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Библиотека фаната - Кими Райкконен

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Ралли-менеджер Timo Jouhki : Несмотря на талант, Кими не хватит опыта. ( Andrew Smolensky #44809)


- Кими - по-настоящему талантливый пилот. Я не вижу в ф1 другого гонщика, кто мог бы выступать в ралли как Кими.

- Ралли требует так много опыта, что я не вижу шансов для Кими занять первые ряды. У Ралли свои особенности.

Юхки был менеджером Juha Kankkusen, Tommi Mдkinen, Mikko Hirvonen and Jari-Matti Latvala. Юхки неохотно работает с молодыми талантами.

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Топ-5 2009го года Джеймса Аллена. ( China Fights For Kimi #45214)

1. Jenson Button

2. Lewis Hamilton

3. Sebastian Vettel

4. Mark Webber

5. Kimi Raikkonen – This was an incredibly hard choice. There were many contenders; Massa was doing better than Kimi before his accident, but didn’t complete the season; Alonso did well with a poor car, but nothing miraculous and his team mates are no kind of benchmark; Barrichello had some great days, but was easily beaten by Button when the car was the class of the field; Rosberg was fantastic through the middle of the season; Kubica had some miraculous days, but others when he was outperformed by Heidfeld. So Raikkonen gets the nod. People say he had a quiet start to the season, but he was impressive in Bahrain and Monaco. But his performances from July onwards in a car which Ferrari had stopped developing, were astonishing. Even the Ferrari engineers don’t fully understand how he managed to get some of the podiums he did based on the performance of his car, compared to the opposition. He had a sniff of a win at Spa and he took it, holding off a clearly faster Force India car. Loses out on consistency, but gains on miracle achievement.

5. Кими Райкконен. Это был чрезвычайно трудный выбор. На это место было сразу несколько претендентов; Масса выступал лучше Кими до своей аварии, но не закончил сезон; Алонсо смотрелся хорошо на плохой машине, но чудес не показал, а его напарники не годятся на роль мерила; у Баррикелло были неплохие деньки, но уж очень легко он был бит Баттоном, когда у болида не было проблем; Росберг был великолепен в середине сезона; у Кубицы были удивительные моменты, но были и другие, когда его превосходил Хайтфельд. Так что эту строчку занимает Райкконен. Говорят, что у него был непримечательный старт сезона, но он впечатлил в Бахрейне и в Монако. А его результаты начиная с июля в машине, которую в Феррари перестали дорабатывать, были изумительны. Даже инженеры Феррари не до конца понимают, как он умудрился заработать те несколько подиумов, если сравнить производительность его техники с соперниками. У него было предчувствие победы в Спа, и он выиграл, сдержав откровенно более быструю Форс Индию. Уступая в стабильности, он преуспевал за счёт удивительного исполнения на трассе.

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Контракт с Red Bull гарантирует Кими место в Citroen ? ( LeCompt #45420)

Вокруг будущего Кими Райкконена круг возможных вариантов, как и временнОй круг, постепенно сужается. А тем временем круг «осведомленных» источников становится все шире. Например, о подписании финном с компанией Red Bull контракта, гарантирующего ему место в команде Citroen мирового раллийного первенства, сообщают сразу несколько изданий.

При этом и французский ресурс automoto365.com и португальский AutoSport -spam-e ссылаются на свои очень близкие к истинной информации источники. У португальцев «источник» близок к самому Кими, у французов – просто «источник, которому можно доверять». Но оба «осведомителя» настаивают на том, что контракт условно подписан – он вступит в силу, если Райкконен так и не найдет места в Формуле-1

Automoto365: Райкконен достиг соглашения с "Ситроеном" в WRC

Издание Automoto365, ссылаясь на свои источники, сообщает, что чемпион мира Формулы-1 2007 года Кими Райкконен подписал предварительный контракт с "Ситроеном" на участие в чемпионате WRC в сезоне-2010. Сообщается, что Райкконен подходит главному спонсору команды "Ред Булл".

При этом сообщается, что пока точно не известно, в какой именно команде будет гоняться Райкконен в случае выступлений в WRC, но существует два варианта: либо Citroen Junior (в которой в сезоне-2009 несколько ралли провёл россиянин Евгений Новиков), либо частная команда Петтера Сольберга. При этом отмечается, что Сольберг недавно контактировал с Райкконеном.

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Прост: Райкконену будет сложно вернуться в Формулу-1 ( Clutch66 #45939)

Четырёхкратный чемпион мира Ален Прост считает, что если Кими Райкконен пропустит следующий сезон в Формуле-1, то затем возобновить карьеру в "Королевских гонках" ему будет сложно.

"У Кими много поклонников. И очень плохо, если он собирается пропустить следующий сезон. Ему иногда трудно работать в команде. Руководству "Феррари" не понравилось то, что Райкконен держался на расстоянии от инженеров. Но Кими всё равно превосходный гонщик.

Что будет с ним дальше? Он попробует свои силы в ралли. Но Кими - немного ленивый парень. Он любит вечеринки, выпивку. Когда пилот уходит в отпуск на один год, он должен воспринять это серьёзно и готовиться физически и морально.

Для него будет сложно вернуться в гонки. Руководители команд вряд ли будут доверять ему в 2011 году", - приводит слова Проста F1-action

Alain Prost has warned Kimi Raikkonen to think hard before taking a one-year break from Formula One.

The quadruple world champion said the Finn might have trouble convincing team bosses to employ him in 2011.

"He will try to go rallying, but he is a bit lazy, likes to party and drink a little," Prost told Europe 1 radio. "When you take a year off you have to be extremely serious about it, preparing physically and mentally."

The Frenchman, now 54, took a sabbatical in 1992 before returning in 1993 to win his final title with Williams.

He said Raikkonen has lots of fans but also some detractors within the F1 paddock. "He sometimes had difficulty working as a team.

"Some Ferrari people in particular didn't appreciate his remoteness from the engineers. He is a superb driver," said Prost.

"But it may be difficult for him to get the people who are half-way down the middle about him to trust him again in 2011."

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несколько интересных старых статей про Кими из TS ( Lunna #46208)

1) маковский физиотерапевт о врожденных способностях Кими (касательно зрения и быстроты реакции, на сколько я поняла), еще Мику упоминает, что после аварии он стал даже более "цельной" личностью


Turun Sanomat 18.6.2005 4:01:54


They say that some top sportsmen have eyes in their back.

The senior physician of Finland's Olympic Committee Aki Hintsa can scientifically prove that formula star Kimi Rдikkцnen belongs to this elite group.

- We found out in our neurological examinations that Kimi has an exceptionally well developed ability to give a form to time, place and shape.

- It's a neuropsychological feature and it gives a guy like Kimi who works in a speed of 360 km/h an enormous advantage.

As a neurosurgeon Hintsa knows that he himself has a very good ability to give form too.

- But Kimi's ability can be considered as exceptional. It's an inbuilt ability that is almost as fast as a lightning. A thing like this, to say it out loud, is really special, Hintsa emphasises.

The ability to give a form to 3-dimensional events is something every person has according to Hintsa.

- We all have it. It might be poorly developed, well developed or extremely well developed. You need it in everyday life but it gives you a substantial advantage especially in sport.

- A person who can give form very well reacts automatically fast and exactly like the situation requires whereas a slower has to think about different things, Hintsa describes.

- It's like having an excellent eye for the game in ball games but there's more to it. In tests you can see who has a natural talent and who hasn't.

- Kimi's ability to act in racing situations comes straight from his backbone. He doesn't need time to think, he just does the right decisions naturally. He can give form to an upcoming situation practically automatically and can because of that make just the right decision, Hintsa praises.

When you may face the most unbelieavable situations in GP's, the ability to draw the 3-dimensional line into the right spaces helps to direct the car in a top speed exactly the right way. Eyesight has nothing to do with this ability.

- Let's take X-Y-Z -space in which a bullet draws a certain line. When asked how the bullet moved, 99 % of the people start to think and draw the movement of the bullet.

- But then someone like Kimi can just show you exactly how the movement was born including the impression of depth. He doesn't have to think. It just is there, Rдikkцnen's doctor praised.

Even Mika Hдkkinen had an ability to give form that worked excellently.

- When you follow Mika's interviews and when he is asked about a certain racing incident, Mika usually draws the answer in the air. That expresses this special feature, how Mika saw what happened and remembers it so vividly.

An exceptional special ability is a gift that is almost impossible to test.

- When the skill comes from the genes and is natural you can enforce and improve it by being in the situation all the time. That way you can learn to keep up the ability for as long as you need it, Hintsa said.

Neurological tests are done to race drivers just in case.

If some serious accident happens we know the basic level the sportsman had before the accident.

Hдkkinen was in a tragic accident in Adelaide qualification in 1995. The serious skull injury almost killed him.

- God has built human being's brains in a magnificent way. There's a great capacity that isn't even used. When damaged nervecells don't renew themself again there's new routes to replace them. Hintsa says that Hдkkinen became an even more whole person after the accident.

Rдikkцnen himself doesn't care at all about Hintsa's flattering research results about a race driver's exceptional eye for the game.

- Doctors know about those things, I don't. I haven't noticed anything special. I have been in some examinations. I guess it's somekind of a technology.

- And I most certainly don't see any better than anybody else who has a normal eyesight, Rдikkцnen thinks.



2) различные цитаты касательно первого года Кими в Ф1

наиболее примечательный момент чтива - это рассказ о том, как охладилось отношение к Кими внутри команды Заубер летом 2001-го, когда он начал переговоры с Маками, также по цитатам заметно как сам Петер Заубер начал принижать роль Кими в работе с машиной, когда он смылся к Макам :lol:

цитата тогдашнего гоночного инженера Кими: "Я никогда не работал с более тихим пилотом, чем Кими, но мы взаимодействовали очень эффективно с самого начала. Я спрашиваю, а он отвечает, не отставляя места для дальнейших вопросов. Обратная связь как раз такая, какая нам нужна."

Turun Sanomat


Technical manager Willy Rampf praised Kimi's ability to keep the laptimes at a hard level.

- We talked in the radio during the end of the race and Kimi told us that he won't push hard anymore. Yet we saw by looking at his laptimes that at that point he was one second faster than Nick Heidfeld.


- I learn more all the time. I find something new every lap. I'm satisfied with the setup of the car, now we found a slightly different setup for me than to my team mate. It's going to a better direction all the time, Kimi said.

Steve Robertson was shining from happiness when his protegй left the BAR-stars behind him and could challenge Jordan.

Kimi is now looking for the first time for his own setups that suit his driving style. So far his car has been setup based on Heidfeld's experience.

- Kimi has a lot to try out in the next test. He is now starting to build up his car so that it suits his own driving style. Even though they say that Nick and Kimi are similar, there are changes. Where Nick takes the corners later, Kimi takes them sooner.

- Because of this Kimi is eagerly waiting for the next test and maybe the car is even better in the next race in Imola, Robertson said.


Kimi could have been 3rd in Brazil GP. Afterwards we found out that due to a confusion he lost 15 seconds during one lap and while trying to catch up, he drove off the track. He was finally out when his tyre broke.

- Kimi didn't completely understand when they warned drivers of the race possibly being stopped during rain in the Drivers meeting. When the hard rain began, Kimi was thinking what happens when he saw so many drive to the pits. At that point all he heard was noise from the radio.

For a while Kimi thought that the race was stopped but then on the other hand he subconsciously obeyed the order to 'stop racing' and drove very slowly because of that.

Only after he heard the order from the radio to come in and change tyres he realised that the race had been going on all the time and he started to go flat out.

- Kimi was really disappointed after stopping the race but after seeing the laptimes and seeing that he was with slicks in the rain even three seconds faster than Heidfeld, the smile returned on his face. He felt better and took the attitude that that's racing, Robertson said.


Kimi is happy for the help Mika has offered but maybe he learns too fast and doesn't need Mika's advice, the manager smiles.

- I help myself best by learning everything myself, Rдikkцnen says.


Kimi Rдikkцnen beat on his 4th attempt his team mate Nick Heidfeld. The German reacted very strongly to the competition within the team and the communication between the drivers stopped.

Some experts were comparing Rдikkцnen's performance in Imola to Senna's first visit in San Marino.


Steve Robertson is already used to telling what his supersilent superprotegй Kimi thinks and feels.

- When Kimi gets to develop the car the way he wants, there is a huge difference to what was before. He really can build the car better. Now he has got the permission to go with his own engineers in his own direction and is now satisfied with the car.

- Kimi is Kimi. He is very competitive and is always looking for something better. It's only a good sign.

- He has been faster than Heidfeld and is because of this a controlling figure in the team this weekend.

- I believe that it was a big step forward for Kim to beat his team mate and believe in the development of his car.


- FIA doesn't have to discuss Rдikkцnen's superlicense anymore. If someone comes to us complaining about it, we will advice that person to shut his mouth and drive the same way Rдikkцnen drivers, Gutjahr said.

Kimi's superlicense raised quite a storm when Max Mosley was in the head of the people opposing to letting the Finn into F1.

One critisising Rдikkцnen's supelicense has been Jacques Villeneuve. Kimi was faster than him in Interlagos and Imola qualification.

- Kimi has all the good qualities other driver have but on top of that he has something exceptional. Kimi showed during the first testing day in Mugello - and many times after that - that he can control an oversteering car in the corners better than any other driver at Sauber has.

- The telemetry shows without doubt that when going into a superfast corner and the car oversteers, other drivers always lift the foot of the pedal but Kimi again strives to take it through the corner with the same speed he goes into it.

- By studying telemetry Kimi learnes faster more all the time, Sauber praises.


- Rдikkцnen is a sensation. There is no other word to describe him. Not just because he is fast - Kimi is really fast. Heidfeld won't probably see Kimi anymore after a couple of GP's.

- So many know Heidfeld and have worked with him and know what he is capable of. When Rдikkцnen is in front of him it's a clear accomplishment and cannot be underestimated by anyone, Keke Rosberg praises.


Kimi Rдikkцnen started on Tuesday his testing period with all the fancy new technology the car got (start system and traction control).

- There is a lot of work when the driver has to help the engineers more than before to find the best setups for the car from several options. There's now so much new technology that offers many new solutions, Kimi said.


Manager Steve Robertson says that Kimi has grown and developed a lot when working with mechanics and engineers.

- Kimi feels now that he belongs to F1 and doesn't have to be ashamed anymore.

- You can see and hear it when he sits in the car and talks with the engineers. Kimi can specify what he wants and should be done. It's a great change compared to his first 2 races, Robertson says.

Race engineer Jacky Eeckelaert

- I have never worked with a more quiet driver than Kimi but our co-operation has worked effectively ever since the start. I ask and he answers with an answer that doesn't leave room for any questions. The feedback is exactly what we need.

- Kimi is a big talent, learns amazingly fast and gets better race by race.


Ferrari follows Rдikkцnen's development really carefully.

The Italian engineers can read from their own telemetry how amazingly this young Finn can take the maximum out of his Sauber car and Ferrari engine.

- Kimi is worth gold to us! Peter Sauber says.

- I trusted my instinct and was right. Kimi is a natural talent and he has genuinelly speed in his blood.

- It's no joke to suddenly get 600 horsepowers to control like happened with Kimi. He managed to get the car into his hands from the beginning.

- And it's not just about his speed. He has been able to direct us in the car development work, Sauber says.


Peter Sauber says he saves at least 100 million FIM thanks to his two drivers.

- Usually it takes 10-20 million USD or Michael Schumacher to develop the car half a second faster. My team gets this benefit for free thanks to Rдikkцnen and Heidfeld, Sauber said.

One cannot envy Heidfeld's position. He said in public before the season that he will look like an idiot if he would happen to lose to Rдikkцnen.

Now Rдikkцnen has passed Heidfeld when it comes to performance ability and respect, which has made Heidfeld's manager to rage that Kimi is deliberately promoted more than Heidfeld.


Kimi Rдikkцnen has felt in his skin that he is playing the second violin at Sauber after he started to negotiate with McLaren in summer.

In Indianapolis GP Rдikkцnen heard that he had been driving a broken car in Monza. His suspension broke in Monza practice and it wasn't fixed for the race.

He learned in US that to this GP he didn't get his own car, instead he got someone else's car.

Rдikkцnen didn't enjoy one moment in Indianapolis on the track. Even though they made changes to the car, it doesn't improve the car's behaviour.

For the first time in the whole season Rдikkцnen wasn't able to find any balance in his car although they worked on changing it all the time.

Naturally the atmosphere between the driver and the mechanics have cooled. Rдikkцnen has given his critics about the car and the mechanics try to stand up to him.

- I don't blame anyone if at some stage there has born some doubts of equal treatment. The important thing would still be that the fault would be found from the car because this isn't working in any way now, Rдikkцnen said.


Over a year ago when Kimi Rдikkцnen prepared for his first F1-test in Sauber his manager wanted to arrange his Formula Renault -driver a bit of a touch with a slightly more powerful car.

Robertson arranged a three day test in Carlin Motorsport -team with a formula 3-car on Pembrey track in Britain for Rдikkцnen. Rдikkцnen's testing partner was the team's standard driver Takuma Sato.

During the first day Sato was half a second faster than Rдikkцnen when the track was dry. It rained the second day and Sato didn't get anywhere near the Finnish junior's laptimes. It was close that he didn't start to cry out of dissapointment.

Rдikkцnen stopped the F3-tests after a day and a half when there was no more speed to find and nothing to prove with the car anymore.

Next year:

Turun Sanomat 6.11.2002

Peter Sauber played down Kimi's skills in car development in a recent interview.

- The truth is that during the last two years Nick Heidfeld was in charge of developing the car while Kimi and Massa both sat into a ready car, Sauber claims.

Even though the team manager doesn't admit Kimi's contribution to the car development, Sauber's engineers can't stop praising his accomplishments.

Some Sauber engineers sat with me on a plane back to Europe from Japan and they started to talk about Rдikkцnen's exceptional touch for the car and also how skilled he was when he played it all home.

- We tested several new parts in tests Kimi drove. When some new part worked, Kimi described it as good and never using another word for it. The car became better and better every time some new part was good according to Kimi.

- In the end of the season while Kimi was already going to McLaren we asked why he never classified any new parts as brilliant as they proved to be brilliant steps forward.

- Kimi just answered that if he had revealed exactly how good the new part would be, it would have been put into Heidfeld's car, not his, the engineers told TS.

And they claimed that Rдikkцnen worked in the same way at McLaren too for sure.



3) продолжение про 2001-ый год

Here is more of his first year in Sauber from Turun Sanomat:


Kimi Rдikkцnen proved to the whole F1-world that he is worth the superlicense.

He didn't do one single mistake and was the fastest of all rookies.

Steve Robertson:

- I can already see from the way Kimi moves that he is satisfied even though he is the last person to start bragging about it.

- Kimi proved that he is worth his seat and got through the first international press conference with honor. It was obvious that the public appearance troubled him more than going out on the track.

- Kimi did a fantastic job, said Peter Sauber.


- I announced many times during the winter my opinion that if somebody who sits into these cars and proves immediately to be fast and doesn't make mistakes, to a guy like this you have to give the right to drive in F1, Schumacher reminded. I would say that Kimi proved this weekend all my estimations to be right. I can only congratulate him and tell him to keep going on the same way.


Max Mosley owes Kimi an apology. He did his everything to prevent this biggest promise's rocketlike rise into F1.

- I'm sure I proved everyone that I belong here, Kimi said.

Peter Sauber hinted that perhaps Mosley should consider calling Kimi and apologise for the negative image he created of Kimi.

- My own impression of Kimi wasn't changed at all after this race because I already saw what he is capable of when he tested our car for the first time in Mugello.

- Ever since that moment I have known that there is something absolutely exceptional in this boy and he proved it to all F1-fans around the world, Sauber said proudly.

- It was stunning, almost unbelievable when Kimi came out of the car after the race as fresh and vigurous as Michale Schumacher and he would have been ready to drive another race right after that.

Peter Sauber lost Red Bull's support in millions to Arrows because they didn't want to take Red Bull's favorite driver Enrique Bernold as their driver.

- Bernoldi crashed now too, Rдikkцnen didn't, Sauber pointed out.

Manager Steve Robertson moved into tears of Rдikkцnen's brilliant debut.

- Our fairy tale story culminated to the 6th position. Now everybody believes what I have known for some years already: Kimi is a phenomenal talent.

Robertson grinned and said that he would in the future wait for a call from either Ron Dennis or Jean Todt.

- We have a long contract with Sauber but it's very possible that the team won't be able to keep Kimi for long, Robertson said.

- Kimi is an extremely strong person. I'm sure that it was much more difficult for me to sleep the night before than it was for him. Kimi can't stress about anything.

- Kimi did not do one single mistake, his race engineer Jacky Eeckelaart said.

- My first GP was pretty much what I expected it to be. At least it wasn't tougher than I thought, Kimi said.


Kimi's performance assured all experts. Even the experienced reporters nodded in an accepting way and said they had met a future WDC although they went hard on him for his laid-back clothing.

Rдikkцnen charmed them especially with his flawlessness and superb physical condition.

They haven't seen since Michael Schumacher another driver who isn't drenched in sweat after a hot race and looks like he can do the same race again.

Rдikkцnen was the most flawless driver of the Australian Grand Prix. He paid a part of his one million dollar salary at -once because every point is worth 100 000 dollars to the team.

Next week Rдikkцnen will face his next big challenge - public appearances in Petrona's events. He isn't skilled for those. But the best is that you can always develop public performance and verbal talent unlike the skill to drive which has to be something you are born with.


Sauber's physical trainer Josep Leberer has had a 5-day training camp for the young drivers in Thailand.

According to Leberer both Nick Heidfeld and Kimi Rдikkцnen came out of the camp half dead but completely adjusted to Malaysia's burning heat.

- We trained in a 40 degree temperature. At times the boys nearly dropped dead of the strain even though we made sure they got enough to drink. The people living in the hotel must have thought we were some idiotic sporting-idiots, Leberer told TS.


Peter Sauber brags and says he has already won two bets when the young drivers immediately scored points and the team proved they built a better car than Prost who was left behind them with the same engine.

- The real revolution is our young drivers. The reality is that F1 needs to be shaken up. Heidfeld is more experienced, in that sense Rдikkцnen starts from zero, but Rдikkцnen is intelligent and he has his unique charisma. Kimi puts the foot on the pedal and drives fast, Sauber says.


Button's manager David Robertson has had to answer to questions why the British driver wasn't placed to Sauber where his son's, Steve Robertson's, protegй Kimi Rдikkцnen is. Button earns three times more at Benetton than Rдikkцnen at Sauber. But the Finn is doing much better.


At Sauber you can't work just for one driver, you have to treat them equally, says JJ Lehto.

- Especially to Kimi an equal treatment is important because he has no experience and it would be so easy to stab him in the back, JJ thinks.


- I have learned all tracks after three laps, Kimi says.

In Magny-Cours testing last week Rдikkцnen learned the track in rainy weather after 3 laps after which he started to be a couple of tenths from BMW-William's laptimes.

In Imola Kimi walked around the track on Thursday and looked carefully how to use the borders to his advantage.

On Friday Kimi was 7th and in the afternoon even 4th for a while. 6th position made all the people at Sauber smile big time.

- Jenson Button had some difficulties last year in learning the Imola track, just like so many other rookies have. That's why I was a little concerned how Kimi will do. But Kimi is Kimi. He learned it really fast and was fast in both dry and wet weather, Robertson said.


- Everyday Nick Heidfeld and Kimi Rдikkцnen blow more fresh air into the staff. Their example rubs off at everyone. I have never experienced an atmosphere like this in my team before, Peter Sauber said.

- I know that many teams are keeping their eyes closely on Kimi, Robertson said. It's fantastic to get praise from Hдkkinen. Kimi is happy for the help Mika has offered but maybe he learns too fast and doesn't need Mika's advice, the manager smiles.



Kimi Rдikkцnen beat for the 2nd time his team mate Nick Heidfeld in quali.

- It doesn't matter at all if my team mate has problems or not, I'll still be faster, Kimi smiled.

For Sauber Rдikkцnen's speed and performances mean also financial success.

On Saturday after quali the Austrian Red Bull's manager Dietrich Mateschitz marched to Peter Sauber, congratulated and said that he did the right choice when hiring Rдikkцnen.

According to information TS has, Mateschitz promised to help Sauber until the end of the current contract and invest more money into car development. In practice Sauber can hire 30-40 people more to Hinwil factories.

When Sauber decided to hire Rдikkцnen instead of Enrique Bernoldi who Red Bull supported, Mateschitz got angry and decided to cut all relations to Sauber after the contract expired. When Bernoldi went to Arrows, Red Bull went with him as a sponsor for the Arrows team.


Haug praises Rдikkцnen and says he is the joy of F1-world

Norbert Haug praises and says that Rдikkцnen is like fireworks to F1.

- It's findings like Kimi who cheer up this sport tremendeously.

- The way both Heidfeld and Rдikkцnen do their job is an honor to Sauber and F1.

- It warms my heart to see two this young drive in a positive way like this against each other. They represent the new generation in F1, Haug said.


Schumacher certain of Rдikkцnen becoming a star

- Rдikkцnen is very, very talented. He might become a very big star because otherwise he wouldn't be driving this close to the top in such a short time.

- I'm am waiting with interest to see if Kimi can develop his supertalent even more than Jenson Button.


Every point is extremely valuable for Kimi Rдikkцnen and also every employee in Sauber.

Rдikkцnen was like melted honey after his brilliant drive. Peter Sauber's thick cigar was burning and champagne flooded.

Rдikkцnen showed that he has the eye for the game by letting Michael Schumacher pass him the moment the German attacked. Schumi thanked Kimi by waving his hand as soon as he go by Kimi.

- It wouldn't have made any sense to keep Schumacher behind me. It would only had cost him time. Now nobody said anything against me and it's more sensible to let him go and then try to keep up with him and also escape from the rest, Kimi said.

Steve Robertson:

- When we remember from where we started from, when Kimi's superlicense was doubted and then he scores in his very first race and now we got a great racing perfomance again. Kimi is a phenomenal driver. You can't escape facts.

- Kimi will make whole Finland very proud.

- When you come right after McLaren and Ferrari you can't wish for a better position.

Robertson reminded that Kimi could have got the same position in Imola if his steering wheel wouldn't have come off in the middle of the race.


- I'm very exited about the upcoming Monaco GP. That circuit is like it's made for my small boys, Peter Sauber smiled.


Red Bull -boss Dietrich Mateschitz cut his relationship with Peter Sauber when he chose Rдikkцnen instead of his protegй Enrique Bernoldi.

He admits Kimi's merits but doesn't stop praising his crash-sensitive Brazilian.

- Rдikkцnen has done a brilliant job and showed he has a big talent. The youngster has proved that he is a real professional.

- Yet it's wrong to claim that Bernoldi wouldn't be as tough as he is. I'm sure that he would have achieved the same results in Sauber as Kimi, Mateschitz insists.


Kimi Rдikkцnen's heroic deed in midsummer was him tricking the old fox Jean Alesi when fighting for the 1+th position.

Kimi tricked Alesi with a trick he was known of in karting-days. He fooled Alesi, kept up a hard speed until giving room for the French to try overtaking making it look like a mistake. Alesi speeded by him with too much speed but ended up driving off the track when Kimi calmly took another driving line.

Alesi was angry because he drove right into an 'old mine' since it meant his first retirement this season.

Sauber-people's verdict of the fight Rдikkцnen-Alesi was that the Finn proved to be two levels better driver than Alesi.


57-year old Peter Sauber says that he has announced directly that it's useless to try and ask for a price to release Kimi from his contract.

- If I would sell Kimi I might aswell go on pension straight away, he said.

He is especially happy over Rдikkцnen's breakthrough.

- I gambled and wasn't sure myself if Kimi would get the superlicense. I couldn't even have dreamed what I have won this far by choosing Kimi.


Toyota's technical manager, F1-expert Gustav Brunner classifies Kimi as the best young promise at the moment.

- The three best rising starts in order are Rдikkцnen, Fernando Alonso and Nick Heidfeld, Brunner estimates.

According to him the difference between Rдikkцnen and Heidfeld is the following:

- Heidfeld may win GP's but Rдikkцnen will also win the championship.


Formula 1-rookie Kimi Rдikkцnen speeded on Monza track the fastest laptime of all times at the end of this week's testing session, 1.23,532.

His speed on straights was 357 km/h. He was over two tenth faster than Michael Schumacher's last year's laptime for pole.


When Ferrari bought in 1995 Eddie Irvine from Jordan, the transfer was 5 million USD.

Sauber smiles when Irvine's deal is compared to Ferrari's interest for Rдikkцnen.

- I wouldn't even discuss about releasing Kimi of his contract for 5 million USD, he said.


How was Kimi released of his contract with Sauber that was supposed to expire in the end of 2004?

- There was a lot of interest. It wasn't just the McLaren-management that asked about Kimi, Steve Robertson says.

- In June Ron Dennis contacted me and asked about Kimi's contract. He wanted to meet us.

- We went to Woking and were taken by a complete surprise. Dennis asked if Kimi would be interested to drive at McLaren next year already in case Sauber would release him of his contract.

- Racing contract? We assumed that Dennis would offer us somekind of option to McLaren after the Sauber-contract would expire, Robertson sighs.

- As a manager I take care of Kimi's contract matters but he makes the decisions himself. Kimi didn't hesitate. He wanted at that minute to become McLaren's driver.

- We weren't told who kimi would replace, Mika or David.

- We got the answer only two days before McLaren published the contract.

When Rдikkцnen had made his decision the focus was on Peter Sauber. He heard what had happened behind his back 10 days before Hockenheim in the end of July.

- When we met with Sauber and told about McLaren's offer, his reaction didn't come as a surprise to us.

- Peter Sauber has done a lot for Kimi's F1-career. Without him Kimi wouldn't have necessarily got the superlicense. Literally Peter Sauber make Kimi a F1-driver, Robertson praised.

- Kimi is without doubt this moment's sensation in the F1-world and Peter Sauber knew he had a real jewel in his hand that he himself would have wanted to polish even brighter. It was obvious that Sauber would have wanted to keep Kimi in the team for a long time.

- Sauber understoot that the top teams were after a talent like Kimi. When he realised that Kimi really wanted to go and had his mind elsewhere, he didn't want to keep Kimi against his will in the team.

- We really didn't come up to this solution in a moment. It took it's own time but now I think that everybody is happy. I have to admit that behind the scenes happened a very emotional decision and the reactions were fierce at times.



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WRC.com: Райкконен близок к сделке с "Ситроеном" ( NebesniY #46552)

Официальный сайт чемпионата мира по ралли со ссылкой на собственные источники сообщает о том, что Кими Райкконен готов подписать контракт с "Ситроеном" на сезон-2010. При этом финн должен принять участие во всех тринадцати этапах чемпионата мира. Официальное заявление о контракте должно быть сделано в ближайшие дни.

Предполагается, что программу финна в WRC будет спонсировать "Ред Булл", который является как личным спонсором Райкконена, так и титульным спонсором "Ситроена" в ралли.

MTV3: вероятность перехода Райкконена в WRC составляет 99,9%

Финское издание MTV3, полагаясь на собственные источники, считает, что вероятность подписания чемпионом мира Формулы-1 Кими Райкконеном контракта с "Ситроеном" на выступления в WRC в сезоне-2010 составляет 99,9%. При этом, по информации издания, Райкконен будет получать зарплату в два раза больше, чем у шестикратного чемпиона мира WRC Себастьяна Лёба.

Напомним, ранее и официальный сайт WRC сообщил о том, что Райкконен близок к подписанию контракта с "Ситроеном".

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Петтер Сольберг : У Райкконена есть потенциал быть в Топ-5. ( Nikotin_007 #46766)

Чемпион мира по ралли 2003 года Петтер Сольберг считает, что чемпион мира Формулы-1 Кими Райкконен сможет быстро адаптироваться в WRC, если решит перейти в этот чемпионат.

"При правильной практике и тестах я думаю, что он сможет быстро адаптироваться. Он очень хороший гонщик, уже выучил основы вроде работы с легендой трассы, и я думаю, что он может многих удивить. Мы уже видели, как быстр он был в Финляндии за рулём машины спецификации S2000, и если в следующем году он сядет за руль сильной машины WRC, то на некоторых ралли он может финишировать с третьего по пятое места.

В этом году я был за рулём и болида Формулы-1 и машины Ле-Мана, и там всё так же, как и в ралли: надо постоянно атаковать. Нужно в это вникнуть и иметь мужество. Думаю, что главное — понять, как атаковать, а Кими уже доказал, что он это понимает.

И "Ситроен" С4, и "Форд" очень хорошо работают, и ими достаточно просто управлять. Это последовательные автомобили с предсказуемым управлением, которые всё делают правильно, но каждая по-своему. Я думаю, что Кими может адаптироваться к любому из этих автомобилей", — цитирует Сольберга официальный сайт WRC


Solberg: Raikkonen has top five potential

Petter Solberg believes that should Kimi Raikkonen commit to a full WRC season in 2010 he would adapt quickly to the sport and could challenge for top five finishes before the end of the year.

Solberg, who won the World Rally Championship in 2003, has a unique perspective on the Finn's potential, having this year driven both a Ferrari F1 car at the Fiorano test track in Italy and a C4 World Rally Car - the car Raikkonen is expected to drive - on two rounds of the WRC.

Talking exclusively to wrc.com, Solberg ruled out a WRC victory for Raikkonen next year but felt his F1 championship winning background would stand him in good stead.

"With the proper practise planning and testing I think he will adapt quickly," said Solberg. "He's a very, very good driver, and once he's learned the basics, like how to work with pace notes, I think he will surprise many people. We've already seen how quick he was in Finland in a Super 2000 car, and if he's in a decent World Rally Car next season I think he could finish between third and fifth on some rallies. The fact is, if you can drive, you can drive."

Solberg is confident Raikkonen would cope well with the transition from his 2009 season Ferrari F60 car to a four-wheel drive World Rally Car. "This year I've driven a Formula 1 car and a Le Mans car and it's the same as rallying; you have to attack and push," explained Solberg. "You have to be on the case and you need some balls. I think it’s all about understanding how to push and Kimi has proved he can do that."

Raikkonen is widely expected to drive a Citroen C4 WRC in 2010, a car which - along with the Ford Focus RS WRC - Solberg rates highly. "Both the C4 and the Ford work very well are quite easy to drive," he said. "They are both consistent, predictable handling cars that do the correct thing - just in slightly different ways. I think he could adapt very quickly to either of them."

Asked what advice he would offer Raikkonen before his first stage, Solberg said: "Just nail it."



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Финский менталитет глазами финна. :D ( Nataly , Рыжий Галк #47346)

by Nicole from (PF1.com; F1zone.net)

Понятие личного пространства в Финляндии гораздо больше. Например, в лифте японцы стараются кучковаться, а финны - стоять как можно дальше друг от друга.

В автобусе люди кладут на соседнее место сумку, чтобы к ним никто не подсел, и убирают, когда совсем мест не остается.

Мы не смотрим прямо на людей, чтобы не нарушать их личное пространство. В общественных местах у нас такой же взгляд, как у Кими на пресс-конференциях.

Некоторые считают это грубым, но это не так, мы просто отдаляемся от незнакомцев.

Даже когда Кими вылетел на Ралли Финляндия, его окружила толпа, но никто к тему не прикоснулся. Сам Кими говорит, что не может привыкнуть к японским фанатам, которые сидят часами в кустах, а потом на него каааак выпрыгивают! В Финляндии такого бы не случилось.

В Макларене знали, что, когда Кими сходит, он так расстроен, что его лучше оставить в одиночестве, пока он не успокоится. Поэтому парни в Макларене не разговаривали и не трогали Кими в такие моменты. Он пытается спрятать свои эмоции и зализывать раны в одиночестве. Он - как бомба, которая может взорваться, поэтому ему очень нужно личное пространство, и поэтому он очень резко отреагирует, если кто-то в такой момент схватит его за руку.

Сама форумчанка - финка, рассказывает: Моя итальянская подруга однажды чуть не свела меня с ума, когда на улице старалась идти как можно ближе ко мне. Это было ужасно, я почти задыхалась.

Если вы сидите в кафе, и подвинете свои вещи близко к "пространству" финна - сразу же получите в глаз рассерженную реакцию.

Да, и по поводу звонка Массе. Почему люди постоянно объявляют, что Кими им не звонит? Он их поматросил и бросил, что ли? Последний раз Хауг и Фрай намекали - что это Кими нам не звонит.

В Финляндии никто не считает, что Кими поступил плохо, не навестив Массу. на самом деле он навестил, но сразу после аварии, и Масса ничего не помнил. Наоборот, если бы он сделал это публично, это было бы очень негативно. У нас есть для этого выражение - социальная порнография.

И еще одно - вы когда-нибудь слышали, чтобы он хвастался своей благотворительностью?

Он принимает участие в благотворительности, но не рассказывает всем об этом, потому что это его личное дело.

In Finland we have a bigger personal space. Some study was done once and whereas Japanese people stay very close to each other while filling an elevator Finns again stay as far away from others as possible.

In the bus with two seats you will see people taking both seats and putting their bag on the other one so that nobody can come and sit beside you - unless of course you have to.

We don't stare at people, out of respect for their personal space. In buses, shops, streets, everywhere, we usually have the same staring look in our eyes as Kimi has in press conferences. We know how to navigate without having to look at people and in stores you're lucky if we say thank you after paying our purchases.

Some consider it rude but it's not meant that way. It doesn't mean that we cannot be close to people, only that when strangers are concerned we keep our distance.

Even in Rally Finland after the crash when the bunch was around Kimi they didn't touch him even though they started to cheer for him but they kept their distance. Kimi is used to that. He himself said that he will never get used to the fanatical fans in Japan for example who sit for hours in the bushes and they all of a sudden jump right at him when he walks by. It would never happen in Finland. He wasn't critisising, only telling that he will never get used to it.

Before the race drivers are concentrating. If a photographer comes too near and crosses the line and comes into your personal space then the automatic reaction is to push that person away since you were taken by surprise.

In Macca they knew that after Kimi had a DNF he was so pi**ed off that the best was to leave him alone until he was over it. They made room for him when he walked to the garage to a private place and the guys knew not to speak to him or try and touch him. He does his everything to keep his emotions under control and curses the misfortune and licks his wounds alone. So he is a bomb waiting to explode if things go the wrong way and you don't go an grab his arm without being pushed away. He needs his personal space. He is used to having it as most of us in Finland are.

One Italian girlfriend almost drove me crazy when walking down the street with her. She had this horrible habit of having to walk as near me as possible and no matter how I took distance it didn't help. I still remember how horrible that felt, like I wasn't able to breathe. Honestly.

If you sit in a cafeteria with a Finn, try and move over items to his/her 'space' - it won't take long before you get an angry reaction, trust me ;)

Oh and the call to Massa.... What is it that people make it public that Kimi doesn't call them? Norbert Haug and Nick Fry have been the latest persons telling to the media that Kimi should call them, what is it with the guy ;)

In Finland nobody saw Kimi not visiting Massa at the hospital as anything bad. On the contrary, had he made an event about going to visit poor Massa, it would have been seen as a bad thing. We even have a word for it - social porn.

So while some are doing their best to see him in a negative light, I'm also allowed to explain it from a Finn's point of view, right?

People who know Kimi from the times when he was cruising around in his rusty Corolla say that the man hasn't changed a bit. Kimi is Kimi and that is said in a positive way.

There's another thing also.... Have you seen him bragging about his charity work?

Didn't think so ;)

He does charity but he keeps quiet about it and that's honorable of him. It's nobody's business but his own. You should know by now that he is not building up an image for others because he doesn't care what others think. Otherwise he would have done things so differently during these years. Honestly, do you really think he hasn't enough people around him telling what would give a PR-value - yet he hasn't fallen for that.



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MTV3 : Райкконен подписал контракт с Ситроен в WRC на сезон 2010. ( BorisG , SF1fan #47751)

Kimi Rдikkцnen's move to the WRC-serie has been confirmed.

According to a reliable source MTV3 has, Rдikkцnen has signed a contract with Citroлn for next season.

Rдikkцnen will race in Citroлn's junior team with the same C4 WRC -car that drivers Sйbastien Loeb and Daniel Sordo drive. Other drivers to the junior team hasn't been confirmed but Sйbastien Ogier is likely to be Rдikkцnen's team mate.

Rдikkцnen will be quite a sensation to the 13 race WRC. Many expect a strong performance from him especially in the 4 WRC-rallies on tarmac.

The team is at the moment preparing a test program for Rдikkцnen.

He will probably also take part in the Arctic Lapland -rally with Citroлn's car in January.

Rдikkцnen has an option to Red Bull F1-team for season 2011. Red Bull will finance Rдikkцnen's driving in WRC.


Пресс-секретарь Райкконена: у Кими нет контракта с Citroen

Финское издание MTV3 опровергло ранее опубликованное сообщение о том, что Кими Райкконен подписал контракт с "Ситроеном" и будет выступать в серии WRC за команду Citroen Junior в сезоне-2010. Об этом изданию сообщил пресс-секретарь Райкконена Рику Кувая.

"Никакие решения ещё не были окончательно приняты. Все предложения ещё лежат рассматриваются. Когда мы примем решение, то сообщим об этом", – заявил Кувая.

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Интервью Кая Линдстрёма для MTV3 ( BorisG #47894)

Rдikkцsen kartturi valmiina tдyteen MM-sarjaan

Штурман Кими: все готово для старта на всей серии Кубка Мира



Кай говорит, что решение Кими представляет большой интерес как Формулы 1, так и для WRC.

- Все ждут. Я до сих пор знаю не больше, чем вы, сказал Кай MTV3.

- Был разговор, и если он будет в ралли, я обещал ездить.

- Еще нет информации о том, где он ездит и сколько, говорит Линдстрем.

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Конрад Раутенбах : Кими подходит Ситроену. ( Loiste #48027)

Пилот Citroen Junior Team Конрад Раутенбах говорит, что у Кими Райкконена не будет проблем с интеграцией во французскую команду, если он перейдёт в WRC.

"Кими, кажется, серьёзный, деловой парень и я думаю у него совсем не будет проблем с командой,он вольётся в неё очень легко. Посмотрите кто он : Он чемпион мира в ф1, люди в команде сделают для него всё.

Citroen Junior Team - это хорошее место для гонок,мне было довольно комфортно здесь в прошлом году.

Было бы здорово быть с Кими в одной команде. Он один из моих самых любимых гонщиков. Он сделал великолепную работу, когда ездил в Финляндии в прошлом году,и хотя я пока его не знаю, я думаю что он был бы ценным приобретением для Ситроена. Мне нравится его позиция, деловая, как я сказал."

By David Evans Tuesday, December 1st 2009, 10:54 GMT

Citroen Junior Team driver Conrad Rautenbach says Kimi Raikkonen will have no problems integrating into the French squad if he joins for the 2010 World Rally Championship.

Rautenbach, who has yet to confirm his plans for next season, drove a Citroen Junior Team C4 WRC throughout last year and knows the team and personnel intimately.

Rautenbach is confident Raikkonen will flourish in the environment if he joins.

Despite speculation that the Finn has inked his deal with Citroen, sources close to the 2007 world champion deny any deal has been completed.

AUTOSPORT understands, however, that Raikkonen is set to sign a contract with Citroen in the next 24 hours.

Rautenbach said: "He [Raikkonen] seems like a no-nonsense kind of guy and I'm sure he won't have any problems with the team at all, he'll slot in there very easily. Look at who he is: he's a Formula 1 world champion, people will make things happen for him in the team.

"The Citroen Junior Team is a good place to drive, it was all pretty comfortable this year for me."

Rautenbach admitted a return to the Citroen Junior Team for himself remains a possibility for next year - and he added the potential to drive alongside Raikkonen would be a major draw.

"It would be awesome to be in the same team as him," said Rautenbach. "He's one of my favourite drivers. He did a great job when he rallied in Finland last year and, while I don't know him, I think he would be a big asset to the team. I like his attitude, like I said: no nosense."



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TS: о контракте Кими с "Ситроеном" объявят 3 декабря. ( Nataly #48973, #48974 )

Kim's super transfer published today

Turun Sanomat 3.12 2009 2:45:37 p.m.

In recent days, auto sport in the world are shaking their speculation jääkööt nonsense - this is the truth: secure the French news sources, Kimi Räikkönen transition Citroen World Rally Championship series for the period 2010 are published today in the afternoon.

This formula of ones in the 2007 F1 world champion to leave tracks, at least for the year.


Финская Turun Sanomat сообщает о том, что в четверг, 3 декабря, должно быть объявлено о подписании контракта между Кими Райкконеном и раллийной командой "Ситроен". Газета получила такую информацию через свои французские источники.

Напомним, что различные СМИ уже неоднократно объявляли о будущей сделке Райкконена и "Ситроена", однако представители финна отмечали, что контракт ещё не подписан. Если Райкконен всё-таки перейдёт в ралли, то будет выступать в составе команды Citroen Junior.

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Riku Kuvaja: "Новость на автоспорте не соответствует действительности". ( Ray_X #48252)

- Мы до сих пор ведём переговоры в некоторых направлениях.

- Мы вам скажем всё, когда будет что сказать.

- Понятно, что бессмысленно сравнивать Кими с Себастьяном Лёбом или Микко Хирвоненым. У него есть опыт лишь нескольких ралли, и он начинает практически с 0. Верным сравнение было бы с Валентино Росси, когда он поедет в Ралли Мехико в след. году.

- Кими продолжает тренироваться, неважно к Ф1, ралли или гонкам машин со склонов.-

Kimi has not made a deal with anyone. What Autosport said isn't correct either, assured Riku Kuvaja to MTV3.

- We are still negotiation with several instances, Kuvaja continued without wanting to clarify who the instances are.

According to information MTV3 has, Kimi is negotiating with Citroлn to move to rally, but it seems there are one or more F1 teams involved in the negotiations.

- We will tell when we have something to tell.

If the F1 World Champion Rдikkцnen will move to rallying, it's not worth it to compare him to experienced rallying aces.

- It is clear it is not worth it to compare Kimi to Sebastian Loeb or to Mikko Hirvonen. He only has the experience from a few rallies and he will start pretty much from zero. The correct comparison would be to Valentino Rossi who will drive the Mexico Rally next season, Kuvaja reminds.

At this moment the enigmatic Finnish driver is preparing to the new challenges at full steam.

- Full training is on, no matter does he drive F1, rally or downhill cars, Kuvaja reveals.



Рику Кувайя: "Ни один контракт не подписан". ( SF1fan #49054)

Kimi Rдikkцnen's charge d'affaires Kuvaja Riku refuses to confirm the Turun Sanomat news that Rдikkцnen's contract with the Citroen rally team announced this afternoon. On the other hand Kuvaja also does not dispute the matter fully.

- No contract in any direction was not signed or concluded. Multiplied by the contract as soon as it is ready, Kuvaja assured.

But is it even possible that things would be completed today?

- News will be once the contract is completed, Kuvaja reiterated.

Could the answer be interpreted to mean that the news may be yet to this day?

- I can not say anything other than that done all the time duunia the front, and informed about the issue as soon as it is ready, Kuvaja continued.

Even the British Autosport magazine that Rдikkцnen agreement sets out the "next few hours".

MTV3 reported Rдikkцnen Citroлn negotiations for the first time a couple of weeks ago. MTV3 on Monday, according to information received by the agreement has already been done.



- Ни одного контракта ни в одном направлении подписано ещё не было. О контракте будет сообщено, как только он будет готов.

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Будущее Кими. ( Nataly #48550)

Ещё в пятницу начали распространяться слухи, про достигнутую договорённость с Ситроеном, а в понедельник финский телеканал передал о заключении контракта.

Правда, спустя несколько часов, пресс-секретарь Кими опроверг эту информацию.

Пока точно можно сказать только одно - контракт Кими, больше всего, интересует болельщиков. Мои мысли на эту тему. Кими не смог договориться с Мерседесом, и сейчас в Мерседесе ждут возможности получить Кубицу или Хайдфельда. Другие команды Формулы 1 Кими уже не интересуют.

Ситроен готов предложить Кими заводскую машину. Кими, возможно, не очень счастлив от перспективы ехать полный чемпионат и опять быть полностью загруженным.

Чемпионат по ралли более спокойное событие, чем Формула 1. Но возможно, что Кими хотел немного отдохнуть, и не готов так плотно ехать в 2010 году в ралли.

Если честно, то я предполагал, что в ралли в 2010 году Кими поедет не в классе ВРС, а в Супер 2000. В первый год без знания трасс и, не имея достаточно опыта, бороться за победы не получится. Значит, сезон 2010 для Кими будет тренировочным. А в следующем году, машин ВРС уже не будет, так было бы целесообразнее сразу вкатываться в новую машину и в 2011 году пытаться бороться на ней за победу.

Вот только все эти мои рассуждения исходят из того, что Кими попрощался с Ф 1 навсегда и серьёзно готовится бороться за мировой чемпионат по ралли.

В первый год победить нереально будет. Выступать в классе ВРС тогда не очень, наверное, правильно, пока он привыкнет к машине, её уже запретят. Прокатится, ради создания фона мировым грандам, как-то это не правильно. Кими сделал себе имя, и вот так его разменивать, наверное, не стоило бы.

Вариант, который сейчас озвучивают разные журналисты. Кими подписывает контракт с Ситроеном. Ситроен даёт машину с заводской поддержкой, Кими поедет в составе Ситроен Юниор (вторая команда Ситроена) весь чемпионат. Спонсором Ситроен в мировом ралли выступает Ред Булл. Отсюда логично предположение, что Ред Булл получит опцию, на Кими на 2011 год. Как раз заканчивается контракт с Веббером, и Кими возвращается в Ф 1 в составе Ред Булла.

Слухи будут до тех пор, пока Райкконен не объявит о своём контракте, а вот он, наверное, и не очень-то торопится. Места в Ф 1 уже заняты, а в ралли он и не претендует на места в основном составе.


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В ожидании контракта: :D ( Loiste #49084)


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Лео Туррини о переходе Кими в ралли ( Даниэль #49252 )

Не хватает только официального объявления,но это вопрос нескольких часов.Кими подписал контракт с Ситроён и в 2010 будет выступать в команде Citroen Junior, французской команде,той,где выступает феноменальный Лёб.Контракт будет финансироваться Red Bull,который таким образом гарантирует выступление Кими в Формуле 1 в 2011 году.

Теперь я попытаюсь рассказать о том,как мне будет не хватать этого чудаковатого и странного финна в цирке на четырех колесах.

Последний чемпион мира с Феррари.Единственный кроме Шуми,кто выиграл титул с красными за последние тридцать лет.

1.Я буду скучать по невероятным эмоциям Интерлагоса 2007.Чемпионата,выигранного в последней гонке,после безумного отставания в 17 очков.Согласен,Масса оказал ему большую услугу,но блондин выиграл титул не случайно.

2.Мне будет не хватать того вечера в Австралии,когда некто Райкконен,безусловно неизвестный для большинства, должен был дебютировать в Формуле 1 с Заубером.Мы были у проходной Мельбурна и охранник на входе не пропускал парня,позволяя пройти мне.Кими не поморщился и не сказал "ах,вы не знаете кто я!"а спокойно ждал когда все прояснилось.

3.Мне будет не хватать того утра в аэропорту Нагойи.Это был 2003 год, и за день до этого, Кими потерял в чемпионате два очка в пользу Шуми.Он был пьян.И чтобы на паспортном контроле не возникло проблем,я должен был помочь двум представителям Макларен,которым было дано задание поддерживать Кими.Признаюсь честно: я всегда испытываю симпатию к людям,которые делают глупости в состоянии алкогольного опьянения.

4.Мне будет не хватать гонщика.Скажу только,что за последние десять лет,я не видел гонщиков сильнее его,за исключением Шуми конечно.В 2005 он бы выиграл титул,если бы двигатель Мерседес был бы надежным.С Феррари ое выиграл его с первой попытки ..как Фанхио и Шектер.

5.Я буду скучать по простоте характера.Никогда Кими не был замешан в отвратительных скандалах.Я был в Монреале в 2008,когда Хэмилтон врезался в Кими на питлейн.Кими покинул машину,посмотрел на Льюиса и показал ему красный светофор.Ни крика,ни закатывания сцен.Чемпионский стиль.

6.Мне будет не хватать его безмятежного спокойствия.Он мог бы жаловаться в течение трех лет на многие вещи в Феррари.Он мог бы сказать,что присутствие Шуми в боксах ему не слишком нравится.Он мог бы сказать после завоевания титула,что Масса должен приспособиться к второстепенной роли.Ни слова.

7.Наконец,мне будет не хватать его разваливающейся Феррари 2009,на которой он в одиночку, после аварии Массы, сражался с Макларен за третье место в кубке конструкторов и даже выиграл престижную Спа.Надеюсь, он будет конкурентоспособным даже в ралли и... надеюсь,что он вернется в 2011....

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Оффициально : Кими Райкконен подписал контракт с Ситроен. ( di-2 #49397, АББ #49566, Nataly #49632 )

Ситроен объявил о том, что Кими Райкконен присоединится к WRC в составе спонсируемой Ред Булл Citroen Junior Team.

"Я всегда хотел соревноваться в ралли, особенно в WRC на какой-то стадии моей карьеры. Благодаря РБ у меня есть возможность управлять лучшей машиной серии, С4. Это новый, но очень захватывающий вызов.

На данный момент у нс однолетний контракт, посмотрим что произойдёт в будущем. Я смотрю вперёд, скоро тестирование машины и старт первого ралли."

Босс Ситроена Оливье Кеснель доволен приобретением Ред Булла и тем, что наравне с заводской командой у Citroen Junior Team сильная пара пилотов - Райкконен и Ожье.

"Не в последнюю очередь, мы с огромным удовольствием приветствуем Кими Райкконена в наших рядах. Мы очень гордимся, что он выбрал Ситроен".

Райкконен и Ожье примут участь в 12 из 13 этапов сезона.

By Matt Beer Friday, December 4th 2009, 06:19 GMT

Citroen has announced that Kimi Raikkonen will join its World Rally Championship line-up in a Red Bull-backed Citroen Junior Team car, as predicted by AUTOSPORT.

The 2007 Formula 1 world champion will be joined in the Red Bull Citroen squad by former Junior WRC champion Sebastien Ogier, who completed an impressive WRC rookie season with the squad last year.

Raikkonen made his top flight rallying debut in an S2000 Abarth at his home round of the WRC in Finland earlier this year, earning the respect of the series regulars for the speed with which he adapted to driving on the stages. He has hinted for many years that he was keen to pursue a career in rallying after F1, and when he announced last month that he would take a sabbatical following the breakdown of his talks with McLaren, the WRC was seen as his most likely destination.

"I always wanted to compete in rally, especially in the World Rally Championship at some point in my career," said Raikkonen.

"Thanks to Red Bull, I have the opportunity to drive the best car of the series with the Citroen C4. This is a new but very exciting challenge."

Speculation has suggested that Raikkonen could return to F1 with Red Bull after his first WRC season. He confirmed that his Citroen deal only covered 2010 at present.

"For the moment we have a one-year contract and we will see how it goes for the future," Raikkonen said. "I am really looking forward to testing the car and taking the start of the first rally."

Citroen team boss Olivier Quesnel said he was delighted by Red Bull's increased involvement, and that the squad had such a strong Junior line-up in Raikkonen and Ogier alongside factory drivers Sebastien Loeb and Dani Sordo.

"Red Bull's commitment and energy are a perfect fit for Citroen's ongoing thirst for victory," Quesnel said. "We will continue to count on Sйbastien and Dani to defend our world titles in 2010, and we will also be prolonging our association with Sebastien Ogier who showed outstanding potential this year.

"Last but not least, it is with immense joy that we welcome Kimi Raikkonen to our ranks. We are very proud that he has chosen Citroen.

"In addition to the confirmation of these four crews, we will hopefully be able to announce other programmes over the coming weeks."

Raikkonen and Ogier will contest 12 of next year's 13 WRC rounds, but will skip the New Zealand event.




Offiziell: Rдikkцnens WRC-Vertrag bestдtigt

Citroлn hat bestдtigt, dass Kimi Rдikkцnen 2010 in der Rallye-WM fьr das Juniorteam an den Start gehen wird - Vertrag vorerst fьr ein Jahr

Es ist offiziell: Kimi Rдikkцnen fдhrt im nдchsten Jahr in der WRC

Zoom © xpb.cc(Motorsport-Total.com) - Das vielleicht am schlechtesten gehьtete Geheimnis der vergangenen Wochen ist endgьltig kein Geheimnis mehr: Citroлn hat endlich bestдtigt, dass Kimi Rдikkцnen 2010 in der Rallye-WM fьr das Juniorteam des franzцsischen Automobilherstellers an den Start gehen wird. Damit kehrt der "Iceman" der Formel 1 zumindest vorlдufig den Rьcken. Sein Vertrag lдuft ьber ein Jahr. Rдikkцnen hat seinen Vertrag bereits vor mehreren Tagen unterschrieben, doch Finanzier Red Bull wollte mit der Verlautbarung zunдchst noch abwarten.

Im Juniorteam von Citroлn wird der ehemalige Formel-1-Star voraussichtlich einen fast baugleichen C4 fahren wie Weltmeister Sйbastien Loeb. Alleine schon wegen seines groЯen Namens, der fьr die Rallye-WM einen echten Popularitдtsimpuls bedeuten kцnnte, darf sich Rдikkцnen jedenfalls einer erstklassigen Behandlung sicher sein. Sein Teamkollege wird Sйbastien Ogier, der bereits im vergangenen Jahr im Juniorteam ьberzeugen konnte. Die beiden werden 2010 zwцlf der 13 WM-Lдufe bestreiten, die Rallye Neuseeland aber auslassen.

"Ich wollte immer schon irgendwann Rallye fahren, vor allem in der Rallye-WM", sagt Rдikkцnen. "Dank Red Bull habe ich die Mцglichkeit, mit dem Citroлn C4 WRC das beste Auto der WRC zu fahren. Das ist eine neue, aber sehr aufregende Herausforderung." Die Tьr zu einer Rьckkehr in die Formel 1 ist fьr den Finnen weiter offen - sein Vertrag mit Citroлn gilt vorerst nur fьr die Saison 2010: "Im Moment haben wir einen Einjahresvertrag und wir werden sehen, was die Zukunft bringt. Ich freue mich schon sehr darauf, das Auto zu testen und in die erste Rallye zu starten."

"Dank Red Bull habe ich die Mцglichkeit, mit dem Citroлn C4 WRC das beste Auto der WRC zu fahren."

Kimi RдikkцnenCitroлn-Sportchef Olivier Quesnel freut sich, dass Sponsor Red Bull sich noch mehr einbringt und damit ermцglicht, neben dem Werksteam mit Loeb und Daniel Sordo ein schlagkrдftiges Juniorteam mit Rдikkцnen und Ogier an den Start zu schicken: "Red Bulls Engagement und Energie passen perfekt zu Citroлns andauerndem Hunger nach Siegen", so Quesnel.

"Wir werden im Kampf darum, 2010 den Weltmeistertitel zu verteidigen, weiter auf Sйbastien und Dani zдhlen. Und wir werden unsere Zusammenarbeit mit Ogier verlдngern, der in diesem Jahr sein herausragendes Potenzial gezeigt hat", fдhrt der Sportchef fort. "Und last but not least ist es fьr uns eine riesige Freude, dass wir Kimi Rдikkцnen in unserem Team begrьЯen kцnnen. Wir sind sehr stolz, dass er sich fьr Citroлn entschieden hat."

Eigentlich hatte der 30-Jдhrige vor, in der Formel 1 zu bleiben, doch nach der vorzeitigen Kьndigung seines Vertrags durch Ferrari konnte er sich nur einen Wechsel in ein Siegerteam vorstellen. Nach dem Scheitern der Verhandlungen mit McLaren stand fest, dass er der Kцnigsklasse den Rьcken kehren wьrde. VersьЯt wird ihm der Wechsel von Ferrari, denn die Italiener bezahlen angeblich 17 Millionen Euro Abfindung - um sieben Millionen mehr als bei einem Verbleib in der Formel 1...

Rдikkцnen war 2001 im Team von Peter Sauber in die Formel 1 gekommen und konnte die Kritiker sofort von seinem Ausnahmetalent ьberzeugen, obwohl er zu jenem Zeitpunkt kaum mehr als 20 Autorennen bestritten hatte. Ron Dennis erkannte dieses Talent und nahm den Youngster schon fьr dessen zweite Saison unter Vertrag. Ende 2006 verlieЯ Rдikkцnen McLaren und wechselte zu Ferrari. Dort wurde er 2007 Weltmeister.




Finland's 2007 Formula One champion Kimi Raikkonen has signed a deal to drive a C4 World Rally Car on 12 rounds of the 2010 World Rally Championship.

This morning's long awaited announcement from Citroen Racing brings an end to weeks of speculation concerning the F1 star's plans for 2010, when he will take a sabbatical from his Grand Prix career.

Raikkonen will drive for Citroen's second squad, the Junior World Rally Team, thanks to backing from Red Bull - one of his personal sponsors from F1. He will be co-driven by fellow Finn Kaj Lindstrom, who previously partnered multiple WRC champion Tommi Makinen. The only rally the pair will miss next year is Rally New Zealand - an event the Junior Team is skipping altogether.

”I always wanted to compete in rally, especially in the World Rally Championship at some point in my career," said Raikkonen. "Thanks to Red Bull, I have the opportunity to drive the best car of the series with the Citroen C4. This is a new but very exciting challenge. For the moment we have a one-year contract and we will see how it goes for the future. I am really looking forward to testing the car and taking the start of the first rally.”

Partnering Raikkonen at the Citroen Junior team in 2010, will be French rising star Sebastien Ogier, 25, who will also drive a Red Bull-backed C4.

Citroen Racing Director, Olivier Quesnel said: "We will continue to count on Sebastien and Dani to defend our world titles in 2010, and we will also be prolonging our association with Sebastien Ogier who showed outstanding potential this year. Last but not least, it is with immense joy that we welcome Kimi Raikkonen to our ranks. We are very proud that he has chosen Citroen. In addition to the confirmation of these four crews, we will hopefully be able to announce other programmes over the coming weeks."

Raikkonen's only WRC experience to date came on this year's Rally Finland, where ran as high as 15th overall in an Abarth Grande Punto S2000 before crashing on the second day. He has also entered three other non-championship rallies this year.

Wrc.com understands that Raikkonen and Lindstrom will get their first taste of competition together in the C4 on the Arctic Lapland Rally, the opening round of the Finnish Championship which starts on 28 January from Rovaniemi, on the edge of the Arctic Circle.

Raikkonen made his rally debut on this year's Arctic, at the wheel of his own Fiat Abarth Grande Punto S2000. He finished thirteenth, more than seven minutes in front of F1’s 1998 and 1999 world champion Mika Hakkinen, who tackled the event in a Mitsubishi Lancer.



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Поворот от F1 к WRC. Норберт Хауг: "Кими возьмется за работу по-настоящему". ( АББ #49805)

- Кими всегда занимался тем, что доставляло ему удовольствие. Он сейчас возьмется за работу по-настоящему. Сезон в ралли намного интенсивнее сезона в Ф1.

(Motorsport-Total.com/SID) - Well it's official: Kimi Raikkonen moves in the cross fire. The 2007 World Champion Formula 1 and leaves the drive in 2010, Citroлn-junior team for one season in the World Rally Championship. The 2007 World Champion Formula 1 and leaves the drive in 2010, Citroлn-junior team for one season in the World Rally Championship. The back door to Formula 1 he keeps open: His contract is initially limited to one year. The back door to Formula 1 he keeps open: His contract is initially limited to one year.

As a reward for his silence gives the field, Raikkonen collected from his previous employer Ferrari a "pain" of modest € 17 million. As a reward for his silence gives the field, Raikkonen collected from his previous employer Ferrari a "pain" of modest € million 17th In Maranello had the force to be difficult and uncommunicative "Iceman" never really liked. In Maranello had the force to be difficult and uncommunicative "Iceman" never really liked. Even weeks before it was clear that he vacate his cockpit for the two-time world champion Fernando Alonso needs - after 157 Grand Prix, 18 wins, 16 pole positions, 35 fastest laps and a World Cup title is not very simple step. Weeks ago, it was clear that he vacate his cockpit for the two-time world champion Fernando Alonso needs - after 157 Grand Prix, 18 victories, 16 poles positions, 35 fastest laps and a World Cup title is not very simple step.


Despite all the lip for Citroлn and the World Rally Championship Raikkonen would probably have remained very much like in Formula 1, but the talks with his McLaren team request, for which he was already gone from 2002 to 2006, failed due to his financial demands. Raikkonen, who would in the event of a change in the formula one allegedly "received only" twelve rather than 17 million severance payment from Ferrari, wanted to clear more salary than the five million Euro differential. Raikkonen, who would in the event of a change to the formula one allegedly "received only" twelve instead of 17 million severance of Ferrari was clearly more than the five million € salary difference.

The World Rally Championship for Raikkonen nevertheless far more than just a stopgap. "I always wanted to go sometime in my career, rally, especially in the World Cup. Now I have the opportunity to drive the best car ever, the Citroen C4," said the Finn, in whose home the fast ride over hill and dale more tradition than anywhere else in the world. "I always wanted to go sometime in my career, rally, especially in the World Cup. I now have the opportunity to drive the best car ever, the Citroen C4," said the Finn, Whose home in the fast ride over hill and dale more traditional than anywhere else in the world. Even older brother, Rami Rдikkцnen has for years successfully on the road in the Finnish championship. Even older brother, Rami Rдikkцnen has for years successfully on the road in the Finnish championship.

That he wants to play in the World Cup not only the celebrity guest star, but the front runners, Kimi Raikkonen has proved in August 2009. That he will play in the World Cup not only the renowned guest star, but the front runners, Kimi Raikkonen has proved in August 2009. During the Rally Finland, he started in a privately run Fiat Grande Punto difference, but after a spectacular rollover at 15th During the Rally Finland, he started in a privately run Fiat Grande Punto Difference, but after a spectacular 15th place at rollover from lying. Point of lying.

"Kimi has always been what has made him fun," said Mercedes motorsport boss Norbert Haug, once at McLaren-Mercedes Raikkonen's boss: "He is fine now to the work. A rally season scheduling is much more extensive than one Formula 1 season. " "Kimi has always been what has made him fun," said Mercedes boss Norbert Haug, once at McLaren-Mercedes Raikkonen's boss: "Here he motorsport comes now, right to the work. A rally season The scheduling much more extensive than one Formula 1 . season "

Probably not the only reason to Raikkonen has first committed only for one year. Probably not the only reason to Raikkonen has first committed only for one year. There is speculation that the Finn could 2011 at Red Bull, the chief sponsor of the Citroen-Junior team returning as team-mate Sebastian Vettel in Formula 1. There is speculation that the Finn could in 2011 at Red Bull, the chief sponsor of the Citroen team-mate Junior returning as team-Sebastian Vettel first in Formula



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Кай Линдстрём: это серьёзный вызов для Кими. ( Nataly #49817, Loiste #49822 )

- Это сложный вызов пойти в эту серию с таким малым количеством опыта. Кими ещё не готов быть раллийным гонщиком, но такое ощущение, что он уехал из Jyvдskylд будучи на совершенно другом уровне, чем когда приехал туда.

- Конечно, у нас земные цели, но когда ты надеваешь шлем и застёгиваешь под ним ремешок, ты будешь стараться так, как только сможешь.

- На Ралли Иордании я ездил вместе с Томми. Тогда оно было в начале чемпионата и перед ним были специальные тесты.

Линдстрём верит, что Райкконен быстро адаптируется к машинам WRC. К другим вещам адаптироваться придётся дольше.

- Несомненно, это самый большой вызов для Кими. Он проедет 12 ралли.

До чемпионата Райкконен принимал участие только в одном асфальтовом ралли, и то, не смог финишировать.

- Тем не менее мне очень интересно, как Кими будет ехать асфальтовые ралли.

Nuotitus Kim's most difficult challenge

Kimi Raikkonen decided to roll our sleeves and tackle a new challenge in earnest. Formula Master drive next season, right-Citroen WRC team coach throughout the World Rally Championship series with the exception of the New Zealand rally. The races he has been familiar only in Jyvдskylд World Rally Championship, which he attended last summer.

Raikkonen comes directly from behind the wheel of the WRC car racing speedboats previously, only four rally throughout their careers. Throughout his life racing cars, racing for about kuljettajavirtuoosilla car handling is the spinal cord, but the challenge is to develop new games and varying conditions of learning.

- It is a hard challenge to do a series on that experience. Kimi is not yet ready for a rally driver, but he seemed to leave Jyvдskylд championship rallies completely different level than entrants in general, Rдikkцnen's race for the co-driver Kaj Lindstrom says.

- Cup of source-to-earth attitude, but always when enforcing helmet and chin strap off, so it is best after you try.

World Rally Championship series next season, two all new competition: Bulgarian Rally and Rally of Corsica in France, a replacement drive Alsace-Vosges rally. Tommi Makinen, and many other drivers, ex-co-drivers Lindstrцm an entirely new route to be driven at Rally of Turkey, and Jordan, are a series of rally games alongside alien rallies, where he has not previously competed.

- Jordan I have had time with Tommy. It was then becoming the Championship and then they took a special test, Lindstrom remembers.

Lindstrom believes Raikkonen quickly adapt to his previously used Super2000 car WRC-efficient car. Other things, learning may take a little longer.

- Nuotitus Kim is definitely the biggest challenge. It will succeed in all twelve rally, Lindstrom says.

Nuotituksen challenge is exacerbated by the current World Cup series of special tests to be run in practice only twice, so drivers who have been longer in the series, knows the route better and newcomers will benefit from plenty.

Asphalt Games

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Raikkonen leaves the Championship behind him only one run on asphalt rally. Italy Cup run was interrupted, however, the bud.

- Nonetheless, I look forward with great interest how do Kimi asphalt rallies, "says Lindstrom.

Raikkonen competes Citroen so-called 'junior team, which he does not have exactly the same as the number one team in ajokkia ajavilla Sebastien Loeb and Dani have Sordolla. Differences between the cars are very small. Rдikkцnen's race tallitoverina Frenchman Sebastien Ogier.



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Кай Линдстрём о переговорах с Ситроен. ( Рыжий Галк #49894 )

Кай Линдстрём был на радио и сказал, что как только Райкконена уволили из Феррари, Кими тот час же связался с ним и открыл переговоры с Ситроен.

Кай сказал, что достаточно скоро после этого Кими решил, что он не будет в Ф1 в следующем сезоне и начал переговоры чтобы заключить контракт с Ситроен.

Кай получал предложения быть штурманом от других гонщиков, но когда Кими решил пойти в ралли, Кай отказал им всем и решил, что он хочет быть штурманом Кими.

Таким образом вся история с Макларен была всего лишь прикрытием?

Kaj Lindström was on the radio and he said that after Kimi got sacked from Ferrari he immediately took contact with Kaj Lindström and he again opened up the negotiations with Citroën.

Kaj said that it was pretty soon after that when Kimi decided he wouldn't be in F1 next season and they have been negotiating the contract with Citroen ever since.

Kaj Lindström was asked to be a co-driver to other drivers in WRC but when Kimi decided to go there Kaj said no thank you to them and decided he wants to be Kimi's co-driver.

So all the negotiations with McLaren and who knows who else - they have been a smokescreen all along

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Интервью с Каем Линдстрёмом. ( Lunna #49991 )

Kaj Lindström, what is Kimi going to do next year?

- Kimi will drive rally next year.

In which team?

- Citroën.

How did the contract negotiations proceed so that you got to this point?

- Well, the matter has been active for a longer time, of course it isn't a short process when a guy like him makes a contract. The managers have worked on it and now we have reached the point where all the facts are on paper and the paper is signed.

Have you been intensively involved in this process all the time?

- In that way I have been involved that when we started talking about Citroen I was the person who was first in contact with them and then they started to take the matter further and then it was taken by bigger hands.

There has been enormous rumours around Kimi, probably more than around any other guy in the history of motorsport. What kind of options did Kimi have when thinking of next season? Do you know anything about them?

- Hmm, of course I know something about them but we have talked about this for long, ever since he got the information that his contract with Ferrari will be terminated and ever since that we started working on the rally-project and then in a quite early stage after that Kimi decided that he won't continue in F1.

- I haven't seen the contract and all the details in it but I'm sure that I will know more when we go to Paris in the beginning of January to try out the seats (benches).

Does Kimi get paid twice as much as Loeb?

- There seems to be all kinds of rumours but if the information I was given is correct then it really isn't true.

How long is the contract?

- One year at the time. Kimi's scenes can change, we don't know if he will go back to F1 or if rally is his future but those are things that for sure will be cleared out during season 2010 when we see how the rally goes, how much it interests him and then of course what his managers can accomplish on the F1-side.

- For Kimi this will bring yet new challenges, we have to remember that he is inexperienced when it comes to rally, he has a lot of work and challenges since people seem to be really thirsty to see him succeed and of course there is potential for that too but it also depends on of how quickly we get them chased out of the guy.

What can we realistically wait from Kimi?

- If we keep in mind that he has raced in four rallies, in other words an amount that a normal driver drives doubled in his first year and still it doesn't lead anywhere. He is a talented, a very talented driver in F1 and those skills can be used on this side too but you shouldn't wait for any victories in any rallies, that's for sure, but we will try at least to gradually lift the position up to the points and see how far they take during the first year.

Have you agreed upon any testing program?

- Of course we drive tests before the first rally and the first test is when we take part in the Arctic rally.

Yes, snow, tarmac and gravel, you will drive on all those. Kimi is most familiar with the tarmac and has some experience of snow too but he will still have a lot of work?

- I'm waiting with a huge interest for the tarmac rallies because he is quite a lot talented on tarmac. Last year we went to Italy but unfortunately the race didn't go anywhere because the car had technical problems but the test before the race on tarmac promised quite a lot.

Is Kimi Räikkönen the first WDC in both F1 and WRC?

- It's possible but not during this first year, that you have to remember!

How does it feel for you to go back to work?

- Very good because my blood is in rally and I'm very pleased.

Did you have other options?

- During the autumn I had other rides in WRC offered but when we started to negotiate with Kimi we also decided that I would be in his ride and informed the others that I'm not available.

There has been other rumours too all the time, Petter Sohlberg said that Kimi will come to his team and there was even talks about Marcus Grönholm driving there.

- Petter of course, when this rumour mill is going on, Petter is an ex team mate to Tommi and me so apparently it goes so that when we go to chat with Petter somebody puts 2 and 2 together thinking that we will drive there for sure. It's quite a rumour mill that has been piled up.

How have you reacted to these rumours when you have seen Toyota, McLaren, RedBull and Mercedes GP and Sohlberg's team, Citroen and double the salary that Loeb gets and even Ford offered a test - has it amused you when you have known all along what the deal is?

- It has boiled over, the whole thing. Ford's tests meant that Malcolm said to the Finnish media that Kimi is welcomed to test if he wants to and that was his offer, nothing more. Then there's been these helmet-paintings and double salaries - who comes up with them and where do they come from? But it seems to be like this whenever Kimi is concerned.

What does it mean for the WRC-serie that Kimi Räikkönen will drive there?

- It will have a bigger impact than we can even guess at this point.

They have also said that Kimi is more suited for the rally-atmosphere than he is for the F1-atmosphere?

- Let's hope that it's correct. He was in the previous rallies in a good mood and enjoyed it there and then there is the challenge that is the most important thing.

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"Ситроен": очень горды, что Райкконен выбрал нас. ( Vanila #49808 Matt_uza #49942 SF1fan #49933 )

Глава раллийного подразделения "Ситроена" Оливье Кеснель прокомментировал приход в команду Citroen Junior Кими Райкконена, подписавшего однолетний контракт.

"Для меня это безмерная радость, что сегодня мы приветствуем Кими Райкконена в наших рядах! Мы очень горды, что он выбрал "Ситроен".

Мы продолжаем рассчитывать на Себастьяна и Дани в надежде, что они защитят чемпионские титулы в 2010 году, и мы продлеваем наше сотрудничество с Себастьяном Ожье, который показал огромный потенциал в этом году", — цитирует Кеснеля официальный пресс-релиз команды.

Семикратный чемпион мира по ралли – Себастьян Лоеб также сказал несколько добрых слов в адрес Кими Райкконена.

«Здорово иметь в наших рядах пилота, умеющего управлять машиной Формулы 1 и желающего научиться управляться с раллийной машиной», - заявил Себастьян Лоеб.

«Могу сказать, что тренироваться управлять машиной по легенде гораздо легче, чем набираться опыта в Формуле 1», - признался французский чемпион, который в конечном счете отказался от идеи дебютировать в гонке Гран-При Абу-даби за рулем машины Toro Rosso.

«Он может поехать куда угодно и при этом на протяжении всего дня тренироваться работать по легенде. И плюс к этому, ему нравится ралли. Поэтому, если он отнесется к этому серьезно, то сможет добиться хороших результатов», - добавил Себастьян Лоеб.

Себастьен Ожье :

- Это было достаточно предсказуемо, слухи об этом ходили несколько дней. Было известно, что он [Кими] увлечён Ралли.

- Это хорошие новости. Кими увеличит количество людей, интересующихся ралли. Это очень хорошо для нас.

- Конечно, впереди его ожидает период ученичества, который не будет простым. Тем не менее, он топ пилот, который выиграл чемпионат мира в ф1. Я полагаю, он сможет скоро адаптироваться.

- Ситроен - это одна большая семья. У нас нет никаких внутренних склоков, или чего-то подобного. Мы помогаем друг другу насколько это возможно.

- Я никогда не встречался с Кими, но мне хотелось бы. Я слышал, что он не подпускает к себе близко никого кроме друзей. Никнейм "Айсмен" не просто так придуман. Тем не менее я надеюсь хорошо с ним поладить и мы будем работать во благо команды вместе.

- Я не знаю ещё точные даты тестов и не знаю ничего о его планах, но мы точно будем тестироваться вместе. Если не в один и тот же день, так последовательно.

- У нас машина не на 100% такая же, как у заводской команды, не отому что правила требуют это. Мы вторая команда. Тем не менее машины очень близки.

Still in New Zealand?

Junior Tallin the preliminary competition program has 12 World Championship rallies. New Zealand World Rally Championship have apparently been left out for cost reasons.

- I do not know the exact reason why, because I have not yet looked into all the details with the team. On current trends, we do not participate in it, but let's see how the season starts up. I think that if we achieve good results, it is possible that we might be seen also in New Zealand, Ogier bet.

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Кими о Ралли ( Andrew Smolensky #49998 )

"Я всегда хотел на определенном этапе своей карьеры выступать в ралли, в особенности в WRC. Благодаря Red Bull, я имею возможность проехать на лучшем автомобиле в классе, Citroen C4. Это очень увлекательная задача. На данный момент у меня только один год контракта, мы увидим, как все сложится в будущем. Я не могу дождаться, чтобы попробовать машину и участвовать в первом ралли."© Кими, www.circusf1.com

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Маркус Гронхольм : Кими не вернётся в Ф1. ( Andrew Smolensky #50042)

Friday, 04.12.2009 at 13.24

- Честно говоря, когда Кими проведёт этот год в Ралли, ему не захочется возвращаться в Цирк. Конечно, он останется в ралли. Я так думаю.


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