13.4

:excl: RÄIKKÖNEN K. / LINDSTRÖM K. (st. č. 8) "One mistake today. Otherwise positive day."

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Ралли Финляндии 2011. День 2.

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SS12, Leustu 1 (21.35 kilometres)

By Ford Abu Dhabi World Rally Team co-driver Jarmo Lehtinen: : “It’s definitely my favourite stage in the rally. It’s a combination of everything, ultra fast main roads and really nice forestry roads. The only worry if it’s raining a lot on the small roads they will cut up badly. And you never know where the stones are so it’s a bit of a lottery. There is tree cover in many places and many spectators are expected because it goes close to the main road. The finish of the stage has a massive jump and a nasty left corner before the finish.”
Ярмо Лехтинен:

“Определённо, мой любимый спецучасток. Сочетание всего на свете: сверхбыстрых главных дорог и по-настоящему красивых лесных дорог. Единственное беспокойство - если вдруг пойдёт приличный дождь , то езда по маленьким дорогам удовольствия не доставит. Здесь во многих местах – леса, и ожидается присутствие большого количества зрителей, потому что СУ проходит вблизи главной дороги. На финише спецучастка – огромный трамплин, и прямо перед финишем – скверный левый поворот.”

1. 1 S. LOEB 10:13.1 0.0 0.0

2. 2 S. OGIER 10:19.5 +6.4 +6.4

3. 3 M. HIRVONEN 10:21.4 +1.9 +8.3

4. 4 J. LATVALA 10:23.8 +2.4 +10.7

5. 6 M. ØSTBERG 10:26.4 +2.6 +13.3

6. 11 P. SOLBERG 10:32.0 +5.6 +18.9

7. 37 D. SORDO 10:32.4 +0.4 +19.3

8. 8 K. RÄIKKÖNEN 10:34.8 +2.4 +21.7 (1.02 с\км)

9. 15 H. SOLBERG 10:35.7 +0.9 +22.6

10. 5 M. WILSON 10:38.0 +2.3 +24.9

RÄIKKÖNEN K. / LINDSTRÖM K. (st. č. 8) "OK, I was took it easily on damp places."

"Всё было нормально. Но в некоторых местах я был слишком осторожен".

SS13, Surkee 1 (14.66 kilometres)

By Ford Abu Dhabi World Rally Team co-driver Jarmo Lehtinen: “It’s a combination of very narrow and very fast. The narrow bits are a bit soft with a lot of stones. You need to be nice and neat there. The main roads are very typical, like Ouninpohja style in fifth and sixth gear all the time. You just nail it and hope for the best.”
Ярмо Лехтинен: "Cочетание очень узких и очень быстрых дорог. Покрытие на узких участках не плотное, с большим количеством камней. Здесь вам следует быть внимательными и аккуратными. Главные дороги на этом спецучастке – очень типичны для Ралли Финляндии, в стиле [знаменитой] Оунинпохья (Ouninpohja) – пятая и шестая передачи всю дорогу. Вы просто должны делать всё возможное и надеяться на лучшее".

1. 1 S. LOEB 8:07.1 0.0 0.0

2. 2 S. OGIER 8:08.7 +1.6 +1.6

3. 4 J. LATVALA 8:08.7 0.0 +1.6

4. 3 M. HIRVONEN 8:09.0 +0.3 +1.9

5. 6 M. ØSTBERG 8:13.2 +4.2 +6.1

6. 37 D. SORDO 8:15.5 +2.3 +8.4

7. 11 P. SOLBERG 8:15.7 +0.2 +8.6

8. 8 K. RÄIKKÖNEN 8:17.1 +1.4 +10.0 (0.68 с\км)

9. 15 H. SOLBERG 8:23.7 +6.6 +16.6

10. 5 M. WILSON 8:24.1 +0.4 +17.0

SS14, Urria 1 (12.75 kilometres)

By Ford Abu Dhabi World Rally Team co-driver Jarmo Lehtinen: “It’s the stage! It’s where we had the huge crash last year. That particular corner for me is still the best corner in the whole championship. There you feel you are flying such a long time sideways at such speed. It’s an unbelievable feeling when all goes right. It’s quite a short stage and starts with a forestry road with massive cuts even though it looks narrow. Then you turn into a main road with all those big jumps. People can fly too high on this big jump and break their car so you have to brake for that.”
Ярмо Лехтинен (штурман Микко Хирвонена): "Вот это спецучасток! Это именно то место, где у нас была серьёзная авария в прошлом году. Тот конкретный поворот для меня, по-прежнему, остаётся лучшим поворотом во всем чемпионате. Там вы чувствуете, что вы летите , да так долго, да боком, да на огромной скорости. Это невероятное ощущение, если всё идёт, как надо. Этот СУ достаточно короткий, он начинается на лесной дороге с вырубленными деревьями, но , несмотря на это, дорога выглядит узкой. Затем маршрут перемещается на главную дорогу со всеми этими большущими трамплинами. Тут можно высоко взлетать, на этих хребтах, а затем надо “укротить” машину, так что, здесь вам понадобятся тормоза."

1. 3 M. HIRVONEN 6:01.9 0.0 0.0

2. 1 S. LOEB 6:02.9 +1.0 +1.0

3. 2 S. OGIER 6:04.0 +1.1 +2.1

4. 4 J. LATVALA 6:05.4 +1.4 +3.5

5. 37 D. SORDO 6:06.0 +0.6 +4.1

6. 6 M. ØSTBERG 6:06.6 +0.6 +4.7

7. 11 P. SOLBERG 6:06.7 +0.1 +4.8

8. 8 K. RÄIKKÖNEN 6:07.2 +0.5 +5.3 (0.42 с\км)

9. 15 H. SOLBERG 6:08.2 +1.0 +6.3

10. 5 M. WILSON 6:09.1 +0.9 +7.2

11. 52 K. MEEKE 6:11.4 +2.3 +9.5

SS15, Jukojarvi 1 (14.32 kilometres)

By Ford Abu Dhabi World Rally Team co-driver Jarmo Lehtinen: “This used to be one stage with stage 16 as well and the original plan was to have the Power Stage on part of it, which is why the organisers cut it. It’s also a combination of narrow roads with a nice rhythm all the time, really fast. It’s fast in a good way because it’s really enjoyable with something happening all the time.”
"Сочетание узких дорог с хорошим ритмом, и так всё время - это, действительно, быстрый спецучасток. Быстрый в хорошем смысле, потому что здесь вы на самом деле получаете удовольствие от того, что с вами постоянно что-то происходит. "

1. 3 M. HIRVONEN 7:07.6 0.0 0.0

2. 2 S. OGIER 7:10.5 +2.9 +2.9

3. 1 S. LOEB 7:11.2 +0.7 +3.6

4. 4 J. LATVALA 7:11.9 +0.7 +4.3

5. 6 M. ØSTBERG 7:13.4 +1.5 +5.8

6. 8 K. RÄIKKÖNEN 7:14.7 +1.3 +7.1

7. 37 D. SORDO 7:14.8 +0.1 +7.2

8. 15 H. SOLBERG 7:18.2 +3.4 +10.6

9. 11 P. SOLBERG 7:18.9 +0.7 +11.3

10. 5 M. WILSON 7:22.0 +3.1 +14.4

11. 52 K. MEEKE 7:22.2 +0.2 +14.6

SS16, Isojarvi 1 (4.85 kilometres)

By Ford Abu Dhabi World Rally Team co-driver Jarmo Lehtinen: “This stage starts with a really flat out section for the first kilometre. The first time you hit the brakes is when you turn into a smaller road. That road is really nice. It has good jumps and really flowing corners and all the time you are in fifth or sixth gear.”
"Спецучасток начинается с действительно быстрого отрезка – это первый километр СУ. Здесь вы впервые жмёте на тормоза, когда поворачиваете на небольшую дорогу. И дорога эта очень симпатичная. Отличные трамплины и действительно плавные повороты, и всю дорогу - пятая или шестая передачи ".

1. 3 M. HIRVONEN 2:26.3 0.0 0.0

2. 1 S. LOEB 2:27.4 +1.1 +1.1

3. 15 H. SOLBERG 2:27.8 +0.4 +1.5

4. 37 D. SORDO 2:28.0 +0.2 +1.7

5. 2 S. OGIER 2:28.3 +0.3 +2.0

6. 6 M. ØSTBERG 2:29.1 +0.8 +2.8

7. 4 J. LATVALA 2:29.3 +0.2 +3.0

8. 5 M. WILSON 2:29.3 0.0 +3.0

9. 8 K. RÄIKKÖNEN 2:30.0 +0.7 +3.7

RÄIKKÖNEN K. / LINDSTRÖM K. (st. č. 8) "I lost little bit on this stage, otherwise it's OK."

"Я потерял немного на этом этапе, а так- все в порядке"

SS17, Leustu 2 (21.35 kilometres)


1. 3 M. HIRVONEN 10:07.8 0.0 0.0

2. 4 J. LATVALA 10:11.6 +3.8 +3.8

3. 6 M. ØSTBERG 10:12.9 +1.3 +5.1

4. 1 S. LOEB 10:13.4 +0.5 +5.6

5. 11 P. SOLBERG 10:15.2 +1.8 +7.4

6. 2 S. OGIER 10:20.3 +5.1 +12.5

7. 15 H. SOLBERG 10:25.0 +4.7 +17.2

8. 37 D. SORDO 10:25.5 +0.5 +17.7

9. 5 M. WILSON 10:27.1 +1.6 +19.3

10. 22 O. TÄNAK 10:40.0 +12.9 +32.2

11. 54 A. MIKKELSEN 10:43.8 +3.8 +36.0

12. 8 K. RÄIKKÖNEN 10:44.0 +0.2 +36.2

RÄIKKÖNEN K. / LINDSTRÖM K. (st. č. 8) Damaged right side of the car

Райкконен К. / К. Линдстрем -Повреждение правой стороны автомобиля

Kimi Raikkonen appears to have had an off, arriving at the finish with wrinkles on the left of the car and some missing bodywork. He declines to explain what happened but the incident seems to have happened early in the stage, between the first and second split

SS18, Surkee 2 (14.66 kilometres)

1. 4 J. LATVALA 8:00.3 0.0 0.0

2. 3 M. HIRVONEN 8:01.1 +0.8 +0.8

3. 6 M. ØSTBERG 8:04.9 +3.8 +4.6

4. 2 S. OGIER 8:05.0 +0.1 +4.7

5. 1 S. LOEB 8:05.5 +0.5 +5.2

6. 11 P. SOLBERG 8:07.4 +1.9 +7.1

7. 8 K. RÄIKKÖNEN 8:14.1 +6.7 +13.8

8. 5 M. WILSON 8:15.2 +1.1 +14.9

9. 15 H. SOLBERG 8:15.6 +0.4 +15.3

Райкконен: "На допе я несколько раз наткнулся на камни"

SS19 Urria 2 (12.75km)

1. 3 M. HIRVONEN 5:54.6 0.0 0.0

2. 2 S. OGIER 5:57.1 +2.5 +2.5

3. 11 P. SOLBERG 5:58.5 +1.4 +3.9

4. 6 M. ØSTBERG 5:58.7 +0.2 +4.1

5. 4 J. LATVALA 5:58.8 +0.1 +4.2

6. 1 S. LOEB 5:59.3 +0.5 +4.7

7. 15 H. SOLBERG 6:01.5 +2.2 +6.9

8. 5 M. WILSON 6:03.1 +1.6 +8.5

9. 8 K. RÄIKKÖNEN 6:04.5 +1.4 +9.9

10. 25 J. HÄNNINEN 6:10.9 +6.4 +16.3

RÄIKKÖNEN K. / LINDSTRÖM K. (st. č. 8) "It's not very good. We loose front dumpers. And in corner we hit stone in the line, so tyre damaged."

Кими Райкконен (6:04.5): "Не очень хорошо. Отлетели передние части машины. А в повороте мы зацепили камень, поэтому шина повреждена".

SS20 Jukojärvi 2 (14.32km)

1. 3 M. HIRVONEN 7:01.7 0.0 0.0

2. 4 J. LATVALA 7:06.0 +4.3 +4.3

3. 2 S. OGIER 7:06.8 +0.8 +5.1

4. 1 S. LOEB 7:08.2 +1.4 +6.5

5. 6 M. ØSTBERG 7:08.8 +0.6 +7.1

6. 11 P. SOLBERG 7:08.8 0.0 +7.1

7. 15 H. SOLBERG 7:11.6 +2.8 +9.9

8. 5 M. WILSON 7:12.3 +0.7 +10.6

9. 8 K. RÄIKKÖNEN 7:16.3 +4.0 +14.6

10. 22 O. TÄNAK 7:20.7 +4.4 +19.0

SS21 Isojärvi 2 (4.85km)

1. 3 M. HIRVONEN 2:25.1 0.0 0.0

2. 4 J. LATVALA 2:25.5 +0.4 +0.4

3. 2 S. OGIER 2:26.6 +1.1 +1.5

4. 6 M. ØSTBERG 2:26.9 +0.3 +1.8

5. 1 S. LOEB 2:27.4 +0.5 +2.3

6. 15 H. SOLBERG 2:27.4 0.0 +2.3

7. 11 P. SOLBERG 2:27.8 +0.4 +2.7

8. 5 M. WILSON 2:28.9 +1.1 +3.8

9. 8 K. RÄIKKÖNEN 2:29.3 +0.4 +4.2

10. 22 O. TÄNAK 2:30.9 +1.6 +5.8

SS22 Laajavuori 2 (4.19km)


1. 3 M. HIRVONEN 2:39.6 0.0 0.0

2. 4 J. LATVALA 2:39.9 +0.3 +0.3

3. 2 S. OGIER 2:40.2 +0.3 +0.6

4. 1 S. LOEB 2:40.2 0.0 +0.6

5. 15 H. SOLBERG 2:40.4 +0.2 +0.8

6. 11 P. SOLBERG 2:40.5 +0.1 +0.9

7. 6 M. ØSTBERG 2:42.5 +2.0 +2.9

8. 5 M. WILSON 2:42.9 +0.4 +3.3

9. 8 K. RÄIKKÖNEN 2:43.0 +0.1 +3.4

10. 10 K. AL QASSIMI 2:44.5 +1.5 +4.9

RÄIKKÖNEN K. / LINDSTRÖM K. (st. č. 8) "Good weekend, unfortunatelly mistake on this afternoon. Still even not dissapointed."


Итоги Ралли : :excl:

1. 1 S. LOEB M 2:39:37.0 0.0 0.0

2. 4 J. LATVALA M 2:39:45.1 +8.1 +8.1

3. 2 S. OGIER M 2:39:49.8 +4.7 +12.8

4. 3 M. HIRVONEN M 2:40:46.1 +56.3 +1:09.1

5. 11 P. SOLBERG M 2:40:53.2 +7.1 +1:16.2

6. 6 M. ØSTBERG M 2:41:04.8 +11.6 +1:27.8

7. 15 H. SOLBERG 2:43:02.5 +1:57.7 +3:25.5

8. 5 M. WILSON M 2:43:30.2 +27.7 +3:53.2

9. 8 K. RÄIKKÖNEN M 2:43:36.8 +6.6 +3:59.8

10. 25 J. HÄNNINEN S 2:44:50.7 +1:13.9 +5:13.7

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Сравнение темпа Кими на Ралли Финляндии за 3 года. ( муся #121007)


Я вот для себя сделал сравнение по времени прохождения одного и того же СУ на РФ за все три года. В качестве объекта сравнения взял SS14 Urria 1 (12.75km) на РФ 2011, он же SS2 Urria 1 (12.75km) на РФ 2010 и он же SS17 Urria (12.75km). в 2009 г.

Время лидера (Микко) в 2009 г. - 5:55,5. Отставание Кими на машине другого класса +37.6, общее время СУ для Кими 6:33.1. Отставание с километра - 2, 95 сек.

Время лидера (Микко) в 2010 г. - 5:55,8. Отставание Кими на "машине-однокласснице" +18.2, общее время СУ для Кими 6:14.0. Отставание с километра - 1, 43 сек.

Время лидера (Микко!) в 2011 г. - 6:01,9. Отставание Кими в том же классе +5,3, общее время СУ для Кими 6:07,2. Отставание с километра 0, 42 сек.

Сравнивал время первого прохода этих СУ, в 2009 он проходился один раз. Сравнение конечно грубое, без учета тех проблем лидеров (напомните если такие были) и самого Кими. Но прогресс даже по отношению к прошлому году СЕКУНДА!

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Карлос Сайнц и его штурман вступаются за Кими на испанском телевиденьи. (#121020 муся)


In the Spanish TV, they have Carlos Sainz as guest today.

When Kimi was in the stage, they have begun to talk about how he's doing. Both commentators have said that this was Kimi's rally ever. That the final result doesn't show what he really has done, because of the two offs. That his times were very good.

And then they have begun to talk about what Quesnel said, because, yes, it has also made it to Spain. The commentators have said that what on earth is Quesnel saying that just before Rally Finland, to take the concentration away from the driver. That those little crashes Kimi had, could be due to that (I don't think so).

But then, one of them has begonnen to say, that it's true that everybody had expected a bit more from Kimi. But he couldn't even finish the sentence. Sainz's co-driver has jumped like a resort to tell him, that's silly. That this guy was F1 driver, but had no experience at all with notes. And that for a guy with only his experience he's doing really great. That Kimi has got into a lot of trouble, because nobody really understands how brave and difficult it is, what he has done. But that his resuslts are very good and deserves a lot of respect because of that.

Карлос Сайнц был сегодня гостем на испанском тв на ралли.

В ходе работы комментаторов обсуждалось то, что Кесснель сказал перед ралли Финляндии, и что да, надо Кими быстрее ехать то да се. Тут штурман Карлоса подскочил и стал их горячо уверять (по шеям), что этот парень был пилотом Ф1, потом с нуля пришел в ралли, и то как едет сейчас - это здорово. Кими попадал в массу неприятностей, еще и потому, что никто толком не понимает, как это трудно и достаточно храбро так поступить. И хотя бы поэтому он заслуживает большего уважения.

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Райкконен: "Благодарен болельщикам, поддерживавшим весь уик-энд." (#121032 Nataly)



Чемпион мира Формулы-1 2007 года Кими Райкконен, ныне выступающий в WRC, прокомментировал прошедшее Ралли Финляндии, по итогам которого он стал девятым.

"Дороги здесь были быстрейшими и труднейшими. Но мы смогли показывать неплохие результаты. Я бы хотел поблагодарить болельщиков, которые поддерживали нас на протяжении всего уик-энда. Мы смогли сохранять хороший темп на протяжении всего ралли, несмотря на небольшие ошибки. Это воодушевляет перед оставшейся частью сезона", — цитирует Райкконена Nextgen-Auto

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