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Конвергенция и Регламент LMP2 / DPi 2017

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5 производителей заинтересованы в новом регламенте ДПИ: http://sportscar365.com/imsa/iwsc/at-least-five-manufacturers-eyeing-2017-dpi-programs/

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У этих америкосов семь пятниц на неделе. Еще год назад они подписали соглашение о конвергенции классов согласно ФИАшной классификации. Уже в этом году вместо PC должны были ездить LMP3. Думаю, что все это закончится обычным рестайлингом DP...


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Starworks Motorsport станет первым клиентом Riley Mk XXX LMP2 в WeatherTech SportsCar Championship



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Гривз планирует в следующем году перейти в DPi

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Конвергенция LMP2 и DPi - разногласий все больше, точек соприкосновения все меньше. 




Will future IMSA Prototypes compete at Le Mans in LMP2, LMP1 non Hybrid, or even at all?

That is the open question following on from our piece yesterday which touched on the rather far from complete question of whether the planned 2017 IMSA DPI Prototypes (below), based on the coming ‘Global’ LMP2 chassis from the four selected chassis manufacturers, will be permitted to compete at the Le Mans 24 Hours, and if so in what class and specification.


In a briefing today at Paul Ricard Pierre Fillon and Gerard Neveu responded to questions on the situation by explaining that there was a gap between the expected level of difference between the original idea of LMP2 and IMSA DPI and the extent to which the IMSA regulations, and proposals from manufacturers, had moved on.

Initially it was envisaged that the IMSA cars would be able to compete in the new look 2017 LMP2, based around the four alternative chassis, equipped with a new for 2017 spec Gibson V8 for competition in WEC and ELMS.

IMSA cars would be performance balanced for Le Mans against the Gibson-powered cars but would need to adopt the spec bodywork for their chassis suppliers, rather than IMSA specific bodywork which can accommodate styling cues from the engine manufacturers.

Both the level of manufacturer involvement (and potential development), and the subsequent potential performance of those packages has caused alarm at the ACO, as, no doubt, has the potential for multiple manufacturer-backed entries in a prototype class competing directly with Privateer World Championship efforts at the most prestigious race on the calendar.

Add into the equation the differences in electronics packages between the ACO and IMSA spec cars, and the fact that some potential 2017 IMSA engine packages will not be able to utilise the sec bodywork (A Honda twin turbo V6 for instance would need a much more complex installation package), and the gap widens even further.

The potential of accommodating the DPIs within the non-hybrid LMP1 regulations was also raised as a possible area for discussion but it was clear from the tone of the discussion that the distance between the parties involved is very considerable. The potential for a total split between the prototype fields in IMSA and the FIA WEC is a very real one indeed, and that could very well mean that DPIs may not have a future at the Le Mans 24 Hours .



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Блин, очень интересная информация, а переводить не хочется... ))




What is exactly an IMSA DPi car?

A 2017 IMSA DPi car is a standard ACO/FIA homologated 2017 LM P2 Prototype chassis from one of the four approved constructors (Dallara, Onroak Automotive, ORECA or Riley/Multimatic) fitted with IMSA-homologated, manufacturer-designed and branded bodywork and engines. Each participating DPi manufacturer must partner with one of the four approved constructors and commit to a bodywork and engine package.

How is this different from the standard 2017 LM P2 car?

The standard ACO/FIA homologated 2017 LM P2 car must use each constructor’s specific bodywork (and at Le Mans, the “low downforce” bodywork kit version is required) with no modifications and a Gibson V8 engine with a standard-specification Cosworth electronics package controlling car systems and engine management.

For DPi cars, IMSA has defined specific areas of the bodywork regulations to allow manufacturers design and stylistic freedom to create recognition of their specific brands. These areas include the nose and sidepod areas, rear-wheel arch and rear valance. Manufacturers will use this stylized package in conjunction with their eligible specific engine and electronic systems. However, the expanded bodywork freedom will not create a situation of confusion in identification between DPi cars and GT cars.

What cars are eligible in the 2017 WeatherTech Championship Prototype class?

DPi cars, 2017 LM P2 cars and closed-cockpit 2016 LM P2 cars with IMSA-homologated engines will be eligible. After the 2017 season, 2016 LM P2 cars no longer will be eligible.

Will customer versions of the DPi car be permitted?

Manufacturers have the freedom to run factory teams or make their car available to customers as they desire.

What fuel and tires will be used?

In the IMSA WeatherTech SportsCar Championship, all cars competing in the Prototype class will use Continental tires and E20 fuel provided by VP Racing Fuels.

How will IMSA balance the differences in the two versions of the 2017 car?

All DPi and LM P2 cars will undergo comprehensive wind-tunnel testing programs to ensure competitive balance from an aerodynamic perspective. Teams fielding DPi cars and LM P2 cars will have the ability to use some approved aerodynamic add-ons, enabling them to tune their cars to each track. This will promote diversity in car setup and stimulate competition.

Each engine also will undergo IMSA’s standard engine testing and verification. The target power level is 600 bhp and a comparable level of power and torque will be determined for each option.

Have there been changes made to the DPi or LM P2 platform since the four chassis constructors were selected and announced by IMSA, the ACO and the FIA last year?

Shortly after the selection of the four approved chassis constructors last summer, IMSA received feedback from interested manufacturers that resulted in a need to make a slight alteration to the car dimensions in order to accommodate engines of a certain length. IMSA has worked closely with the ACO and the FIA to confirm the required dimensions. In addition, prospective DPi manufacturers have revealed a desire to use their own electronics providers rather than using the “spec” Cosworth ECU and related electronics that will be used in the Gibson-powered LM P2 cars.

When will the DPi regulations be finalised?

IMSA expects the technical regulations for both DPi and LM P2 to be finalized this month to enable constructors and manufacturers the ability to move forward with the project and meet established deadlines. These cars will make their competition debut next January in the 55th Rolex 24 At Daytona.

The ACO has voiced concerns in the media that, in their opinion, the IMSA DPi platform has moved too far away from the global LM P2 platform. Do you agree with that perspective?

IMSA, the ACO and the FIA have worked very closely together throughout this process and we will continue to do so as the last details of the technical regulations and related elements are finalized. All three organizations have raised concerns over different aspects of the project at different times. It’s all in the spirit of collaboration.

From the start, it has been understood and acknowledged that IMSA’s business goals and objectives for its top Prototype class differ from the goals of the FIA and ACO for a class that is not the top Prototype category for them. The IMSA DPi is intended to attract and involve top-level manufacturer involvement with professional teams and drivers – as it the case with the ACO’s top category – LM P1. The ACO LM P2 category prohibits manufacturer involvement and is a tightly restricted pro/am class.

Throughout this very complex process, multiple interested manufacturers have provided feedback and guidance that has resulted in an evolution of the technical details. As a result, some technical details are different from the original plan. However, the primary objective of using the same chassis – the same core car – and have cars (DPi and LM P2) that could truly compete with each other in ACO and IMSA competition has absolutely been retained.

IMSA and its partners at the FIA and ACO remain closely aligned on the overall objectives of delivering a competitive, cost-effective prototype that can be used for different applications across multiple championships.



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Даллара LMP2 должна дебютировать на трассе в конце августа

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Бэнтли и Ниссан исключили свое присутствие в DPi в следующем году. Вопрос находится на рассмотрении в долгосрочной перспективе.


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Starworks Motorsport станет одним из клиентов Riley-Multimatic в DPi



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Машины LMP2 в следующем году станут на 150 л.с. мощнее, что по некоторым оценкам приведет к уменьшению времени на круге в Ле Мане до 3:30


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Пока только Мазда и Кадиллак подтвердили намерение участвовать в классе DPi. HPD и Panoz по слухам в процессе.


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Мерседес будет поставлять моторы для команд от АМГ ГТ3.

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10 часов назад, SareN сказал:

Мерседес будет поставлять моторы для команд от АМГ ГТ3.


Ну там как бы речь идет о интересе со стороны команд к этому движку. Вроде как пока ни какого официала не было. 

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Братья Тейлоры и Макс Анджелелли провели шейкдаун "американской версии" Dallara LMP2 с двигателем GM в Индианаполисе. Европейские тесты шасси с двигателем Гибсон должны начаться 27 сентября на трассе в Вайрано.

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Первый пошел - Ligier JS P217



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А вот и засветилась Даллара:


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43 минуты назад, SareN сказал:

А вот и засветилась Даллара:




Практически клон нольпятой :smile44:


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53 минуты назад, Largo сказал:

Практически клон нольпятой

Ну здесь 3 прототипа: Порше 919 2015, АРХ 04б и 05 Орека. 

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Фото почетче



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Если Райли выкатит нечто подобное ... :facepalm:



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Форд ведет переговоры о возможных среднесрочных перспективах участия в классе DPi 

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Ну вот начали появляться некоторые цифры...

По итогам моделирования и Лижье и Даллара расчитали среднее время на круге в Ле Мане, и оно составило 3:30 

На тестах в Монце JS P217 прошла круг за 1:36


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Новенькие Гибсоны готовы для первых клиентов





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